Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let's make Harry apologize

Senate Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid

(Background: Recently Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) said that unemployed men are most likely to commit domestic violence against their wives or girlfriends while unemployed women are not likely to commit domestic violence against their husbands or boyfriends. Obviously Reid has not read unbias domestic violence reports. Reid has also refused to apologize even though there is pressure from 16 groups and bloggers such as myself for Reid to apologize even though he refuses to do so.)

Plea to Help Sen. “Scary-Harry” Reid

Thursday, February 25, 2010

By Abusegate Bob

Two days after his “men tend to become abusive” remark, Sen. Harry Reid has become the laughing-stock of America.

Laura Ingram at Fox and Friends dismissed his comments as “lunacy” that “stigmatize the unemployed.” Kerry Picket at the Washington Times advised, “Reid should not be throwing out accusations, when he appears to know very little about the issue.” And common citizens worried whether Reid will start to beat his wife after he loses his job in November.

Sen. Reid’s polling numbers are down. Obviously he’s in desperate need of help. He requires a little encouragement to understand the error of his ways and issues an apology for stereotyping men as abusers. Once he apologizes, things can get back to normal and Sen. Reid can get the senate up and running again.

So c’mon folks, let’s all extend Mr. Reid a helping hand. Please contact his office with this simple message: “Apologize now, Harry:”

Telephone: 1-202-224-3542
Fax: 1-202-224-7327

P.S. Want to enjoy a real knee-slapper? Visit

Source:click here

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