Thursday, August 12, 2010

Female sports

I got an email about a new article from Christina Hoff Sommers talking about female sports and the lack of coverage of it and it is very informative. Read on:

Take Back the Sports Page?
By Christina Hoff Sommers
Thursday, August 12, 2010

The political wing of the women’s sports movement is in trouble. These activists are accustomed to challenging timid bureaucrats and university administrators. But in taking on TV sports coverage, they are challenging the market itself.

Since 1989, the Center for Feminist Research at the University of Southern California (USC) has published a study of “Gender in Televised Sports” every five years. The latest report has just been released and the Women’s Victim Industrial Complex is reeling from the findings. “Shocking,” says the Women’s Sports Foundation.

According to the report, coverage of women’s professional teams has “nearly evaporated” and a “deepening silence” has enveloped women’s professional soccer, basketball, golf, field hockey, and softball. “Nothing short of stunning” says author Michael Messner, a feminist sociologist at USC. “This is simply intolerable.”

Diana Nyad, sports show host for National Public Radio affiliate KCRW and a celebrated distance swimming champion, was moved to write a special introduction to the latest report: “Women’s athletic skill levels have risen astronomically over the past twenty years ... It is time for television news and highlights shows to keep pace with this revolution.” She describes the neglect of women’s sports as “unfathomable and unacceptable.”

The Women’s United Soccer Association and the American Basketball League were supposed to appeal to the same passionate demographic: both folded after a few seasons.But the heavy focus of news and highlights shows on men’s sports is not only fathomable but obvious—that is where the fans are. And that is where advertisers expect to find customers for “male” products such as beer, razors, and cars. Men’s professional sports are a fascination (obsession is more like it) to many millions of men, because they offer extreme competition, performance, and heroics. Women’s professional sports, however skilled and admirable, cannot compare in Promethean drama.

Even women prefer watching male teams. Few women follow the sports pages and ESPN, but many enjoy attending live games—featuring male athletes. According to Sports Business Daily, 31 percent of the NFL’s “avid fans” are women.

Nyad and the USC study authors demand that television cover women’s sports “fairly and equitably,” but the study never once mentions the word “attendance.” Shouldn’t fan interest in the games drive the media stories? Economist Mark Perry, my colleague at the American Enterprise Institute, looked at the numbers. For the 2009 season, the NBA got 92.3 percent of the total attendance for pro basketball (NBA plus WNBA), while the WNBA got only 7.7 percent of the total attendance (see chart below). But according to the USC study, the WNBA received 22.2 percent of the coverage. Perry’s conclusion: “So women’s pro basketball got a hugely disproportionate share of media coverage. Total attendance at NBA games was 12 times greater than attendance at the WNBA games, but media coverage was only 3.5 times greater for men than for women.”

‘Women’s pro basketball got a hugely disproportionate share of media coverage.’Nyad and the USC researchers claim that current media neglects and under-serves a large audience of female fans. Where are these fans? Sports Illustrated for Women, first published in 2000, was marketed to females between the ages of 18 and 34 with a “passion for sports.” The magazine lasted less than two years. The Women’s United Soccer Association and the American Basketball League were supposed to appeal to this same passionate demographic: both folded after a few seasons. The WNBA loses money every year, but survives because of the largesse and determination of NBA Commissioner David Stern—whom ESPN’s “Sports Guy” Bill Simmons refers to as the WNBA’s “Sugar Daddy.” (According to Slate, the NBA owns and subsidizes 6 of the 13 WNBA franchises, and the WNBA teams lose between $1.5 million and $2 million per year.)

The latest USC report is silent about the near-total absence of sports in women’s media. The limited coverage consists mainly of human-interest stories about women athletes. By the logic of the USC authors, shows such as “The View” and “Oprah” should be offering sports highlights and scrolling tickers with scores. Magazines such as Vogue, Allure, Cosmopolitan, and Better Homes and Gardens should be bursting with stories about draft picks, photographs of awesome plays, and up-to-date information about fantasy teams and brackets.

The WNBA teams lose between $1.5 million and $2 million per year.The USC study praises one alleged positive development: "In 2004, we noted a decline in disrespectful or insulting treatment of women, compared with previous years. In 2009, we saw even less of this sort of sexist treatment of women.” On this point, the researchers have not been doing their homework. The women’s sports hype-machine, with its relentless ads, insipid slogans (“We Got Next” and “Expect Great”), and grating theme songs—not to mention the relentless Title IX war on college men’s teams—has created a men’s resistance movement that is now brazenly out in the open. And its weapon is humor—sexist, “disrespectful,” and often funny. The last decade, coinciding with the life span of the WNBA, has seen an avalanche of politically incorrect jokes and parody articles at the expense of female sports. Here are a few examples:

• TiVo refusing to record women’s basketball. —

• Female Athletes Making Great Strides In Attractiveness. — The Onion

• The odds a man will attend a WNBA game this year are 1 in 168.2. And the odds he'll do so willingly are 1 in no freaking way. — Steve Hofstetter, National Lampoon "Sports Minute"

• Breast Cancer Launches WNBA Awareness Month. — The Onion

• WNBA Franchise Moving to Tulsa Sounds About Right. — The Onion

• New "Girls Gone Wild" DVD to Feature WNBA's Sexiest Hard Fouls. —

• Flat-Chested Sorenstam only a perky set of C cups away from Superstardom —

• “The mere concept of the WNBA is inherently flawed, like someone opening an inferior pizza place right next to the best pizza place in town, then using female chefs as a marketing hook. Who cares? It's still subpar pizza, right?” — Bill Simmons, ESPN’s “Sports Guy.”

Oh wait, the last one’s not a joke. It is the plain truth. And it points to a big problem for the political wing of the women’s sports movement. These activists are accustomed to challenging juicy institutional targets—such as timid university administrators and government bureaucrats. But in taking on TV sports coverage, they are challenging the market itself—the enthusiastic preferences of vast numbers of Americans in a central pursuit of their daily lives. It is a game the sports feminists will lose.

Source:click here

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Medical experiments

A Maryland medical group has started treating autistic children in South Florida with shots of a drug used for chemical castration, a therapy widely panned by mainstream experts.

The group gives children the cancer drug Lupron to stop their bodies from making testosterone, saying the drug helps expel toxic mercury and quells aggressive or sexually explicit behavior by kids with excessive levels of the male hormone.

A Boca Raton mother who just put her 18-year-old son on the drug said it seems to help.

But numerous physicians, researchers and therapists insist there's no proof mercury causes autism, that Lupron removes mercury or that autistic kids have excessive testosterone. What's more, the drug carries a risk of bone damage, stunted growth and heart trouble, and can render children impotent.

These experts contend that Lupron, costing about $5,000 a month but seldom covered by insurance, is one of many treatments that cash in on the desperation of parents trying to cope with an incurable condition for which medicine has few good answers outside of painstaking behavioral therapy.

"Not only is there no scientific backing whatsoever for Lupron treatments, there are several major concerns for the children's health," said neurologist BethAnn McLaughlin, an adviser to the Dan Marino Foundation autism group in Weston and the mother of two developmentally disabled children.

"These people are preying on the fears of parents. We cannot be using these children who are so vulnerable as guinea pigs in a medical experiment."

Untested autism treatments have flourished while science struggles to explain the disorder, which disrupts the abilities to speak, concentrate, connect with people and control impulses.

For unknown reasons, autism has been on the rise for the past few decades, with an estimated 675,000 children – about one in 100 – now having mild to severe symptoms. Scientists believe it stems from genetic defects that may only cause problems after an environmental trigger.

A vocal subset of parents and activists blame vaccines, especially those with the mercury-based preservative thimerosal, which has been banned from virtually all as a precaution. Numerous studies have found no connection between autism and vaccines or thimerosal.

Lupron therapy grew from the mercury camp. Baltimore researcher Dr. Mark Geier started using the drug in 2005 on the theory – disputed by mainsteam doctors – that testosterone binds mercury in the body and that many autistic kids have high levels of the hormone.

Lupron halts production of the female hormone estrogen, which the body uses to make testosterone. The drug mainly is used to treat endometrial cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, and sometimes to chemically castrate sex offenders.

Geier's promotional materials said he has treated hundreds of children with Lupron and has launched nine ASD Centers in eight states. In his latest, he teams with Dr. David Clayman, a Boca Raton radiologist who has an autistic teen son and is opening an ASD office beside his MRI center in Tamarac.

Clayman said he would not comment until he treats patients with Lupron therapy for a year. Geier could not be reached for comment despite several attempts by phone. He told one parent he did not plan to comment for this story.

The medical group began recruiting Florida patients in March when Geier spoke at a Fort Lauderdale conference for parents of children with autism.

Teresa Badillo was at the meeting. Her family has searched in vain for a way to help their autistic son, Marco, 18. Badillo said he has little speech or interaction with others, but is doing OK in high school. Lately, though, Marco has grown more aggressive, physical and rebellious.

"We were basically under seige in this house," Badillo said. "This kind of behavior is more scary at 18 [than] at 3. I had choices to make. If you see there is another option out there that can help your child, most parents are going to choose that option."

Also, Marco had discovered sex and sometimes touched himself inappropriately in public, a common problem among those with autism.

"The kids don't understand. They have impulses. It's what happens when you have high testosterone," Badillo said.

The family put Marco on Lupron about six weeks ago. He gets two injections a month at a dosage larger than used on adult cancer patients, plus a small daily shot.

"The therapy immediately stopped the aggression," Badillo said. "This is not castrating a kid. It's just lowering the [testosterone] levels enough to normal range so the kid is not aggressive."

She said Geier plans to continue the Lupron for several months to see if it helps Marco's other autistic behavior. She said she knows the drug has risks but believes Lupron critics do not fully grasp the hard realities of life with an autistic child.

Lupron critics said autism parents may not understand the dangers.

The drug is not approved for children – except a rare few with premature puberty – because it can impair bone development crucial to growth, said Dr. Gary Berkovitz, chief of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Miami medical school.

It's not recommended for people with heart disease, kidney disease, asthma, depression or seizures because it can worsen those conditions. Autistic children are prone to seizures.

"It has not been tested so there's no way to know if it has adverse effects in the long run," Berkovitz said.

Said neurologist McLaughlin: "We have very significant concerns about irreversible damage to sexual function and the brain and sex organs of these children."

In addition, the Food and Drug Administration is investigating complaints that Lupron causes diabetes in adults.

Geier published a 2006 study contending that 11 autistic children taking Lupron did better on tests of awareness, sociability and behavior. He has since issued other studies finding that mercury leads to excess testosterone and that autistic children have excessive levels of the hormone.

Other doctors said Geier's studies were small, were not scientifically sound and were published in journals that do not follow the standard practice of having experts review the methods.

The area's largest autism treatment center jointly run by the University of Miami and Nova Southeastern University, as well as another at Florida Atlantic University, frown on Lupron and other untested therapies, officials at the centers said.

Dr. Judith Aronson-Ramos, a developmental pediatrician in Coconut Creek, said practitioners promoting untested alternative treatments often appeal to parents by portraying themselves as persecuted rebels.

"It's always just 'The medical establishment is against us,'" Aronson-Ramos said.

Two doctors said Lupron may be gaining traction, because several families have asked them to test their children's testosterone levels.

"Parents get desperate," said Debbie Chanan, an autism program coordinator at Florida Atlantic University. "Parents will spend all their money."

"Your first instinct as a parent is to try to fix things for your child," said Carol Nigro, mother of an autistic son and a coordinator at the Dan Marino Center in Weston. "Autism doesn't have a fix."

McLaughlin said parents should stick with slow and difficult but proven therapies. Teens struggling with sex can benefit from counseling, rewards for positive behavior, jobs or activities to keep them focused and, if needed, drugs to treat anxiety or sleep issues, she said.

"What we know works is a rough course," she said. "Yes, we can do better. But what we don't want is for families to lose faith in science and go off with people who … are violating the first rule of being a doctor, which is 'first do no harm.'"

Source:click here

First denial of rights to a specific group then draconian laws that target that group then using that group as guinea pigs for medical experimentations. Does anyone else see a pattern here?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

female stalkers 2

I got another email about the female stalkers. It is very telling because of eletters to the comments section stating how it can be done and I don't put anything past feminists. So here it is:

Many of you may have read my original e-mail about my experience living with a radical feminist and subsequently being harassed by radical feminist stalkers. In that e-mail, I mentioned that she was in A.A., which she originally referred to as a "women's group". I suspected that group also served as cover for psychotic radical feminists. The exchange reminded me of another aspect of my situation that I forgot to mention in my original e-mail. The psycho I lived with also attended Yoga regularly. I mentioned that she was on several different psychotic drugs plus Chantax. Her visits to her psychiatrist were merely what she called "med checks". In her exact words, she would be there for about 20 minutes, and the "doctor" would "renew her prescription, tell her she needed more Yoga, and send her on her way".

My point is, while I suspected the A.A. group, I suspected the Yoga group even more and did a Google search and found one site that briefly mentioned a relationship between feminist-stalkers and Yoga. It was neither one of the many in which women talk about being so addicted to Yoga that they "stalk" the studio, nor one about guys' concerns about being suspected of being a stalker if they go to Yoga class since they are largely dominated by women. It clearly indicated a connection between feminists-stalkers and Yoga. It was the only one I found and I either forgot to bookmark it, or I just can't find it among all of my bookmarks on the subject, and I haven't been able to find the site through a search again. I really had to go through a lot of word combinations to find it, i.e., "stalkers", or "stalking", plus, "feminist" or "radical feminist" plus a lot more. I can't remember what combo got the hit.

So, the upshot is that I am convinced that both women's A.A. groups and Yoga classes, both of which the woman in my situation attended weekly, commonly serve as cover groups for psychotic radical feminists who are bent on the destruction of men and manhood, particularly independent-minded men who maintain a certain level of self-esteem that is usually destroyed by marriage.

In addition, I've heard in passing and seen in television fiction several scenarios in which women attempt to cajole men into joining Yoga. It's difficult for me not to believe at this point that their goal is to destroy the masculinity of the men who attend.

Please, spread these messages to everyone you know.


Best regards,
J. Paul

Thursday, July 22, 2010

War crimes

General James Mattis:war criminal

Feminist Marine Gets His Kicks Killing Male Chauvinists in Afghanistan
Thursday, July 22, 2010
By Fred Reed

On, I find a loutish American general, James Mattis, martial feminist, talking about the fun he has killing Afghans. Yes, fun, wheeee-oooo! and ooo-rah! too. He says, “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil,” adding “guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyways. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.” What must he do with prisoners?

A joyous killer, possibly orgasmic. Note mandatory flagly background, pickle suit, and stupid colorful gewgaws so he looks like a goddam stamp collecton. Stern gaze is necessary to become a general. From defending the Constitution to the pleasure of watching Afghans die: The military has come a long way.

I’ll guess he fell just shy of graduating from third grade. He sure ain’t much of a general, no ways, I reckon. Just the fellow I want representing me in the world.

Does General Dworkin-Mattis speak of manhood? Odd, since his military is being badly outfought by the unmanly Afghans that are fun to kill. By the Pentagon’s figures the US military outnumbers the resistance several to one. The US has complete control of the air, enjoying F16s, helicopter gun-ships, transport choppers, and Predator drones, as well as body armor, night-vision gear, heavy weaponry, medevac, hospitals, good food, and PXs. The Afghans have only AKs, RPGs, C4, and balls. Yet they are winning, or at least holding their own. How glorous.

Man for man, weapon for weapon, the Taliban are clearly superior. They take far heavier casualties, but keep on fighting. Their politics are not mine, but they are formidable on the ground. If I were General Dworkin, I’d change my name and go into hiding. Maybe he could wear a veil.

Perhaps the US should recognize that it has a second-rate military at phenomenal cost—an enormous, largely useless national codpiece. It is embarrassing. The Pentagon’s preferred enemies are lightly armed, poorly equipped peasants, which makes for a long war and thus hundreds of billions of dollars in juicy contracts for military industries. Yet the greatest military in history (ask it) gets run out of Southeast Asia, blown up and run out of Lebanon, shot down and run out of Somalia, with Afghanistan a disaster in progress and Iraq claimed as an American victory rather than Shiite. Do the aircraft carriers intimidate North Korea? No. Iran? No. China? No. For this, a trillion dollars a year?

The reasons for the mediocrity are clear enough. First, the Pentagon has become a contracting agency for buying gorgeous and elaborate arms of little relevance to the wars the US fights. (If the Martians attack, we’ll be ready.)

Second, the US is no longer a nation of hardy country boys who grow up shooting and loading hay bales into pick-ups for spare change. (For the uninitiated, hay bales are heavy.) I often see headlines such as “More than two-thirds of Texas schoolchildren flunked the state’s physical fitness test this year…” If Texas has gone all soft and rubbery, you can forget about Massassachusetts. The American pool of hardy, manipulable kids without too much schoolin’ isn’t what it was. The lack of troops of course pushes the Pentagon toward more pricey gadgetry and greater imbalance.

Now, it is regarded as treasonous to question that Our Boys are the best trained, best armed, toughest troops in the world, and I’ll probably get punched out in bars for pointing out the awful truth. Let’s imagine an experiment. We take Killing-is-Fun General Mattis-Abzug, and a thousand GIs, and a thousand Taliban, and let them fight it out in any patch of wretched barren mountains of your choosing. On equal terms. What you think? Same weapons.

Good idea, General? You eat what they eat, wear what they wear. They have no medical care, and neither do you. If they get lung-shot and die the hard way, you do too. It will come down to guts and motivation.

Motivation: It counts, general. I believe it was Bedford Forrest who said of some of his troops, “Them cane-brake boys jest plain likes to fight.” I guess there must be just a whole lot of cane in Afghanistan. The Taliban will go to any length to cut your freaking throat because you have been killing their wives and children, fathers and brothers, and you will fight for… for… well. Uh. Big oil, AIPAC, Ann Coulter. Or a promotion for General Mathis-Abzug. Anybody want to put odds on the outcome?

Or what if they had the air power, the gun ships…?

And General, killing them might be a tad less fun when you couldn’t do it from the safety of a gunship. Just a thought, General.

A digression here. Bear with me. It’s just that General Mattis-Steinem makes killing sound like so much fun. And I guess it is, for some. You’ve seen the YouTube video of GIs machine-gunning people walking around a city street from a helicopter gunship. A hoot. But—can I offer a second opinion?

I went off to Viet Nam because I was young and dumb and adventurous and they told me that I was fighting for Apple Pie, and Mom, and White Christian Motherhood (which I spent my high-school days dreading, but never mind). Actually I was just another sucker from the small-town South. The Pentagon depends, utterly, on small-town suckers. They are brave, trainable, not real thoughtful.

Funny how things look if you think about them. Patriots talk about the tragic deaths of young Americans in Afghanistan. Well, ok. Other things being equal, young guys getting shot to death in a pointless war is not a swell idea. I’m against it. In fact, the more you see of it, and I’ve seen a lot, the worse an idea it seems. Of course, a logician might point out that if you didn’t send them to Afghanistan, they wouldn’t die there—would they?

The dead are not the only casualties. Go to a Veterans Hospital, and watch the left-overs come in. You might be surprised how much fun they didn’t think it was. Or what they think of General Mattis-Firmstare. You might be very surprised.

But tell me: why is a GI’s life, mine or anyone else’s, worth more than the life of an Afghan child of three? Especially if you pretend to be a Christian, tell me. (I love this part. Military Christians are wonderfully funny frauds.)

A pretty good rule of thumb is that the attacking army is in the wrong, which would have made a Vietnamese kid’s life worth more than mine. I’ll buy that, though I’m happy it didn’t work out that way. But the attacking countries always believe that Their Boys are sacred.

When the Japanese attacked Pearl, they figured a Japanese pilot’s life was worth more than that of an American sailor. The Germans thought the same, mutatis mutandis, when the Wehrmacht went into Poland, as of course so do Americans when they invade country after country. But why is the aggressor’s life sacred, prithee? If I leap out of a dark alley and attack your daughter with a butcher knife, is my life worth more than hers?

But it is just so much fun to kill Afghans. Excuse me, I need to puke.

Source:click here

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Feminist stalking gang

I received an email from an anonymous poster informing me of a secret feminist cult that seeks out to destroy the lives of men. They are either in positions of power or have other influence. Here is the letter:

I am contacting all of you because of something I experienced over the last few years and what I've learned from subsequent extensive internet research. Basically, there exists in this country a secret cult of psychotic radical feminists, lead by some who have obtained powerful or influential positions, who secretly conspire to destroy men's lives simply because of their hatred, predicated on any one or combination of the usual reasons, of men in general. Their main tools are false allegations of abuse of women, mostly rape, and constant surveillance through planting software on the target's phone that enables the device to act as both a g.p.s tracking device and an eavesdropping tool. The phone acts as a microphone even when the target is not on a call so the listener can hear what is going on near the phone all the time when it is on. They use the g.p.s tracking to stalk the target where ever they go and then disseminate the defamatory allegations to everyone in the community. The target is then treated rudely by everyone he encounters. Even if the phone is turned off, the g.p.s,. tracking works. The battery must be removed from the phone to disable the tracking.

In 2007 I met a woman on the internet. We hit it off. There were a few red flags that I should have recognized early on, but I was in a bit of a desperate situation, the physical attraction was very intense, and she did good job hiding her alterior motives. I was enrolled in course at a junior college not far from where she lives and started visiting her once or twice a week on days when I had class. I had an exceptionally long commute to class and had been considering moving to the area to save on expenses. We agreed that I would move in with her, see how things might go living together, and I would look for a nearby place of my own. I felt strongly about her, so I did all this despite knowing that she was attending A.A.--the meetings for which she referred to as a "women's group"--and had issues with the fact that when she was in grade school, her father beat her mother regularly. I moved in in late June.

After I moved in, there were little things that started to make me suspicious. The first major red flag was when she bragged for the third time with no provocation about how sharp her kitchen knives are. Each time she said the exact same thing while holding one of the larger knives: "These knives are very sharp." Then I started adding up other factors. Her collection of dvds included a substantial dose of horror movies and violent movies that included blood and gore. Specifically, she owned not only the dvd movie, "Monster", based on the true story of Florida serial killer of men, Aileen Wuornos, but also owned the dvd documentary, "Aileen: The Life and Death of a Serial Killer". Included in her collection of paperback books was a handful of books about serial killers, including one about cannibals. Eventually, she started leaving the cannibal book on the toilet tank. When she went to bed at night, she would put the timer on the television and leave it on G4, the video-gamers channel. She did not own a gaming consul and showed no interest in gaming otherwise. I never watched the channel myself, so I didn't figure it out at first. Then one night I watched it to see what might possibly be her reason for watching the channel. It was then that I noticed that a substantial portion of the video game scenes shown on the channel included flashing blades and spurting blood.

In addition the sharp knives comment, she started to make other comments and doing things in an attempt at psychological torture. It's called gaslighting. Simultaneously, several things were going wrong in my personal life. My car died. I almost got my license suspended. I realized I wouldn't be able to attend class. Every time something additional would go wrong for me, she would intensify the attempts at psychological torture. None of the instance s were major events, but rather relatively nondescript events that added up, though some stood out. The best way to sum up the whole thing is "death by a thousand cuts."

A few examples:
When referring to men, she would always do it in a derogatory way, often saying "just a tiny little man".

The knives comment

She had 2 cats and had one of those cardboard scratching boxes for them. On one occasion while the younger of the 2 cats was using the box, she bent over to urge him on, shaking her fists and saying with and intense, psychotic tone, "That's it Vinnie! Fuck it up! Tear one up and move on to the next!"

She took a potential client on an Alaska cruise. I dropped her off at the airport. The last thing she said before we parted was, again in her psycho tone, "Enjoy the solitude."

At one point she said, "You haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

When I got a notice from the dmv that my license had been suspended, we discussed it and she talked about looking into it because she's a lawyer and knew judges. But during the conversation, as on a few other occasions, while I was looking at the document and she thought I couldn't see her, as she acted sincerely concerned about my situation, in my peripheral vision I saw her very quickly grin broadly and sadistically. It lasted less than one second.

She owned quite a bit of Happy Bunny merchandise, novelty items featuring a smiling bunny with a decidedly jaded, negative messages. She seemed to have a particular affinity for her Happy Bunny shirt with the Bunny holding an ax above its head and the caption, "Let's Play."

While out in public, she would openly show disdain for mother's with their children, including babies in strollers. It wasn't until later that I learned that radical feminists particularly take issue with motherhood being considering a major characteristic of being a woman.

Those are just a few points. There are too many to name them all.

She is an attorney who specializes in defending corporations against workman's comp claims. Again, seeing the full picture is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, so it wasn't until I started adding other things up that I realized the significance of a certain example she told me about to illustrate a regular investigative method she uses: she proudly told me how she had a military-experienced investigator go "swinging through the trees" to get a photo of a workman's comp recipient tossing a deer he'd just bagged up on to his truck. While I am against men or women exploiting the system the way this guy apparently was, after adding things up, it became evident that she pursued this legal specialty specifically for the purpose of targeting men. Surely, the majority of workman's claims are filed by men.

After adding up all of this, it dawned on me that she lived in the most remote unit on the top floor of a twelve story high-rise, each floor having its own garbage chute leading to a trash compactor in the basement. She could have cut me to pieces, tossed me in the garbage and no one ever would have known. I believe it was around that time that I took a closer look into her medicine cabinet. She was on no less that 6 different psycho drugs, plus Chantax, and quit-smoking drug, which around the time, studies found created violent tendencies in the user.

I had no vehicle and she basically had me trapped. I made the decision that I should look into getting out of there. I suspected that the apartment was bugged with a listening device, so I intentionally left the apartment to make a call to a relative to seek assistance and help in moving out of there. That night, she came home, packed a bowl with pot, plopped down on the bed, took a hit, and said, "So...makin' some plans, huh?" The next day I reserved a U-Haul and told the building superintendent what was going He let me move into the vacant adjacent apartment for the night. The next I got the U-Haul, packed up and left. This was in September of 2007.

Also, there were indications that the woman was connected to my brother, a con-artist scientologist who several people had warned me was out to destroy me because of jealousy regarding height, our respective levels of success in college (I graduated from the same school he dropped out of.), and because of anger over that fact that while in college he'd caught his high school sweetheart messing around with another guy. I'm not going to go into details about what my brother and my family did, but I mention it because after escaping from the woman's apartment, I had to move back in with my father who was also part of my family campaign against me because of fundamental politics.

After moving, I was out of work and severely depressed over what had transpired. I finally found work as a security guard at a local steel mill in July of 2008. During my time there, I began to be treated very rudely by both fellow guards and plant employees. I mention this because other guards began to make comments indicating that I was suspected of some kind of mistreatment of women. At the same time, I started to notice that everyone I encountered in public, particularly women, were very, very rude to me. Then, at a family Sunday dinner, a female cousin of mine made the comment, "It's good to know Boardman (the nearby town where she lived.) cops." while looking at me with a look of hatred.

Then it occurred to me that I was seeing certain women anywhere I went, always arriving with the same time range after my arrival. Many of them shared a certain physical characteristic--they were at least slightly overweight . While all of this was going on, I saved as much money as I could with plan of leaving the area when I felt I had the resources to survive. I suspected that they were tracking and eavesdropping on my cel phone, but it wasn't until I saw a television news package about software anyone can obtain that when planted in someone's phone can indeed turn the phone into an eavesdropping/tracking device. It was in researching this software that I discovered the phrase, "gangstalking". It's a form of widespread community harassment using exactly the tools I've mentioned combined with gaslighting techniques. Google it.

Finally, I left the area in early December of 2009 and drove across the country to San Francisco. The stalking followed me! I attended a jazz club performance by a female vocalist named Kaitlin McGaw who fit the physical description of my stalkers. In fact, she closely resembled the woman I lived with. She actually made comments out loud during the show alluding the things in my personal life. The friends that came with her and the band all gave me sly looks upon entering the club, as did she and her bandmates. Then she leered at me as she introduced a certain song, saying, "This is kind of song you write after a guy just packs up and leaves without saying a word." In my research, I'd learned that a major reason women make the false allegations is because of being jilted. She also sang a song called "Hiding out at the hotel". For budgetary reasons I was forced to stay at a ratty, crack-house hotel in the neighborhood.

The woman I lived with made it clear that she had in the past, and was perfectly willing to provide sexual favors to judges in order to get what she wants. The night of the McGaw show I confirmed that I was specifically being stalked by radical feminists and that it must stem from a false allegation made by the woman I'd lived with. I initiated a google alert e-mail for "false rape" and received a link to this story about a Florida woman who had drugged a series of men and stolen their jewelry and cash. The victims described the suspect as "white, kind of heavy set and in her late 20s to early 30s." McGaw, the woman I lived with, and the vast majority of the women I'd noticed stalking me fit this description. It was upon reading this article that I fully realized what was going on. Also, I'd joined some local job-seeker groups. Women in the group fitting the description harassed me through e-mail as well.

Also, I joined a state-sponsored in-person job-networking group and various women who joined the club made it clear that they were part of the persecution. It wasn't until later that I learned that the coordinator of the group is herself a radical feminist and likely facilitated the presence of the women who joined to harass me. Sure enough, all of the women whom I identified as stalkers left the group after a very brief stay and I later found that some of them were self-employed and therefore had no need for a job-networking club.

A key for the persecution to be successful is to isolate the target and to keep everything the stalkers do a secret. They count on the fact that anyone the target tells the story to is most likely going to think the person is insane--this is a key part of the method. It has also been indicated to me that part of the reason they do it is simply because a guy reaches a certain age without marrying, as I have. It's a control measure.

Eventually, I made what might be loosely termed a "political move" to end my overt persecution. In their attempt to isolate me, it turns out they didn't examine my resume closely enough. I have some friends they weren't counting on who are somewhat powerful in their own right. They're in national television journalism in New York. I contacted one of them and explained my entire story. Before I left for San Francisco, someone close to a prominent local public figure indicated that the public figure was not only knowledgeable but possibly implicit in my harassment. I basically threatened the public figure with implication to a major, major investigative news outlet for whom my well-connected friends had done some freelance work. Lo and behold, my overt persecution ended and people started treating me very, very nicely. It was then indicated to me that my story about the pscyho I lived with had been corroborated and my name had been cleared. If I were insane, would there have been a discernible end that corresponded directly with the "political move"?

Before it was over, though, I noticed hat I was seeing a lot of women with tattoos with variations of the same element--3 stars. I googled it and found that 3 stars is a common symbol for Ishtar, an ancient goddess who abused men. That was when I started to see the cult nature of it.

It was during the last week of March when I made the move to end the persecution. Recently, it has become evident that though the overt harassment and stalking has ended, I am still being followed by these psychotic radical feminists. After you've been through it for months on end, it becomes relatively easy to pick them out. I've had a few dates on each of which I noticed that a different woman who fit the radical feminists physical/visual type sat very near by, presumably for the purpose of monitoring the date. Clearly they've got my cel phone number and are still monitoring me--a gross invasion of privacy.

What I suspect is that they operate on a "lone-wolf" basis, using an internet database on which they can check a g.p.s. map for targets in their area. The site provides some kind of code corresponding specifically to a given target, thus enabling the stalker to follow that target on the internet or with software installed on their laptop and/or cel phone. I once saw a woman I suspected of being a stalker in a coffee shop looking at a laptop with something that looked like google maps open to a close-up of the neighborhood with a red trail matching the route I'd just taken. It was not the map that made me suspect her. I suspected her first and then saw the map. Because of the lone-wolf protocol, which helps to protect them as a group by limiting evidence of mutuality, it is possible that some aren't aware of the change I've forced on the situation and therefore continue to follow me. The only question is, "Why wouldn't the woman who I lived with, who is obviously the one who originally targeted me, have me removed?" I suspect that because my situation has been investigated by major authorities, she refrains from the site and it is possible that the site is set up so only the person who named that target can remove him from the list--just a hunch.

I've made some contacts, though, whom I think I can trust and I'm basically moving forward free of persecution. Nevertheless, because I still sense that I'm being followed, I felt compelled to send the message. These psychotic women are conducting a secret conspiracy to suppress men and manhood in general, and blindly follow the protocol predicated upon complete trust in the allegations made by other members of the group regardless of what specific details of the case they may or may not be aware of. In fact, I suspect it is quite possible that individually they simply trust the mere presence of the person's name on the site without delving into details at all.

Sign up for a G-mail account if you don't already have one and get a google e-mail alert for "false rape". You'll see how much it goes on. Please disseminate it to as many men as you possibly can. This is very, very real.

Best regards,

Monday, July 12, 2010

The sexist and the racist

I was watching Geraldo on Fox yesterday and on his show he had King Shabazz,leader of the New Black Panther party-an anti-white organization. Geraldo himself is an anti-male sexist and he is debating Shabazz and it seems that the only place they find common ground is bowwing down to women. Geraldo played a clip of Shabazz chastising black men for not bowwing down to the black woman. Chances are that this is the same black woman who said she didn't need a man and that men are a burden and as we have seen this attitude crosses racial lines well I'm sure men of all races have gotten it and left these women alone. Strange how Shabbaz didn't bring up what the black woman has done to the black man or maybe he doesn't care which is strange for him to take that attitude because he asks black men to do his dirty work and possibly go to jail for him.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Myth of Women's Oppression

Paul Elam nails it better than anyone else has,enjoy listening I know I did.