Showing posts with label white supremacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white supremacy. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2020

AOC's real agenda

White Supremacists or white nationalists are not that numerous but they do have the right to free speech just as any other group does and they should be prosecuted if they cross the line just like any other group. Rights and responsibilities across the board.

What led me to this conclusion? Her message to the supposed white nationalists white supremacists whatever. She called out to the males but not the females. Like she was surprised there could be females among their ranks. A quick search among the images on the internet will let you know there are a lot of females among their ranks. You can find this out by using the search engine of your choice. It would probably take you a couple of seconds. That is not a long time nor is it difficult to do. So why didn't AOC know it? Because it's a cover.

Okay Masc. As a fellow MRA/MGTOW what group or groups are in AOC's crosshairs?

Us. AOC was talking to anti-feminists,MRA's and MGTOW's. Especially MRA's and MGTOW's.

Men. Please come back. There are women who will love you if you come back.

Is what she was really saying. Singing the siren's song.

By using "white supremacy/nationalism/whatever" robs non-caucasian men of their rights to the Men's Rights Movement and MGTOW. Also, it puts off non-racist white men. Also, it kept her from mentioning us thus robbing us of any coverage whatsoever and it prevent the MRA meme and the MGTOW meme from spreading and attracting new members. It served a three-fold purpose and it was very effective. If somebody other than AOC came up with the "white supremacy/nationalist/whatever" angle that is one thing but if AOC herself came up with it then underestimating her is something we dare not do.

AOC is a feminist. She had never hidden that nor has she denied it. She hangs around other like-minded women on the net so I can imagine that the MRM and MGTOW have been brought up numerous times. They are most likely not big fans of the MRM and MGTOW so I don't expect them to become our cheerleaders anytime soon. AOC is a position to hunt us down and punish us for rejecting her and her sisters. She can call for investigations into our activities even though we are not doing anything illegal. Will she open up an investigation into us? I don't know but it is a possibility.