Thursday, November 29, 2007

Why the militancy

That question has been asked by many MRA's and the answer should be obvious: what has moderation accomplished for us? What has "niceness" done for us? Besides getting us deeper into this mess. Why be nice to an enemy that not only wants to take everything from you but would like to see you DEAD on top of it. Not only that but if you are a father with sons the average feminist would like to see your young sons dead too,just because they are male. These Neville Chamberlains would have you believe they can accomplish peace in our time by making deals with these devils and just like any deal with the devil they get burned. Not only them but the rest of us as well. Then the moderates have the nerve to tell us to shut up or we'll play into the feminist hands. The one thing that I think of is that if we stay silent we definitely will play into the feminists hands,the same if we play "nice". If we play nice,just as we have for the last 160 years (if you include feminism as a whole) or for 40 years (if you are focusing on 2nd wave feminism) then we will continue to get fucked. Why the militancy? Because it is hard to be nice when you are getting assfucked in court (family to criminal to civil) and it's really hard to be nice when society blames YOU for what happens in a "he said/she said" situation even though SHE IS THE ONE AT FAULT and it's really hard to be nice and pleasant when you try to illustrate what is happening to you and/or other men in society when everybody wants to play the ostrich and would rather not know,that is until another "he said/she said" situation arises again and then it's boom,they back off to the races to repeat the same mistakes as last time and when they do they are applauded by the lemmings that make up society lest they are labelled "politically incorrect". It seems they would rather kill their own families to avoid being labelled "politically incorrect". A big problem with moderates is that they are usually staffed by older manginas or young men from single mother homes that don't want to upset women and that there defeats the purpose of being an MRA because if you don't upset women then you will stay silent concerning mens' issues and the women win by your silence. TO ERODE WOMEN'S POWER OVER MEN ONE MUST SPEAK UP AND DESTROY THE FEMINSIT MONSTER THAT WANTS TO DESTROY YOU AND YOUR BROTHERS.

Instead of asking why the militancy one should ask is the militancy legitimate? and the answer is "yes".

Follow-up:the militancy is working


  1. Mediocrity never accomplishes anything.

  2. For four decades now I have been observing life and how Men and Women intereact. Bob has been around roughly the same amount of time.

    I watched in the 1970s when Women stopped wearing Bras on TV. And at the same time announced "We don't want to be treated as Sex Objects". And then went out and got upset when they were not.

    I watched a Woman on a Sunday Morning shoot her Husband to death with a .357 Magnum pistol. While getting myself my then one year old ready to go to Church with my exWife.

    I have seen decent Men, lied to, cheated on, abused physically, financially, and emotionally. And Women get sympathy for their being divorced.

    Attempts to reason with Women have fallen on deaf ears. The media turned Women against Men. As Feminism has been shoved down our throats for decades. "All Men Are Pigs", "All Men Are Rapists" etc. etc.

    While Men began to quietly slip out the back door and bail on US Women. The bashing of Men or rubbishing and slander of us has not stopped for a Minute.

    Kick the family dog long enough. It will become Cujo. That's where I am at now. I have had enough abuse at the hands of Women, their enablers, Manginas and Nanny Government stealing my Money. I am sick of them.

    Time to kick some ass myself.


  3. Cory Anthony, a columnist for the university of California newspaper "The Daily Nexus" believes that Men who touch women should have their hands cut off:
    There are some places in this world where they cut off your hands for stealing. I think Isla Vista should be the place where you get your hands cut off for molesting people. Del Playa would’ve been much better on Halloween if a lot of the guys didn’t have any hands.

    The article is acompanied by a drawing of a Man's hand in a guillotine reaching for a female whore's bottom. (backup)

    In the Bible the only time a law ever demands that someone's hand be cut off is when a woman attacks a Man's genitals. As you can see, the beliefs of the present day are completely the opposite of the old Biblical laws. Today it is women who are respected, in the Bible it was Men who were respected. Today Men are hated above all things and all creatures. We are seen as people who must suffer if not under obedience to women.

    Deuteronomy 25:11,12 (New International Version)
    If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, 12 you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.
    Drugstore Cowboy: Thanks for All the Memories; Next Time Keep Your Hands Off

    Cory Anthony, Columnist

  4. "Cory Anthony, a columnist for the university of California newspaper "The Daily Nexus" believes that Men who touch women should have their hands cut off:"

    I was watching the History Channel a couple of days ago and they had a really good program on the history of shotguns.

    Two guys meet in the narrow path.
    The first man tells the other, "you better get out of my way, I'm an expert in Karate."
    The second man says, "Will, I'm an expert in Kachuka."
    First man says, "I've never heard of Kachuka, get out of my way."
    The second man raises and cocks his pump shotgun, "Kachuka!"
    The first man steps aside and lets him pass.

    There are a lot of advantages, according to the History channel. The shot pattern means you don't have to aim exactly, and the balls don't have identifiable balistic marks.

  5. Mike,

    The links for Cory's article don't work.

  6. This link works (Copy paste it):

    Make sure you have the ?a=3808 part on the back.

    Here is the full text:
    Drugstore Cowboy: Thanks for All the Memories; Next Time Keep Your Hands Off

    Cory Anthony, Columnist

    Published Tuesday, November 5, 2002

    Issue 31 / Volume 83

    Enlarge this image

    Owen Salisbury / Daily Nexus

    “What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen tonight?”

    3:30 a.m., Halloween night: Wide-eyed and staring around, a few devoted debauchers still roam the streets.

    I ask all of them the same question.

    “Uh… I don’t really remember.” He squints at me and walks off, swaying with the rhythms of the drinks sloshing around in his stomach. I can see his morning already. He’ll have to track down everyone he might’ve been with to find out what degeneracy he took part in.

    “Thanks anyway. Happy Halloween.”

    His arm raised in answer. You really can’t expect much from the maniacs who are on the street at this ungodly hour.

    There had clearly been some insanity. The street told the story in trampled cups and costume pieces. At the night’s peak, it took about an hour to get from Camino del Sur to the last house on Del Playa.

    Crushed shoulder to shoulder in this mad parade, no one could see your hands. Faces were hidden under masks and makeup.

    Anonymity gives a guy a hell of a lot of nerve. Added to the booze and pharmaceuticals, which were many and various, inhibitions were drowning in the mob mentality.

    This was the craziest thing I saw:

    A girl who was dressed as an angel and a guy were leaning on somebody’s car in my apartment’s driveway. She, of course, was slutted out, and he was dressed as a frat guy with a mask. They were half-embraced and drunkenly swaying a bit.

    I was walking past them when I heard a squeal. I saw his hand reaching up the side of her skirt. He withdrew it rather quickly when he realized she wasn’t going to quiet down until he moved it.

    They went back to their gentler playing and I was about to walk away again when the guy tried a new approach. He tried to lift her skirt up behind her and she screeched again. He moved his hand and she stopped.

    In almost one motion, he withdrew his hand from the back of her skirt and brought it around for a frontal assault. Either he had a sexual learning disorder or he was trying to molest this girl against her will. When his hand slipped between her legs and up her skirt, she screamed and didn’t stop.

    I walked away, looking out for a cop. It was reassuring to see that she was giving him a hard time. Not every girl is that brave. The guy she was with was big enough to intimidate me, and I had a solid half-foot and 40 pounds on her. How she must’ve felt under his aggressive hands appalled me.

    Walking down the street, there wasn’t a minute that passed without a girl slapping a hand away or shouting “Asshole!” at some guy who had manhandled her.

    I never found a cop in the crowd but mentioned the occurrence to the first one I saw on a side street. I’d bet that no guys got in any trouble for what they did that night. That may make it all right for them, but I wouldn’t want to be the one to have to comfort that angel the next morning if the guy she was with got what he was after.

    There are some places in this world where they cut off your hands for stealing. I think Isla Vista should be the place where you get your hands cut off for molesting people. Del Playa would’ve been much better on Halloween if a lot of the guys didn’t have any hands.

    Daily Nexus assistant Opinion editor Cory Anthony plans to keep his hands his whole life, even after he becomes King of Isla Vista and cracks down on molesters.

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  7. Here is the picture:

  8. The last part of that URL (after asset.php) is:

  9. Now the Fembitches are going to try to rewrite history to make us look bad.

    more feminist propaganda from shebitch steele:

    Was Mass Murderer Marc Lepine Gay?

  10. Typical insult. Calling a man "gay" is the worst insult the faggots and lesbitches can think of.

  11. It is bad now for Men and was bad in the past for Men. Why is this is what democracy brings us?:

    January 10, 1895, Wednesday

    TO WHIP WIFE BEATERS; Mr. Gerry Has a Bill Which, He Is Sure, Will Become a Law. DR. A. F. CURRIER'S STRONG ARGUMENT Lashes, He Said, Could Not Degrade the Monsters Who Struck Women--Other Physicians of the Same Mind.

    * Save

    January 10, 1895, Wednesday

    Page 3, 630 words

    A bill will shortly be introduced in the Legislature to provide for corporal punishment for wife beaters and other brutes convicted of felonies. [ END OF FIRST PARAGRAPH ]

  12. "Mediocrity never accomplishes anything."

    Where's the evidence of your commitment to excellence, bob?

    "Time to kick some ass myself."

    What exactly does that entail, Khankrumthebulgar?

    No answer? You guys are all talk. Pathetic.


    "ExposingFeminism" suggests merging the men's rights movement and the feminist movement. Notice what he/she appends to the end of MikeeUSA's post against this:

    "Note: MikeeUSA is not an accepted member of the MRM due to extremist views. EF"

    What are your thoughts on EF?

  14. Re EF: It looks like EF is another "make nice with feminists" web site that may or may not be run by actual men. Certainly the authors of EF are not adamantly anti-feminist. They condone and suggest acceptance of feminist goals and agendas, and criticize a man who, though plainly misogynistic, is also abvioulsy anti-feminist. I would be cautious of accepting EF as a real man's blog.

  15. Reply to Khan (from exposing feminism Men-can-stop-rape post):
    "this is not a j000ish theocracy, it is a secular multi-not-j00ish-blablabla, kill rapist, take body parts as trophies"
    This is why democracy is worthless: even Men who are Pro-Men's Rights are happy to meet out extreme and immoral punishments out against their fellow Man (and excuse women, ofcourse to a great extent).

    We need a revolution of sorts, not reform, so that pro-men anti-women's rights laws (such as those found in the Bible) can be imposed on the masses of Men and women who hate Men and grate their teeth at these laws that free Men.

    "Women are not property" "call me a mangina and we'll have problems"
    You are a mangina. :) Let us have problems from now on, join the pile. By saying women aren't property (or chattel) and telling us how you would throw some hot rocks around and saw off body parts of Men to take as trophies you show that you are a mangina, maybe a mangina with a gun and a sword but a mangina none the less.

    Do you really think that the friends of the "son-in-law" would not revenge his murder? Your trophies would cement your guilt.

    I can't say for sure, but I think that people like you who have ignored the lieninet parts of the Bible, the parts that are pro-Men, and instead murdered their fellow Man for a myrad of offences are burning in hell right now. REAL SLOW BURNING. You'll probably end up there too. Atleast you'll be with your tough but still manginaish friends. You can defend all the women in hell for all eternity from all the scum elsewhere.

    The Bible is good as it's pro-Men's rights and anti-women's rights.

    (Mangina, Mangina, Mangina, just if you didn't notice. Let's start having those problems. Mangina)


    December 4, 2007 at 2:29 am


    Mike with all due respect. This is not a Jewish Theocracy. It is a Western Multi Faith Secular culture. We are not living in Ancient Israel. And I do not want a Rapist for a Son In Law. I would put 3 rounds into the Bastard at close range. Two to the chest and one to the head.

    And I would take body Parts as Trophies. Women are not property. You and I part company on this. Women should however be accountable for their actions.

    There have always been Male predators in human society. Men have always known this Truth. The Male Relatives of young Women used to deal roughly with such scum. In the old West they danced at the End of a rope. Or were dealt with Mr. Colt. God created man, Samuel Colt made em all equal.

    There is a line between Seduction and Force. Women have eliminated it through Feminism. And have made it ridiculous. Call me a Mangina and you and I will have issues.

    Women are sadly more frequently at the mercy of Predators. This is due to the fact that many Men have grown up in households devoid of a Father. Who taught them honorable conduct towards Women. As well as Anger Control and Self Control. Men used to Court Women. Go to their Fathers to ask permission to date and court their Daughters.

    I did exactly this with my first wife. Introduced myself, met my Future potential Father in Law. And attended Church with his Family. To show my honorable intentions towards his daughter. This is considered archaic by today’s standards. So now instead we have “Hooking Up”. With 12 year old girls on Birth control pills. Yes this is considered an improvement.

    When we deconstructed the Family. We created an Engine to create criminals. If Single Moms produced responsible and effeminate Males. We would have an over supply of Male Hair dressers, and Interior Designers. Instead we have gangs out the Ass, and the Thug Culture in America.

    Remove Fathers replace it with Male bonding the Mafia, Crips, Bloods. With Fathers Knights of Columbus, Rotary Club, Marine Corps. etc. We chose to have more criminals. The first Demographic to have this done was Blacks. This started under President LBJ. When there was a shocking 24% of Black Families headed by Women. Now its over 70%. In New Orleans LA it was 80%. This was considered “Progressive”. It is deconstructing America as a Sovereign Nation instead.


    Masculist Man I have sent the above link to Bob Allen. It is about women in uk called ''mindful wives''. They are women who obey and put their husbands before themselves. I am asking you to investigate the above site, and to look on the net about Mindful Wives and hopefully you can bring it to attention on your blog.

    Mindful Wives have been demonised in the uk by feminazis and by men and women who think Minful Wives are oppressed, when in fact all they are doing is fulfilling their rightful place as homemakers. Funny how these same liberals wont talk about male oppression in the draft but thats misandry for ya.

  17. Masculist Man:
    I'm not clear what you're advocating in this post. Do you mean that militancy is necessary or TALK about militancy?
    Do you actually DO anything or do you just blog about doing things.

    Bob said Mediocrity never accomplishes anything.
    What, specifically, have you accomplished in your 14 years of "being activist"? Have influenced as much as a local ordinance?

    If you and Bob Allen can get me a list of your tangible accomplishments, I would like to post them as a tribute. Heck, I'll even include Luke's accomplishments on the list. I heard he actually turned up his stereo in the dorm in protest. A chip off the old block, just like his Masculist Man.

  18. Note to Masculist Man,
    Many MRAs are now summarily deleting comments by the misandrist attention whore who callse herself "Robin Steele." Her continuing attacks on men and men's activists are not helpful to advocacy for men.

  19. Robin Steele is attempting to build traffic for her site, create controversy or to distract us from our great goals. To wake up as many Men as possible. She is at best a distraction. David Usher has eloquently articulated the battles in the Men's Movement. And while I will disagree with MikeUSA who is a Christian. I am a Nichiren Buddhist.

    Many of Japan's Samurai embraced Nichiren Buddhism. As for being a Mangina. I do not qualify for Mangina status. And Mike is welcome to his opinions although I disagree with some of them.

    Stop feeding the troll. She will get more company at Ginmar's Livejournal feed, or where her thinking is more inline with theirs.

    The Men's Movement is feeling growing pains, and stumbles at times. But it is ours and not going to submit to Feminist or Female Thinking. Everytime that has happened Nothing has happened. Zero progress was the result.

    I submit to you that Marc Rudov, Glenn Sacks, and Tom Leykis on the air is real progress. We started decades behind Gender Feminism. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

  20. Bob said... Note to Masculist Man, Many MRAs are now summarily deleting comments by... "Robin Steele."
    Anonymouse (Khrankybugger) said Robin Steele is attempting to build traffic for her site... Stop feeding the troll.
    Not too long ago, Bob & Khranky championined free speech on the Internet. Now they campaign to delete my comments and keep people from my blog.
    Why the change? Because I have exposed their lies and they don't want you to see this post:

    Top Lies About Robin Steele

    These are specific lies that they have told MRAs and Antifeminists who now are seeing that these guys are not activists at all... They're just bitter old cranks who are not interested only in talking about change, not in creating change.

    They are scared because, for the first time, someone has exposed them as frauds and shown how their rhetoric is damaging to the advancement of men's rights. In years of blabbing about men's rights they can't point to one tangible piece of legislation they've gotten changed, or one initiative they've won.

    Khranky wants you to think he's some exotic, worldly enlightened Buddhist CEO. He's not. He's a cuckolded Walter Mitty character who sells credit card processing services.

    Am I being cruel? Yes, I guess I am. But I believe that there is no MRM without "Movement," and these guys keep derailing progress by steering MRAs toward futility and inaction.

    >> Bob & Khrank: If you're reading this, you'll know that despite his mental defects, at least MM has the balls not to delete comments.

  21. The thing is, taking any real action leaves you dead.

  22. I'm not clear what you're advocating in this post. Do you mean that militancy is necessary or TALK about militancy?

    I'm talking about militant action.

    Do you actually DO anything or do you just blog about doing things.

    I blog in addition to activism.

    Not too long ago, Bob & Khranky championined free speech on the Internet. Now they campaign to delete my comments and keep people from my blog.
    Why the change? Because I have exposed their lies and they don't want you to see this post:

    Top Lies About Robin Steele

    These are specific lies that they have told MRAs and Antifeminists who now are seeing that these guys are not activists at all... They're just bitter old cranks who are not interested only in talking about change, not in creating change.

    They are scared because, for the first time, someone has exposed them as frauds and shown how their rhetoric is damaging to the advancement of men's rights. In years of blabbing about men's rights they can't point to one tangible piece of legislation they've gotten changed, or one initiative they've won.

    The only liar here is you,Robin. You've editted your blog to make us look bad and to make us look like liars but you are the one who is lying. You are the one who said Men's News Daily was a hate site and you tried to associate us with NAMBLA and the sex offender registry and you had it under the header: cretin sites. Do you remember?

    Do you deny saying this or this?

  23. Mascie: If I wanted to make you look bad, why would I be giving you free spelling lessons and grammar tips?

    I am still waiting for your list of accomplishments for 14 years as a Men's Rights advocate. There must be a local ordinance somewhere you championed? What is this "activism" you allude to? When was your last trip to Wash. D.C.? Please ask Luke to get me the list this week so the tribute isn't blank.

    Thanks, RS

    PS What exactly IS a "FEMINSIT MONSTER" anyway? As you always say, America Today, Tomarrow the World!

  24. Robin,

    You've ignored what I've said:

    The only liar here is you,Robin. You've editted your blog to make us look bad and to make us look like liars but you are the one who is lying. You are the one who said Men's News Daily was a hate site and you tried to associate us with NAMBLA and the sex offender registry and you had it under the header: cretin sites. Do you remember?

    Do you deny saying this or this?

    (Go back to original post to click on the links)

    Answer the questions,Robin. We're all waiting.

  25. What exactly IS a "FEMINIST MONSTER" anyway?

    Look in the mirror.

  26. MasciePie: No it's definitely FEMINSIT MONSTER.

    Luke, can you please get a screen shot of it before Mascie changes it? MasciePie, Luke is on to you. He has proof you changed "America Today, Tomarrow the World!" to trick people into thinking you were literate.


    U should be. U just got owned, and now you admitted it:

    Men's Rights Activist Robin Steele... Exposed!!!

    Luke took you down. He's one of Masculist Man's star pupils. There are many more coming, the Masculist Man Youth Brigade will trample your asses.

  28. The above post is Steele. It ALWAYS loses. Just ignore the seriously demented Bellevue bitch in its little padded cell/room and let it choke on itself.

  29. Now she's gloating about getting getting google to ban bob allen from their advertising program. she's shown her true self and her black feminazi motives this time.

  30. Ms Steele needs to be taken down. She says she's a lawyer. I wonder what other lawyers, agents of Satan, and her professional customers think of that kind of hate blog?

  31. They think I'm way too kind.

    They criticize me for trying to help the Men's Rights Movement get its sorry ass in gear. Most make fun of me for it. They tell me: why help people who are too lazy, self-absorbed or frightened to help themselves?

    Others applaud me. They say there's no fun in oppressing men when the men make it so easy. They want a little more of a challenge, so they hope I can prod some of you to get into the game and give them a little bit of a challenge for a change.

    They laugh out loud when clowns like Khrank say: I have had enough abuse at the hands of Women, their enablers, Manginas and Nanny Government stealing my Money. I am sick of them... Time to kick some ass myself. And then he does NOTHING but talk some more. He's a real Texan BHNC: Big Hat, No Cahones.

    They roared when Masculist Man said This bitch Steele will be sorry she ever fucked with me! and his Mini-Me Luke said Yeah! Everyone who's fucked with MM - or even petted heavily with him - has regretted it!
    What has he done? Assaulted me with attacks on the English language? Assailed my sensibilities?

    And Bob Allen? He's hurt me the most. The free speech advocate has made my comments disappear almost as fast as Google made his fraudulent ads disappear. Almost as fast as Adbrite made Mikee's ads disappear.

    I'll take the criticism of my Feminist peers, and from you MRI buffoons for one reason. There are real issues affecting Men, fathers and families in America and there are serious changes that need to be made. There are earnest men and women who are willing and able to effectively advocate for and achieve these changes. Unfortunately, they get sidetracked by the MRIs (Men's Rights Inactivists) who think that complaints with no action makes them MRAs. Who is the real MRA - Anonymous misogynistic sel-absorbed clowns who can't point to a single achievement in FOURTEEN years... or someone who has shaken up and exposed the entire complacent zombified lot of you in a couple of months?

    I am going to be starting an MRM funding initiative in 2008, starting with the sale of an MRI poetry series that you've all been kind enough to donate. Thanks KhrankyBuggerer for the first poem submission, which I've posted in your honor!!!

  32. Only the Bellevue bitch Steele could actually believe her own verbal vomit. She has only accomplished 1% corrosion in the walls of her padded cell/room with that vomit.

  33. Funny Robin being a Men's Rights Activist has done what exactly? She has attacked other Men. Wow that is productive Activism. She has in previous postings supported, endorsed and encouraged IMBRA. Which is a piece of Totalitarianism designed to keep US Men from contacting Foreign Women. This is the true personality of the Feminist.

    Fascism with a Feminist face. She is taking a page from History. Joseph Goebbels the Nazi Propaganda Minister said:

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    This is how Feminism has operated. And how it continues to operate.

  34. Anonymouse says: Funny Robin being a Men's Rights Activist has done what exactly? She has attacked other Men.
    I have not. I've attacked Bob Allen. Masculist Man. MikeeUSA. Khrankyburger. I have challenged many more MRIs. But I have not attacked men.
    She has in previous postings supported, endorsed and encouraged IMBRA.
    Broken record. It was posted on the blog by the woman who set up the blog. I deleted it. Big deal. I've never even read IMBRA... something about criminals like Bob having to disclose their arrest records to their mail order brides? Go defeat it... I'm not arguing for it. It's not a big men's rights issue compared to the problems in the court system, but if it's got your undies in a bunch, you've got my support. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys in action!
    Use your the brain God gave you, Anonymouse. The idiotic, hateful crap that Bob Allen and MasciePie here put out on a regular basis does more damage to men's rights than anything I post. The reason that you'll probably lose whatever initiative you're whining about is that you work harder defending those who discredit your cause by their association with it than putting together and implementing an organized initiative. If I WERE a radical feminist out to damage men's rights, I'd do everything I could to keep the Bob's & the MasciePies up at full volume. Hell, I'd buy'm each a megaphone with their names on it.

  35. Funny Robin being a Men's Rights Anonymous said, "Activist has done what exactly? She has attacked other Men. Wow that is productive Activism. She has in previous postings supported, endorsed and encouraged IMBRA. Which is a piece of Totalitarianism designed to keep US Men from contacting Foreign Women. This is the true personality of the Feminist."

    You left out Steele's priase of Lorena Bobbit which she immediately deleted when she started her phony "Men's Advocate" lie. Steele is a men hating feminazi bitch who praises Lorena Bobbit, supports IMBRA, and is scared that Men's Activists are getting traction.

  36. Get Steele: If you really want to Get Steele you've got to get with the program. Steele didn't write or post those comments. You can read about who did here, on the post about Robin Steele sharing an MRA award with Glenn Sacks.
    Glenn Sacks, Robin Steele "two most sane" MRAs
    Get a brain, Moran!

  37. Get a brain, Moran!

    And you were jumping on my case for spelling mistakes? You know what they say about people who live in glass houses.

  38. Masculist Man said...
    "Get a brain, Moran!" And you were jumping on my case for spelling mistakes? You know what they say about people who live in glass houses."

    MasciPie: See the post pic:
    Are Men's Rights Activists Stupid, Lazy, or Just Both?

    You make this too easy.
    Robin Steele
    Men's Rights Activist

  39. You know, I was wrong about this topic. You were right. Militancy makes more sense with every passing day. I suppose maybe I had to experience the reality for myself.

    You're right. Feminists flatly refuse be reasoned with or to be reasonable.

    Can we win by attrition? It's not like the feminist birth rate is very high, and I have little doubt that we could theoretically out-breed them in a few years... I think that I'd prefer a more active method of getting rid of feminists though.

    Oh, and I posted the following at Robin Stalin's blog. She'll probably delete it.

    Robin, you are so full of shit. I've watched you antagonize and bait several men for weeks now! You've bragged ceaselessly about how you managed to write an e-mail trying to get Google adsense to pull their adds from Bob Allen's blog, and then you declared victory, when it may have been that he just took down the adds.

    You definitely used to sign posts as Robin Steele Esq. and have on several occasions claimed to be an attorney.

    I've watched you repeatedly accuse the men's movement of doing nothing.

    Furthermore, I've watched you repeatedly berate us for our decision not to use our real names, and now that you've been exposed to some of what you've been dishing out, you don't like it!

    Well guess what Robin Stalin? We did SOMETHING, we scared the living shit out of you - and you had it coming. Your bullshit legal threats and vague garbage about castration is proof enough of that. You've only invited this situation on yourself, why don't you learn to watch your fucking mouth for a change!

    Squeaky wheel gets the grease, doesn't it Robin?

  40. I agree with Khankrumthebulgar.

    "IMBRA is tryanny disguised as Social Policy. It is a blatant abuse of the Bill of Rights, and an attack on the Civil Rights of Men only. Next will be a tax on the Men who dare to Marry Foreign Women to exclude Men from doing so. Men are being reduced to ManNiggers in the US. Wage Slaves to US Women who are controlling Men in ways that violate their basic rights and that labels them as Sexual Criminals and Abusers. And does nothing to protect them."

    Do you all want to be ManNiggers? I don't. Do you?

    Feminism is about waging a Gender War against Men and Children. Open your eyes to the reality of the Damage being done by Feminism to the Family, marriage, and Society.

    Feminism is about promoting Women's Entitlements above everyone else. It is not about equality. How can Women have Minority Status when they are the Majority of Voters? Live Longer than Men? Have the majority of Consumer Dollars spent on them? Have the Majority of Retail Floor Space 85% devoted exclusively to them? When Men are 94% of those who die on the job.

    When Health Care Dollars for Breast Cancer is four times what is spent on Prostate Cancer. How can you say that Women are oppressed? Its utter nonsense.

    Quality of Life, Longevity (the ultimate entitlement),retirement dollars, who inherits the money. And now in the US 60% of College Grads are Women. Get a clue. Or we'll all be ManNiggers. Like Khankrumthebulgar said.

  41. Ahahaha, what a bunch of sad gits.
