Thursday, April 10, 2014

Feminist death threats

I was reading on Fidel Bogen's blog recently and I found a couple of postings about how truly desperate and dangerous feminists are. They are even talking about killing those that disagree with them. This is going to become a very real war with possible street violence. Be vigilant. Check this out: here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

SB 967 is stalled-for now


MEASURE : S.B. No. 967
AUTHOR(S) : De León and Jackson (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member
Lowenthal) (Coauthors: Senators Beall, Cannella, Evans,
Galgiani, Monning, Pavley, Torres, Wolk, and Yee)
(Coauthors: Assembly Members Ammiano, Fong, Gonzalez,
Quirk-Silva, Skinner, Ting, and Williams).
TOPIC : Student safety: sexual assault.
+LAST AMENDED DATE : 03/27/2014

Majority Vote Required
State-Mandated Local Program
Non-Tax Levy

LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 04/07/2014
LAST HIST. ACTION : Placed on APPR. suspense file.*

TITLE : An act to add Section 67386 to the Education Code,
relating to student safety.


A bill or set of bills, with a fiscal impact, set aside in Appropriations Committee by a majority of Members present and voting. These bills may be heard at a later hearing.


It's been put off for awhile. Congrats to all who wrote on behalf of all men,not just college age men,to be free of feminist oppression. You did good give yourselves a pat on the back. Cyber high 5's to everyone who did their part. We need to keep an eye on this bill just in case someone is stupid enough to try and revive this Frankenstein's monster of a bill back to life we will be ready again. Not just to fight SB 967 but all misandric bills that come before legislatures and congresses worldwide. The Men's Rights Movement will be a force to reckon with.

Sunday, April 6, 2014



MEASURE : S.B. No. 967
AUTHOR(S) : De León and Jackson (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member
Lowenthal) (Coauthors: Senators Beall, Cannella, Evans,
Galgiani, Monning, Pavley, Torres, Wolk, and Yee)
(Coauthors: Assembly Members Ammiano, Fong, Gonzalez,
Quirk-Silva, Skinner, Ting, and Williams).
TOPIC : Student safety: sexual assault.
+LAST AMENDED DATE : 03/27/2014

Majority Vote Required
State-Mandated Local Program
Non-Tax Levy

LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 03/29/2014
LAST HIST. ACTION : Set for hearing April 7.
HEARING DATE : 04/07/2014

TITLE : An act to add Section 67386 to the Education Code,
relating to student safety.


Current status of SB 967,California's answer to the Federal "Dear Colleague" directive. If you are unfamiliar with SB 967 click here. Time to act is now. Go to the California government's links by clicking on the preceding link.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Good news

From SAVE Services:

In a MAJOR VICTORY for us, the Dept. Of Education has backed off their Affirmative Consent proposal.

The proposal (partners would be expected to give their explicit consent to sex every step along the way) is silly, yet potentially dangerous. We asked you to oppose it, and you did. Thank you.

Together, we made a difference. On April 2, the DED released its new proposal, and guess what is missing! That's right: Affirmative Consent.


But we're not done yet.

Even though the committee didn't recommend including the "Dear Colleague" letter's preponderance of evidence standard as part of the rule, it's still a concern. Please ask DED Secretary Arne Duncan to replace the "preponderance of evidence" standard (51%) with "clear and convincing" (70-80%) level of proof.

Email Arne Duncan:



PS. If you live in California, contact your lawmakers to oppose SB 967. It's an Affirmative Consent bill!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

Can you help us grow? Please share this e-lert.

This is indeed good news. Time to start writing Arne Duncan and tell him to go with "beyond a reasonable doubt" which is what the criminal courts use. Or better yet just turn the cases over to the criminal courts. After all they are the ones best suited to handle these cases. Not a bunch of faculty members and students who look at a rape kit and say:"I have no idea what I'm looking at". Not only that but judges in criminal courts are more impartial than those on some college or university board that may be influenced by the opposition. Affirmative Consent would have brought this monstrosity to life and that may still happen in California if SB 967 becomes law. If SB 967 becomes law it could spread to your state so opposing it now would be the best thing or face it later.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Protest the female favoring FOX News

I have seen misandry on The Five from Andrea Tantoros as well from Megyn Kelly on her show The Kelly File and I'm sick of it. If you are too then let's write FOX News CEO Roger Ailes and let him know that we are tired of it. He can be reached at Let him know that we are tired of the misandry and that we would like more gender balance in their programming. Men's issues are very real so they don't have to report falsehoods but facts since we have legitimate grivences. Write him today.

Fuck the Kelly File

FOX should cancel the Kelly File for becoming femalist filth. Everytime that fucking whore Megyn Kelly is pushing feminist filth. Tonight it's about cunts in the muslim world and how they suppositely have it so bad. Tell that to the boys that are raped or forced to be some warlord's soldiers. Tell that to them you fucking conservative fucking cunt. Everytime you have this on your show. You should be ashamed of yourself you talk slut. Her show should be cancelled and replaced with a more appropriate MRA show.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fight the Affirmative Consent Madate

The U.S. Dept. of Education has proposed that college students who engage in sex will have to follow Affirmative Consent requirements...or they will be considered rapists!

That lead to a bill in California that would mandate students give their consent on a repeated basis before and throughout the sex act...or they will be considered rapists!

A college in Ohio adopted Affirmative Consent in the 1990's prompting national ridicule. The idea was even lampooned on Saturday Night Live.'s baaaaack:

Ask your elected officials to Oppose the Dept. of Ed. Affirmative Consent Mandate...before everyone on campus is considered rapists!

Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Find your Lawmakers:

Thank you!


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments