Monday, May 16, 2011

a couple of things-part 2

Remember emailing Bangor Daily News reporter Bill Trotter,telling him about the Vladek Filler case in which rogue prosecutor Mary N. Kellett tried to railroad the accused and asking him to look into it? Well he did and it is here. Thanks to our efforts we have the media looking into Kellett and now more people are becoming aware of her deplorable actions. You guys did good and take this moment to give yourselves a pat on the back. The united actions of MRA's are having an effect. Don't let anyone talk you out of men's rights activism because we are on the right track.

Second issue is there is censorship on America speaking out. America speaking out is a site funded by TAXPAYER DOLLARS and authorized by the Speaker of the House. I have emailled the admin for this site and received no reply so the Speaker of the House,John Boehner,was contacted regarding this. The problem is that America speaking out is censoring while being a government agency and that goes against the First Amendment stating Congress cannot abolish free speech. We should contact the Speaker and tell him what they are doing. When selecting issue select "ethics". The more of us he hears from the better so email him today.

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