PLEASE HELP Her!!!! ...Hello everyone! My name is Jakob Letkemann, I am a father, Asking for your help and support in a lawsuit against several professionals, I am also applying for funds on behalf of my Mother Rosemary Berdan and my daughter Darian Letkemann
We are ALL taking legal action against MANY PEOPLE because of their actions, for false Reporting and accusations, slander as well as conspiracy and wrongful removal of a child. (Salt spring island has a removal rate 5X the national average)
This is going on all over Canada, The poor are the target now (was the 60`s scoop), For they feel we are easy targets and are to uneducated to fight back..well they are wrong.
I will be using most of the lawsuit winnings to fund a program to help low income family`s (Parent School Center, 1 year full support Training program) and to build housing for single and low income family`s to enhance them making all parents harder targets
I have received over 4500 peices of evidence (infromation act) and we need money to file orders on children`s aid society London ONT. to release our records, this is where it all started (my brother died in foster care and they threw that in my mothers face in court and when they MIS-REMOVED my daughter they took her from my mom`s arms (breach of policey) all on `heresay` , I LOST EVERYTHING, THEY TOOK EVERYTHING I HAD... i lost my job..all home...they wanted to kill my dog for trying to protect my daughter....they took her 2 days before her 1st birthday...2 weeks before christmas...I have never cryed like that before and i would not want anyone to go through it ,Took me 10 months to get her back (fast on the family court scale)....MY DAUGHTER WAKES UP CRYING FOR ME EVERY NIGHT saying ` Daddy don`t leave me`... and now i am FIGHTING FOR MY SON AS AWELL, PLEASE HELP THE KIDS, DON`T HELP ME, DO IT FOR THEM!!!
This is a landmark case! When we win it will show these sorts of people `you cant just steal our children` like they do now ...I know there are millions of you out there touched by these people we can fight back
Darian & Jakob Letkemann
Rosemary Berdan
To Donate
My thoughts on pro-masculism and anti-feminism. Some thoughts may mirror what others have said while others are uniquely mine but either way they are legitimate.
Showing posts with label donate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label donate. Show all posts
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Lena Dunham persecutes conservative group over book that Dunham wrote
From Truth Revolt:
Liberal Hollywood actress and darling of Planned Parenthood, Lena Dunham, is gunning for the Freedom Center and Truth Revolt --- and now I urgently need your help to build up our legal defense fund.
You might have read about it on the Drudge Report or seen it in The Hollywood Reporter, The Daily Mail, the Los Angeles Times, or People Magazine or any other mainstream media outlet...
Leftwing Hollywood feminist Lena Dunham is threatening to sue Truth Revolt and the David Horowitz Freedom Center, because we wrote an article in which we quoted her book, Not That Kind of Girl!
Who is Lena Dunham, you may wonder? She is the New Hot Thing-a leftist actress who is the darling of the liberal media; who has been one of Obama's most rabid backers; who has been in America's face as a supporter of what she calls "reproductive rights" and "female sexuality"; and who teams up with groups such as Emily's List and Planned Parenthood to try to tilt the playing field in favor of leftwing causes.
She's also a best selling author whose new book causes the flesh to crawl because, among other things, of the way it describes her relationship with her younger sister. This part of Not That Kind of Girl caught our eye, which is why we described it, using Dunham's own words, in Truth Revolt.
Without going into detail, I'll just say that it's very disturbing, especially coming from someone who has presented herself as so very progressive and such a critic of sexual abuse --- and in particular, a spokesperson against the right's fictitious War on Women.
Whether you want to call what Dunham wrote an admission of sexual abuse or just a very progressive view of sibling relations is up to you. What is not up for debate is that she wrote some bizarre and graphic passages that Truth Revolt quoted -- and the next thing we knew, we had a letter from her attorney, threatening suit for defamation.
In his "cease-and-desist" letter, Dunham's lawyer stated "Our client intends to vigorously pursue all possible legal remedies available to her . . . Remedies available to my client include, without limitation, actual damages to her personal and professional reputation which likely would be calculated in the millions of dollars [plus] punitive damages." The letter demanded that the story be immediately removed.
The letter also stated: "Demand is further made that you immediately print a prominent public apology and retraction at all media whereat you published the Story, stating that the Story is false, that you regret having published it, and that you apologize to Ms. Dunham and her family for having published it."
We refused to comply with these demands. In response to the attorney's threat, we stated: "We refuse. We refuse to withdraw our story or apologize for running it, because quoting a woman's book does not constitute a "false" story, even if she is a prominent actress and leftwing activist. Lena Dunham may not like our interpretation of her book, but unfortunately for her and her attorneys, she wrote that book - and the First Amendment covers a good deal of material she may not like."
Our lawyer advises us that we have a strong legal defense, based on the First Amendment, and we fully expect to prevail. But the costs of defending a case are high, and now we could be facing $250,000 in legal defense costs-a negligible sum for someone like Dunham, but a serious expense for us.
So can we count on your emergency, tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to start building or legal defense fund right now?
Lena Dunham is a very public figure that stars and directs the HBO show "Girls." She has made a career out of shocking her audiences and exploiting her celebrity to push hard-left causes. Her book is certainly fair game, as are questions about her sickening conduct with regard to her sister. That is what the First Amendment is for and what it protects.
Truth Revolt criticized Dunham. Dunham fired back on Twitter, and her sycophants in the media covered for her. But she didn't stop there. She decided, as leftists often do, that to silence critics is more appealing than simply utilizing her own freedom of speech under the First Amendment. People like Dunham want to be as "provocative" and "edgy" as they choose. But when anyone calls them on their conduct they want to unplug the microphone.
So, she ordered her attorney to issue this letter threatening suit. If she does sue, the Freedom Center and Truth Revolt are prepared to go to the wall in defense of free speech. Lawsuits can be incredibly expensive, especially when the other side is a major entertainer with millions in the bank and fellow Hollywood leftists urging her to silence a fearless conservative publication like Truth Revolt. But we will do what needs to be done to protect the First Amendment.
And we need you to help us.
We have to raise $250,000 immediately to fund our legal defense fund. We have to be able to tell Dunham and all the other leftists who try to shut Truth Revolt down to bring it on. We're not backing down, we stand by the truth, and we'll see them in court.
That's why we're asking you to stand with us today as we begin building our legal defense fund by making an emergency donation of $25, $50, $100 or more.
Thank you for standing with the Freedom Center, Truth Revolt and the freedom of speech.
Liberal Hollywood actress and darling of Planned Parenthood, Lena Dunham, is gunning for the Freedom Center and Truth Revolt --- and now I urgently need your help to build up our legal defense fund.
You might have read about it on the Drudge Report or seen it in The Hollywood Reporter, The Daily Mail, the Los Angeles Times, or People Magazine or any other mainstream media outlet...
Leftwing Hollywood feminist Lena Dunham is threatening to sue Truth Revolt and the David Horowitz Freedom Center, because we wrote an article in which we quoted her book, Not That Kind of Girl!
Who is Lena Dunham, you may wonder? She is the New Hot Thing-a leftist actress who is the darling of the liberal media; who has been one of Obama's most rabid backers; who has been in America's face as a supporter of what she calls "reproductive rights" and "female sexuality"; and who teams up with groups such as Emily's List and Planned Parenthood to try to tilt the playing field in favor of leftwing causes.
She's also a best selling author whose new book causes the flesh to crawl because, among other things, of the way it describes her relationship with her younger sister. This part of Not That Kind of Girl caught our eye, which is why we described it, using Dunham's own words, in Truth Revolt.
Without going into detail, I'll just say that it's very disturbing, especially coming from someone who has presented herself as so very progressive and such a critic of sexual abuse --- and in particular, a spokesperson against the right's fictitious War on Women.
Whether you want to call what Dunham wrote an admission of sexual abuse or just a very progressive view of sibling relations is up to you. What is not up for debate is that she wrote some bizarre and graphic passages that Truth Revolt quoted -- and the next thing we knew, we had a letter from her attorney, threatening suit for defamation.
In his "cease-and-desist" letter, Dunham's lawyer stated "Our client intends to vigorously pursue all possible legal remedies available to her . . . Remedies available to my client include, without limitation, actual damages to her personal and professional reputation which likely would be calculated in the millions of dollars [plus] punitive damages." The letter demanded that the story be immediately removed.
The letter also stated: "Demand is further made that you immediately print a prominent public apology and retraction at all media whereat you published the Story, stating that the Story is false, that you regret having published it, and that you apologize to Ms. Dunham and her family for having published it."
We refused to comply with these demands. In response to the attorney's threat, we stated: "We refuse. We refuse to withdraw our story or apologize for running it, because quoting a woman's book does not constitute a "false" story, even if she is a prominent actress and leftwing activist. Lena Dunham may not like our interpretation of her book, but unfortunately for her and her attorneys, she wrote that book - and the First Amendment covers a good deal of material she may not like."
Our lawyer advises us that we have a strong legal defense, based on the First Amendment, and we fully expect to prevail. But the costs of defending a case are high, and now we could be facing $250,000 in legal defense costs-a negligible sum for someone like Dunham, but a serious expense for us.
So can we count on your emergency, tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to start building or legal defense fund right now?
Lena Dunham is a very public figure that stars and directs the HBO show "Girls." She has made a career out of shocking her audiences and exploiting her celebrity to push hard-left causes. Her book is certainly fair game, as are questions about her sickening conduct with regard to her sister. That is what the First Amendment is for and what it protects.
Truth Revolt criticized Dunham. Dunham fired back on Twitter, and her sycophants in the media covered for her. But she didn't stop there. She decided, as leftists often do, that to silence critics is more appealing than simply utilizing her own freedom of speech under the First Amendment. People like Dunham want to be as "provocative" and "edgy" as they choose. But when anyone calls them on their conduct they want to unplug the microphone.
So, she ordered her attorney to issue this letter threatening suit. If she does sue, the Freedom Center and Truth Revolt are prepared to go to the wall in defense of free speech. Lawsuits can be incredibly expensive, especially when the other side is a major entertainer with millions in the bank and fellow Hollywood leftists urging her to silence a fearless conservative publication like Truth Revolt. But we will do what needs to be done to protect the First Amendment.
And we need you to help us.
We have to raise $250,000 immediately to fund our legal defense fund. We have to be able to tell Dunham and all the other leftists who try to shut Truth Revolt down to bring it on. We're not backing down, we stand by the truth, and we'll see them in court.
That's why we're asking you to stand with us today as we begin building our legal defense fund by making an emergency donation of $25, $50, $100 or more.
Thank you for standing with the Freedom Center, Truth Revolt and the freedom of speech.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Senator McCaskill to introduce misandric bill
From SAVE Services:
The addition of the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (Campus SaVE) Act to last year's Violence Against Women Act increased awareness of the campus sexual assault issue, and it brought new regulations from the Department of Education.
Unfortunately, campus radicals have now exploited this effort, claiming that "one in five college women are victims of sexual assault" and insisting that "we live in a rape culture." They want to remove fundamental due process protections!
If that's not bad enough, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) is going to introduce a new bill that we believe will further erode due process protections of students accused of sexual assault.
So this week, SAVE is announcing the establishment of the Campus Justice Coalition, which will focus on legislative reforms to restore due process and fairness to the sexual assault adjudicatory process: click here
The CJC will consist of representatives of university associations, attorneys, media representatives, parents of the wrongly accused, and other concerned citizens.
Can you help with this effort? We need to raise $5,000 for media and promotion, including radio interviews, press releases, and Facebook, and we'd like to host a few DC lobbying events with CJC members.
Please make a tax deductible donation: click here. Every gift, big or small, is greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
The addition of the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (Campus SaVE) Act to last year's Violence Against Women Act increased awareness of the campus sexual assault issue, and it brought new regulations from the Department of Education.
Unfortunately, campus radicals have now exploited this effort, claiming that "one in five college women are victims of sexual assault" and insisting that "we live in a rape culture." They want to remove fundamental due process protections!
If that's not bad enough, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) is going to introduce a new bill that we believe will further erode due process protections of students accused of sexual assault.
So this week, SAVE is announcing the establishment of the Campus Justice Coalition, which will focus on legislative reforms to restore due process and fairness to the sexual assault adjudicatory process: click here
The CJC will consist of representatives of university associations, attorneys, media representatives, parents of the wrongly accused, and other concerned citizens.
Can you help with this effort? We need to raise $5,000 for media and promotion, including radio interviews, press releases, and Facebook, and we'd like to host a few DC lobbying events with CJC members.
Please make a tax deductible donation: click here. Every gift, big or small, is greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Defeat Kay Hagan defeat Hillary Clinton
From Stop Hillary PAC:
Hillary Clinton is running for President.
Hillary and her campaign are secretly plotting their road map to win the presidency with as little resistance as possible.
Fortunately, I have inside information on her plans -- and more importantly -- we have a strategy to stop her.
What I can tell you right now: Hillary's plan to win the presidency goes right through the state of North Carolina.
North Carolina, along with a small handful of other states, is essential to Hillary being elected president, and she and her super PAC, "Ready for Hillary" are going all-in to make it happen.
I'm writing you today to ask you to chip in to help me stop them.
You see, essential to winning North Carolina in 2016, Hillary must first reelect Kay Hagan, the liberal incumbent Senator who has already endorsed Hillary's run for the presidency.
That's right; Senator Kay Hagan from North Carolina is already endorsing Hillary for President.
In typical Washington D.C. fashion, Senator Kay Hagan has endorsed Hillary for President -- and Hillary will endorse Hagan for re-election.
That's why I'm announcing our plans today to defeat Kay Hagan for re-election. If we can defeat Senator Hagan's re-election, we blow a huge hole in Hillary's plan to be elected president.
But I can't do this alone, and that's why I'm asking you to chip in right now to help me defeat Senator Kay Hagan today. Will you chip in as much as $50 to help us defeat Hillary's personal choice for Senate in North Carolina?
How important is North Carolina to win the presidency?
Here are the facts:
• In 2008, Barack Obama won North Carolina by 1 point and in 2012, he lost North Carolina by 1 point -- North Carolina is a true swing state;
• 3 of the last 4 Governors of North Carolina have been Democrats;
• Liberal Super PACs beholden to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have already invested over 8 million dollars in re-electing Kay Hagan. That is more than any other Senate race in the country; AND
• Kay Hagan's campaign has outraised her opponent by more that 5-1 -- this week she placed a media buy for 4 million dollars.
North Carolina will be the state that decides who is the next President of the United States. That's why Hillary Clinton and her Super PAC's are going all-in.
And that's why I'm asking for your immediate help.
Will you join me by making a special, urgent contribution to our special fund to defeat liberal Senator Kay Hagan for re-election and deal a decisive blow to Hillary's plans to win the presidency? Some dedicated supporters have donated as much as $100 and $500. For others, $25 and $50 is a sacrificial gift.
Whatever you do, please commit to something. Even $10 will help us target the right voters to defeat Senator Hagan.
Current polls put Kay Hagan only 2.4% ahead of her GOP challenger.
This is a race we can -- MUST -- win.
While all races for U.S. Senate are important this year, North Carolina has more on the line than most because it will decide who our next president is.
That's why your support today is so important.
Will you chip in?
Senator Ted Harvey
Chairman, Stop Hillary PAC
P.S. North Carolina -- and the re-election of liberal Senator Kay Hagen -- holds the key to Hillary's run for the presidency. That's why Stop Hillary PAC is announcing today our campaign to defeat Kay Hagan and blow a hole through Hillary's plans.
Will you please make an urgent contribution to ensure we have the resources to launch a hard-hitting campaign to defeat Hillary and Kay Hagan today? Please, click here to chip in.
Hillary Clinton is running for President.
Hillary and her campaign are secretly plotting their road map to win the presidency with as little resistance as possible.
Fortunately, I have inside information on her plans -- and more importantly -- we have a strategy to stop her.
What I can tell you right now: Hillary's plan to win the presidency goes right through the state of North Carolina.
North Carolina, along with a small handful of other states, is essential to Hillary being elected president, and she and her super PAC, "Ready for Hillary" are going all-in to make it happen.
I'm writing you today to ask you to chip in to help me stop them.
You see, essential to winning North Carolina in 2016, Hillary must first reelect Kay Hagan, the liberal incumbent Senator who has already endorsed Hillary's run for the presidency.
That's right; Senator Kay Hagan from North Carolina is already endorsing Hillary for President.
In typical Washington D.C. fashion, Senator Kay Hagan has endorsed Hillary for President -- and Hillary will endorse Hagan for re-election.
That's why I'm announcing our plans today to defeat Kay Hagan for re-election. If we can defeat Senator Hagan's re-election, we blow a huge hole in Hillary's plan to be elected president.
But I can't do this alone, and that's why I'm asking you to chip in right now to help me defeat Senator Kay Hagan today. Will you chip in as much as $50 to help us defeat Hillary's personal choice for Senate in North Carolina?
How important is North Carolina to win the presidency?
Here are the facts:
• In 2008, Barack Obama won North Carolina by 1 point and in 2012, he lost North Carolina by 1 point -- North Carolina is a true swing state;
• 3 of the last 4 Governors of North Carolina have been Democrats;
• Liberal Super PACs beholden to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have already invested over 8 million dollars in re-electing Kay Hagan. That is more than any other Senate race in the country; AND
• Kay Hagan's campaign has outraised her opponent by more that 5-1 -- this week she placed a media buy for 4 million dollars.
North Carolina will be the state that decides who is the next President of the United States. That's why Hillary Clinton and her Super PAC's are going all-in.
And that's why I'm asking for your immediate help.
Will you join me by making a special, urgent contribution to our special fund to defeat liberal Senator Kay Hagan for re-election and deal a decisive blow to Hillary's plans to win the presidency? Some dedicated supporters have donated as much as $100 and $500. For others, $25 and $50 is a sacrificial gift.
Whatever you do, please commit to something. Even $10 will help us target the right voters to defeat Senator Hagan.
Current polls put Kay Hagan only 2.4% ahead of her GOP challenger.
This is a race we can -- MUST -- win.
While all races for U.S. Senate are important this year, North Carolina has more on the line than most because it will decide who our next president is.
That's why your support today is so important.
Will you chip in?
Senator Ted Harvey
Chairman, Stop Hillary PAC
P.S. North Carolina -- and the re-election of liberal Senator Kay Hagen -- holds the key to Hillary's run for the presidency. That's why Stop Hillary PAC is announcing today our campaign to defeat Kay Hagan and blow a hole through Hillary's plans.
Will you please make an urgent contribution to ensure we have the resources to launch a hard-hitting campaign to defeat Hillary and Kay Hagan today? Please, click here to chip in.
hillary clinton,
senator kay hagan,
stop hillary pac
Friday, March 7, 2014
Prevent Hillary's inauguration day
According to a brand new USA Today poll -- 59% of Americans are considering voting for Hillary Clinton for President.
If that number scares you, it should. Our nation cannot afford to be put in the dangerous hands of Hillary Clinton.
But here is the good news: only 35% of Americans are definitely voting for Hillary.
That means 24% are swing voters -- voters we can persuade to oppose Hillary -- and we have a video that will do just that.
I must warn you that what you are about to see in this video is shocking, but it may be one of the only ways we can persuade and convince the American public Hillary Clinton CANNOT be our next president.
Will you help us reach these people with this hard-hitting TV ad?
If this ad doesn't scare swing voters and make them fear for the future direction Hillary will take our county -- I'm not sure anything will.
After watching this video, I hope you'll agree this is one of our strongest tools to end Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign before it begins. This is the message America needs to hear before it's too late.
Don't get me wrong, we may very well have years of hard work ahead of us -- but just as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ended John Kerry's presidential campaign despite the media's love affair with him...we can STOP Hillary the same way.
But only if we get this out to millions of Americans immediately.
So, watch this video and make a contribution of $10 or more -- before the message goes unheeded.
Any amount you can give goes directly to promoting this video across America -- so give generously.
>>> a $10 or $25 contribution will get this video in front of 350 - 1000 online viewers.
>>>$100, $250 or even $1,000 could help put this video on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX -- reaching millions.
I know after watching this video you will agree; every voting American needs to see it -- especially those important swing voters.
Will you be a part of STOPPING Hillary?
We'll only be successful if we have the resources to promote this video on every TV channel, internet site, news program, and blog across America -- wall to wall coverage.
That's why I urgently need you to click here, watch the video, and donate generously once you've seen this video.
Dude, soon this will be in the history books as the defining and ENDING moment of Hillary's choose the ending.
Click here to watch now.
For America,
Ted Harvey
Senator Ted Harvey (R)
Colorado State Senator
Co-Founder, Stop Hillary PAC
P.S. If this video doesn't scare you, I don't know what will. This could be the-beginning-of-the-end for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Watch it now and make your most generous donation.
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