Showing posts with label Chalie Simon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chalie Simon. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2012

Just like a toilet backing up femitheist is back

Remember Femitheist aka Krista Heflin? If not then reread or either read for the first time about this wrenched beast. It looks like this thing is back from the depths of hell to make our existence hell:

Hear her own words on the subject of slaughtering men.

She also mentions that her's is the radical fringe not associated with so-called "moderates". What we are seeing is a two-pronged attack. With prong A we have Krista and her bunch openly advocating anti-male gendercide except for 10% of the population. This is what Mary Daly believed in too. Prong B is going to be even more treacherous. Either way watch your back.

The New Era of Feminism Reboot: Femitheist Global Initiative.

Special thanks to Kim and KR for giving me a few necessary connections!

I want to make it clear that this movement is not about hurting anyone. My reason for continuing this project comes entirely from my desire to help all people. I do not hate men, nor do I hate anyone. I find the nature of men to be unfortunate, and I pity them and sympathize with their misfortune, but in the end, my actions and this movement ARE necessary.

The end will justify the means. I am sorry that it has to be this way, but it does, and there is no way of getting around it. We cannot overcome the Great Distinction of Gender, and we never will. Men commit the majority of violent crime, and they have created the majority of all of the wars throughout history.

So, I have chosen to align myself with the least offensive and dangerous side: Womyn.

This video is a brief introduction to myself, the future plans of the Femitheist movement, the New Era of Feminism and the Femitheist Global Initiative.

I still believe that the best way to combat our adversaries is to be fully transparent so as to forcefully forge disbelief. And, in the end, and because I have believed in these things so faithfully all along, others will come to know that I was right, and our opponents will have no way of resisting the Undeniable Truth, because they knew what was coming the entire time.

This was a purpose given to me, and I cannot deny my destiny.

The world has to be reformed, and we have a long way to go, but we will achieve our goals and dreams, and we will be left with a New World, a better world, and a world that is Truly Equal, Truly Peaceful, and Truly Prosperous. The True Eutopia.

This video was requested numerous times, and many people have speculated that I must be a man pretending to be a woman. As much as I enjoy watching people speculate, it's time to repay the favor to all those who made videos for me, or wrote articles, or posted comments, et cetera. I will be producing a series of videos after this which will include a detailing of the future of the Femitheist movement, as well as response videos to a few people.

Do not expect my response videos to be too swift, as I am very busy most days. I will do the best I can with the time that I have!

On a final note, forgive me for the mild background noise in the video, I did not notice it while recording, and I will make sure to avoid it in future videos.

Thank you all very much for watching and reading!


Source:click here

Five Semi-Unknown Female Heroines Posted by Krista Heflin at 1:06:00 PM

These are merely five of the many semi-unknown female heroine of the past few years. I listed them in the order in which I admired their courage and actions - meaning, that they are from greatest to least. But, that is not to say that I don’t admire them all. I respect all of these womyn for their courage, strength, resolve, and willingness to do what is just.

. . . #1 – (1997)
In 1997, Sandra Crockett had her mentally handicapped son, who was 21 at the time, castrated in order to curb his sexual impulses and aggression. She feared that he would be taken away from her because of this, and she did not want him to be placed in a mental institution. Likewise, she said that he had been feeling some pain in his testicles. This one was originally number three on my list, but I loved this womyn’s story so much, that I moved it up to number one. I greatly admire her, and I think she is a loving, kind hero. She did what she thought was best for her son, and it benefitted them both in the end. I believe that more womyn should, in terms of the practicality of the modern world, follow her example.

#2 – Anjana Maity (2009)
In 2009, forty-two year old Anjana Maity castrated her 13 year old son and then beheaded him. Interestingly enough, this act of release against the boy was committed after the womyn’s husband, Ranjit Maity, left their family. He had had an affair, and he had threatened to set her and her son on fire if they did not leave him alone. The child was clearly suffering, as was she, and this should be considered an act of mercy on her behalf. So, regardless of whether she was arrested or not, she did the right thing.

#3 – Catherine Kieu Becker (2011)
In 2011, forty-eight year old Catherine Kieu Becker cut off her husband’s penis with a ten-inch kitchen knife. No act such as this is committed if the other party is undeserving. And, given that her husband was a man, who had attempted to abandon her, I would say that he did, indeed, deserve it. Mrs. Becker is a hero for seeking retribution for the misery she had been caused by her husband. Regardless of whether or not she was arrested, she is a champion, and I admire her courage.

#4 – Joyce Maxine Gregory (2012)
In 2012, thirty-five year old Joyce Maxine Gregory fought back against her boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, after he went on a rampage through their home. During the struggle that followed afterwards, she grabbed his testicles, causing the scrotum to split open. And, while he may have recovered afterwards, meaning she didn’t quite finish the job, I still admire her for her bravery. It takes a lot to stand up against someone who is physically larger than you, especially when they have lost control of their senses. I salute her.

#5 – Chalie Simon (2009)
In 2009, nineteen year old Chalie Simon grabbed her boyfriend by the testicles and squeezed hard as he attempted to forcefully push her from his residence. Her actions came from his neglect for her feelings, and his neglect of providing the simple attention that she asked him for. It was justified, and regardless of whether or not she was arrested, I salute her for standing up against someone who mistreated her for loving them.

________________________________ That is my list for now - five of the greatest, semi-unknown female heroines of the past few years and or decades. I salute them all, I admire them all, and I hope that I, too, can be as brave when standing up against those who wish to do me harm.


Source:click here

Do you harm? You psychotic cunt you advocate castrating young boys and then you ask someone not to hurt you? Bitch,if you got too close to me I would break your neck,fatally. I have the right to protect myself too.

I shall skip the formalities and trivial nonsense here and move right to the point.

. . . I have returned for good. And, I challenge you all to attempt to stop me again.

. . . I took a hiatus, and now I am going to reboot the movement from the ground up. Most of my followers have returned (although some do not believe it is actually me, which is fine).

Some beyond my reach do not even believe I ever existed, and yet proof of my existence forced me to abandon the net for a while. Nevertheless, I have overcome those obstacles, and I no longer fear them, nor do I care. I will act now, as they say, with reckless abandon.

We can all remember my appearances on camera, my voice in my videos, the interactions I had with people over the phone and in real life, and we will know that I have always been and always will be. I will no longer work to justify myself, or to deny allegations, I will work only to further the cause.

Take from that what you will, and apply it as you wish. I care not.

Here you can see details of times long ago:

. . . Let us move beyond that little bit of fun.

. . . As my prior Blog hit 200,000+ views, I grew tired of it, and so I scrapped it. It was cluttered with articles which presented an evolving and adapting worldview - not one which was internally consistent and absolute.

I have now achieved that, and so I have returned, born anew, ideologically sound and prepared for war.

Armed with a Weapon of Words, backed by an idea whose time has come.

Let no one forget what we have done here, and what we stand for. This Blog has already taken off in views, and yet many still believe me to be dead. Read the posts above, read this Blog, and know that I am very much alive.

I have fought the hardships that you all threatened me with, and I know now that I can overcome anything any of you throw my way.

In one weeks time, I will begin more consistently posting new articles and spreading my Sphere of Influence. You all shall see a great increase in the number of those who supprot my movement and my cause. A cause which will one day belong to us all.

And, because I have believed in it all along, with the utmost truth in my heart, so shall you all too believe in it someday soon.

Be ready for the New Era of Feminism - Femitheism - The New World.

There will be no stopping us.


I have returned for good. And, I challenge you all to attempt to stop me again.

You're on.

Source:click here

For her other crap:click here