Friday, July 24, 2009

Beat it

I've been hearing from other MRA's how to successfully hook up with women on webpages and newsletters. Why? In this day and time dating the wrong woman or just merely dealing with the wrong woman and you could end up with a criminal charge and you could end up Bubba's cellmate and that is where you don't want to be and since others have suggested it is difficult to tell the good ones from the bad ones since the good ones don't stand out from the bad ones. You may not get another selection if you choose wrong. What am I suggesting? Boycott women i.e. don't do anything for them,kill chivalry while you can. If you get the urge spank it. It is a lot better than selling your pride and self respect just to get laid and it is a lot easier on the wallet with no legal repercussions. If the gun is loaded against men it is time for men to react and do what we can to starve the matriarchy.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Way to go Missouri

Missouri Men Now Have the Right to Genetic Testing in Paternity Cases

By Robert Franklin, Esq. Jul 10, 2009

The latest development in a matter we've reported on before is here (Kansas, 7/7/09). The governor of Missouri has signed into law a bill that allows men two years after they've been adjudicated to be a child's father to contest the matter in court via genetic testing.

If a test proves the man is not the biological father, he would be excused from previous child-support debt and would have criminal nonsupport convictions removed from his record, under the new Missouri law that takes effect Aug. 28.
The law is obviously a step in the right direction. It gives men some actual control over obligations that courts so often place on them without their knowledge or consent. According to the article, paternity in Missouri was often established by a man's failure to respond to a paternity suit filed by a woman. As we've seen before, his failure to respond, whether due to his own negligence or the fact that he didn't receive notice of the suit, resulted in a default judgment being taken against him. That meant 18 years of child support for a child that may or may not have been his, with no opportunity to establish the truth.

That in turn meant that, if the child were not his, another man shirked his responsibility toward the child. It also encouraged mothers to lie about who the father was and where he was. Since lying by women in paternity or divorce cases about either or both of those matters is rarely punished, the law tended to encourage misrepresentation.

That has now changed in Missouri. It's a small step, but it gives men and putative fathers more power in family courts.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor: racist,sexist

Sonia Sotomayor: Supreme Misandrist?

By Carey Roberts May 27, 2009

Does this remark make you want to head for the hills?
“I would hope that a wise Caucasian man with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn’t lived that life.”

A male faculty member who made such a claim would be laughed off of any college campus. But a slightly-revised version of that remark actually was made at the University of California at Berkeley. This is what Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor had to say at a Law and Cultural Diversity lecture she gave in 2001:

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Punctuating that loopy logic, she then opined,

“Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences,…our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.”

Physiological or cultural differences? Gender and national origins? Let’s come right out and proclaim it to the rooftops: Having female genitalia and being able to roll your R’s makes you a better judge!

Here’s another Sotomayor smoker: “I simply do not know exactly what the difference will be in my judging. But I accept there will be some based on my gender and my Latina heritage.”
That’s right, she’s admitting that unconscious biases may taint the impartiality of her legal opinions.

And again: “I further accept that our experiences as women and people of color affect our decisions. The aspiration to impartiality is just that — it’s an aspiration because it denies the fact that we are by our experiences making different choices than others.”
Am I losing it or what? Isn’t she saying because she’s a woman, impartiality is merely an “aspiration”?

Apparently that notion was ricocheting through her brain last year when she ruled in a reverse discrimination case involving 19 white firemen in New Haven. It seems that none of the Black firefighters were qualified to be promoted. Sotomayor’s decision? Not allow any of the male firemen to be promoted, either.

That’s right, if Kwame and Keisha can’t qualify for an ‘A’ in chemistry class, then Jacob and Jennifer will have to settle for a ‘C’ as well.

Now you can begin to understand why out of the five majority opinions written by Judge Sotomayor and later appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, three of them have already been reversed. And if the Supreme Court sides with the New Haven firemen, as many believes it will, her reversal scorecard will register a dismal four out of six.

So until the Supremes render their decision next month, let’s just cross our fingers and hope no three-alarm blazes break out in New Haven.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Grass roots effort

There is a grass roots men's club on the campus of the University of Chicago called "Men in Power". It prepares men for what awaits them ahead in the business world. It has gotten critism from feminists and some praise from Warren Farrell. I believe it is a step forward and since most college/university campuses are very PC these days I hope they succeed. Read the article here and send in those emails of support today.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Office of Men's Health

H.R. 2115 : Men and Families Healthcare Act of 2009 will create a Office of Men's Health just like the existing one for women. This is a large step for men and it needs your support if it's going to pass. Follow the link to send an email to your congressperson and/or senators supporting H.R. 2115. The faster you write them the more they know there is a need for this program. Write those emails today.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Rapist parties in bar

Mary Kay Letourneau is back and now she has a night to celebrate in a Seattle bar,which is hosting "Hot for teacher" night. Read about it here. The owner,Mike Morris,had this to say:That Letourneau has served her time, married her beau and it should be okay for them to have a little fun on a Saturday night.

“It's turned into sort of a love story," Morris told the Associated Press. "I realize it had a sick twist at the beginning, but they're both adults now. They're both married by the state of Washington.”

If the genders had been reversed would everyone be welcoming a male rapist with open arms and a forgiving attitude? More likely it would vigilantes taking the law into their own hands and the police letting them get away with it. As far as Morris is concerned if this mangina would be anally raped I wouldn't be in such a rush to punish either considering he would probably wanted it that way. Let's see how much time Letourneau got: 6 years and the permission from the young man's mother. If this were a man he would still be in prison and if he kept in touch with the victim he would be looking at additional time,no sympathic mother or public and most likely Morris would not be throwing a theme party for him either.

It's like I said in the past; it's not about getting rapists it's about getting men,plain and simple.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Moran at it again

Congressman Jim Moran

Apparently Congressman Jim Moran is now authoring a bill that would restrict advertizing for products such as cialis and levitra. Apparently erectile dysfunction doesn't matter to the congressman. This is not Moran's first misandric move. Regular readers of this blog know he also sponsered IMBRA in which foreign women could do criminal checks on American men.

Jim Moran's bill