I was at a take out place I sometimes go to and today I had to deal with a cashier with an attitude but unfortunately she's the manager so there is no one to complain to. She came off with her attitude and I gave her the "don't fuck with me,bitch" look that I have to give so many cunts today. If she has tude I give her tude back. That's the fucking way it is.
More female shit:
The other day I was picking up my brewskis from the liquor store and I heard one cunt say to the guy she was with that she is attracted to the money (doesn't even hide it anymore) and unfortunately I had to count my money to make sure I could cover the purchase and I did it discreetly or else I would get this golddigger's attention. I didn't but if I did this is what I would have done; there was a box of tampons on the shelf above me. If I had to I would have picked them up and say I was going to get them for my girlfriend or wife and asked the clerk how much they were. I wouldn't purchase them since I have neither a wife nor girlfriend but this would have scared the golddigger off.