Monday, May 16, 2011

American shame

I'm one who likes to see the U.S. Constitution honored,respected and abided by our governmental institutions and when they don't we need to call them on it. Now the crimes that one can lose Constitutional rights is in what is called "politically correct crimes". A politically correct crime is one in which the alleged victim is a member of a protected group in this case that group would be women. Such crimes can be rape,domestic violence or sexual harassment. For the purposes of this post we will discuss domestic violence. In the United States domestic violence is a hot button topic in which the prevailing lie is that only women are victims of domestic violence and I will show you where the U.S. Constitution and particularly the 14th Amendment have been killed off by the U.S. judiciary.

Let's consider the following:

In Iowa, the Attorney General’s Crime Victim Assistance Division has openly acknowledged,“The prosecutors we fund are prohibited from prosecuting female cases.”

In Lexington County, South Carolina, a diagram outlining program procedures reveals that all persons who are arrested for non-felony battery cases of domestic violence are meted some sort of punishment: treatment, fine, and/or jail. There is no legal option that allows a person arrested for a domestic violence offense to be found innocent of the allegations.

In Warren County, Pennsylvania, a person who is arrested on a charge of domestic violence can choose between two Orwellian possibilities: Go to jail, or sign a pre-printed admission of guilt that reads, “I have physically and emotionally battered my partner…I am responsible for the violence I used. My behavior was not provoked.” Some say these procedures are tantamount to extracting a forced confession.

In Portland, Oregon, the deferred sentencing program has developed literature explaining the program procedures. The literature always refers to the perpetrator as “he” and the victim is denoted as “she.” An administrator for the program defends this bias with the dubious claim that “Using gender-neutral language would devalue the fight against domestic violence in the overwhelming majority of cases.”


What is causing lopsided laws? Feminism. But feminism is just one aspect of it there is a mangina tendency called "chivalry" and chivalry has been one hell of a feminist enabler. In fact they have a symbiotic relationship for one wouldn't exist without the other. It is chivalry that has kept men from questioning women's motives and it is through feminism that women have exploited the good nature of men. When we take the blinders of chivalry off we see things for what they truly are. Perhaps not in a way that conform to our romantic fantasies but is nevertheless quite real and we have to deal with it real quick. One of these ways we can counter feminist lies is by FACTS and the facts are on our side. The best way the facts can help our cause is if get them out for public consumption and by telling our elected leaders our concerns.

I'm going to go a bit off topic now. I know I haven't done that before but now I'll make an exception. The recent posts on this blog have shown signs of hope. From the Kellett situation with the press conference and the judge's decision not to oblige Kellett on her gag order to getting our point across to elected officials to standing up to feminists and their white knight enablers. If we are united in our demands for justice and act united we can accomplish great things.Never forget that. The only ones that want us to stop are the feminazis that wish to eradicate the male gender and I'll be damned if I'm going to let them win. Fuck that. Fuck surrendering. We are on the right track as our enemies' responses to us show that we are on the right path. Forward we press on.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed in full. And it disturbs me how men are being used and abused by the system stacked against them, as well as the zealotry and hubris shown by Mary Kellett and her ilk to demonize and falsely accuse and convict men.
