This was posted on my forum awhile ago and I feel it needs repeating now,the following is from khankrumthebulgar:
Martha Coakley was the perfect FemBot candidate who hated Men. In truth I hope somebody caves her skull in with a Crow Bar she is an Evil Bitch. Who sent Innocent people to Prison for her own gain. She is a Monster. Feminism is losing ground with voters. Who are sick of their lies and their pathological hatred of Straight Women and Men.
Code Pink is appealing to Al-Queda. My view, it is now open Season on any Bitch wearing a Code Pink shirt. Terminate them with extreme prejudice. They are pleading with Bin Laden for help to kill Men in the US. I cannot wait to piss on Mary Daly's grave. It turns out she hated Transgender people also. She was a truly Vile psychotic Bitch.
FemBots are now trying to get GOP Women to support their Lies. Its not going to work. Feminists are the enemy of Liberty.
Source:click here
Also check this out:click here
If code pink wants to be treasonous then exterminate code pink members on sight.