Rights group calls on presidential candidates to denounce 'victim-centered investigations'
By Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) • 8/11/16 2:17 PM
An organization dedicated to overturning and preventing wrongful convictions is calling on presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to denounce "victim-centered investigations."
The Center for Prosecutor Integrity works with prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement and the falsely accused to prevent wrongful convictions and over-criminalization. The group says victim-centered investigations have led and will lead to more wrongful convictions and false accusations.
"Victim-centered investigations emphasize the collection of evidence supportive of the complainant and discourage the collection of exculpatory evidence, thereby increasing the likelihood of a guilty verdict," the group wrote in a press release. "Victim-centered investigations represent a departure from ethical standards of investigative impartiality, neutrality and objectivity."
Both the Democratic and Republican Party platforms discussed fairness in accusations of sexual assault, specifically on college campuses. But requiring victim-centered investigations removes fairness, as investigators — whether actual law enforcement or campus bureaucrats — are told to believe accusers and pressured by the federal government to punish the accused no matter what the evidence shows.
As I've written before, one of the few times the general public was able to review just what constituted a "victim-centered" investigation, the results were unnerving. Investigators were outright told that false accusations are rare (so best not to ever disbelieve the accuser) and to predict what a likely defense would be, so as to counteract it during the investigation.
Investigators for the University of Texas system were told not to repeat questions with accusers (or not to take notes when doing so), so that there would not be evidence of inconsistencies that could be an indication the accuser was lying.
The CPI press release mentions the case of a young man who was accused of sexually assaulting a woman even though he had never been to the town the alleged assault was said to have occurred.
The group called for Clinton and Trump to endorse a "justice-centered" approach that "protects due process, preserves the presumption of innocence and utilizes an impartial evaluation of all evidence."
Accusers, CPI notes, should be treated with respect and taken seriously, but investigators must remain impartial. I've previously advocated for a "trust but verify" approach, which would ensure accusers aren't disbelieved from the start, but that the accused would also not be treated as guilty from the beginning.
Trump hasn't mentioned campus sexual assault during his campaign, but Clinton has tweeted that we should "listen and believe" anyone who makes an accusation (unless they're accusing her husband, of course).
As you can plainly see that as far as men's rights go Hillary is a lost cause. The proof is here and here. Which is causing this and rightfully so. That means our best bet is with Donald Trump. So contact him at facebook or send him a tweet and let him know that we are very concerned about this. The more of us that contact him the better so don't delay.
My thoughts on pro-masculism and anti-feminism. Some thoughts may mirror what others have said while others are uniquely mine but either way they are legitimate.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
Senator Bob Casey believes men should be women's unpaid bodyguards
A U.S. Senator thinks it's your son's responsibility to keep his daughters from being raped
And, no, the headline of this post is not an exaggeration. "U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., told a group of students, faculty and staff at the University of Pittsburgh today that male college students have an obligation to stop sexual assaults by others before they happen."
Excuse me? You mean innocent male students, who would never dream of sexually assaulting a woman, somehow have a duty to stop sexual assault because . . . they happen to be male?
But wait until you read his rationale. “'Let’s be honest, a lot of guys know when something might happen, that they have an awareness that someone in their group is predisposed to do something,' Sen. Casey told the audience of about 60. 'You need to be a man. You need to examine your conscience and ask yourself what your obligation is...what you can do to prevent this from happening.'"
Yes, let’s be honest, Senator. You're full of shit.
The premise is ludicrous. If it is true that "a lot of guys know when something might happen," the same is true for "a lot of women."
How is it that when it comes to sexual assault, college men suddenly become The Amazing Kreskin--able to read the minds of predators, but college women--so capable is every other sphere of their existence--are completely clueless and thoroughly helpless?
The reason Casey puts the onus on innocent young men is because it is verboten to ask innocent young women to take any precautions to safeguard their own well-beings when it comes to sexual assault--it is verboten to suggest that they should alter their behavior even a whit to avoid being raped. They can drink to unconsciousness in the bedrooms of men they don't know, even if this increases the statistical likelihood that they will be raped, because to counsel that they exercise even a modicum of common sense is "victim blaming."
Since we can't tell innocent young women to "be careful" without being accused of being "rape apologists," we must put the onus to keep women safe on innocent young men--who have far less ability to prevent young women from being raped than the young women who might be raped.
Get it? Neither do I.
Let's get it straight. We empower our college-aged daughters by insisting they are powerless. We make women "strong" by telling them they are Disney damsels who deserve to rescued by campus Prince Charmings who must "man up" to protect Senator Casey's daughters.
Down, down, down the rabbit hole we tumble.
Sen. Casey called sexual assault a “betrayal that plays out not solely because of the perpetrator because the rest of us don’t do something about it.”
But Senator, by "the rest of us," who do you mean, specifically? If innocent people have a responsibility to prevent rape, does that include even the potential victims?
Of course it does, but he'll never say it, folks. It would be the end of his political career.
Let's see if we can hurt his political career for spewing out the misandric crap that he did. Let's contact him and let him know that what he said is unacceptable. If he can't say women have a responsibility to safeguard themselves then he can't jump on our cases either and if he does we jump on his. Let's do it to it. The more of us he hears from the better so let's do this.
senator bob casey,
university of Pittsburgh
Judge in Brock Turner case is reassigned
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A California court said Thursday that a judge who was harshly criticized and subjected to a recall campaign for the leniency of a six-month jail sentence for a former Stanford University swimmer who sexually assaulted an unconscious woman will no longer hear criminal cases, a move that came at his own request.
Santa Clara County Presiding Judge Rise Pichon said she has granted the request for reassignment of Judge Aaron Persky.
"While I firmly believe in Judge Persky's ability to serve in his current assignment, he has requested to be assigned to the civil division, in which he previously served," Pichon said in a statement. "Judge Persky believes the change will aid the public and the court by reducing the distractions that threaten to interfere with his ability to effectively discharge the duties of his current criminal assignment."
The move is not necessarily permanent. The assignment is subject to an annual review and takes effect Sept. 6.
Pichon said that another judge's desire to transfer to Palo Alto has made a quick swap with Persky possible. Normally such changes don't happen until a new year.
Persky ordered the six-month sentence for Brock Turner, a Dayton, Ohio, resident who had been attending Stanford on a swimming scholarship. The judge cited a probation department recommendation and the effect the conviction will have on Turner's life.
Authorities say Turner sexually assaulted the girl while she was passed out near a trash bin.
The case sparked a national debate on college drinking and sexual assault and led to a recall effort against the judge.
Michelle Dauber, the Stanford law professor behind the recall effort, said that while the move from Persky is welcome, the recall attempt will continue, in part because Persky "can still transfer back to hearing criminal cases any time he chooses."
"The issue of his judicial bias in favor of privileged defendants in sex crimes and domestic violence still needs to be addressed by the voters of Santa Clara County," Dauber said in an email. "In our opinion, Judge Persky is biased and should not be on the bench."
Dauber and other organizers have said they will begin collecting signatures in April to qualify the issue for the November 2017 ballot.
Persky had already departed from two sex-crimes cases since his June sentencing of the 20-year-old Turner exploded in national media.
On Monday he formally recused himself from deciding whether to reduce a San Jose plumber's felony child pornography charges to misdemeanors.
That came two months after the district attorney's office removed Persky from a different sexual assault case, saying "we lack confidence" in the judge's ability to decide it impartially.
In addition to his supervising judge, attorneys who have argued in front of Persky cite his abilities. Santa Clara County deputy public defender Gary Goodman in June called him a "solid and respected judge," while defense attorney Barbara Muller said he's "one of the fairest judges" in the county.
A jury convicted Turner, a former Olympic hopeful, of sexually assaulting the young woman he met at a campus fraternity party in January 2015 after she passed out behind a trash bin.
The sentence along with the long and much-shared statement the victim read in court made the case a national rallying cry for a reconsideration of how rape is handled by the law.
Now contrast this with cases in which women are convicted in sex crimes. Particularly against young children,especially boys. These guilty as hell women get a light sentence and no one bitches about it. Turner,unlike these women,will have to register as a sex offender for life. A lot of these women commit multiple offenses and are less remorseful than Turner was and still get light sentences. The worse part is a lot of blue pill morons come out with "hot for teacher" bullshit. We don't need these idiots weighing in. In Britain it is worse because judges there are bending over backwards or merely bending over,to avoid giving women custodial sentences. It's time to end this double standard bullshit.
Santa Clara County Presiding Judge Rise Pichon said she has granted the request for reassignment of Judge Aaron Persky.
"While I firmly believe in Judge Persky's ability to serve in his current assignment, he has requested to be assigned to the civil division, in which he previously served," Pichon said in a statement. "Judge Persky believes the change will aid the public and the court by reducing the distractions that threaten to interfere with his ability to effectively discharge the duties of his current criminal assignment."
The move is not necessarily permanent. The assignment is subject to an annual review and takes effect Sept. 6.
Pichon said that another judge's desire to transfer to Palo Alto has made a quick swap with Persky possible. Normally such changes don't happen until a new year.
Persky ordered the six-month sentence for Brock Turner, a Dayton, Ohio, resident who had been attending Stanford on a swimming scholarship. The judge cited a probation department recommendation and the effect the conviction will have on Turner's life.
Authorities say Turner sexually assaulted the girl while she was passed out near a trash bin.
The case sparked a national debate on college drinking and sexual assault and led to a recall effort against the judge.
Michelle Dauber, the Stanford law professor behind the recall effort, said that while the move from Persky is welcome, the recall attempt will continue, in part because Persky "can still transfer back to hearing criminal cases any time he chooses."
"The issue of his judicial bias in favor of privileged defendants in sex crimes and domestic violence still needs to be addressed by the voters of Santa Clara County," Dauber said in an email. "In our opinion, Judge Persky is biased and should not be on the bench."
Dauber and other organizers have said they will begin collecting signatures in April to qualify the issue for the November 2017 ballot.
Persky had already departed from two sex-crimes cases since his June sentencing of the 20-year-old Turner exploded in national media.
On Monday he formally recused himself from deciding whether to reduce a San Jose plumber's felony child pornography charges to misdemeanors.
That came two months after the district attorney's office removed Persky from a different sexual assault case, saying "we lack confidence" in the judge's ability to decide it impartially.
In addition to his supervising judge, attorneys who have argued in front of Persky cite his abilities. Santa Clara County deputy public defender Gary Goodman in June called him a "solid and respected judge," while defense attorney Barbara Muller said he's "one of the fairest judges" in the county.
A jury convicted Turner, a former Olympic hopeful, of sexually assaulting the young woman he met at a campus fraternity party in January 2015 after she passed out behind a trash bin.
The sentence along with the long and much-shared statement the victim read in court made the case a national rallying cry for a reconsideration of how rape is handled by the law.
Now contrast this with cases in which women are convicted in sex crimes. Particularly against young children,especially boys. These guilty as hell women get a light sentence and no one bitches about it. Turner,unlike these women,will have to register as a sex offender for life. A lot of these women commit multiple offenses and are less remorseful than Turner was and still get light sentences. The worse part is a lot of blue pill morons come out with "hot for teacher" bullshit. We don't need these idiots weighing in. In Britain it is worse because judges there are bending over backwards or merely bending over,to avoid giving women custodial sentences. It's time to end this double standard bullshit.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Various govenment agencies have a variety of rape definitions
Differing definitions of rape create opening for misuse
By Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) • 8/23/16 2:18 PM
Different federal agencies define rape differently, and activists looking to make it look like there's a rape "epidemic" occurring across the country can take their pick of data related to those definitions.
The Government Accountability Office, in response to a request from Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo, discovered the disagreement among federal agencies of what is and is not rape. McCaskill herself is one of the biggest advocates for basing draconian legislation on of a broad definition that results in flawed statistics.
The GAO found "at least 10 efforts to collect data on sexual violence, which differ in target population, terminology, measurements, and methodology." It also found "23 different terms to describe sexual violence."
These definitions lead to vast differences in the number of victims of rape and sexual assault. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting system found 84,175 American rape victims in 2011, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — using a much broader definition in a self-reported survey — estimated there were 1,929,000 victims in 2011. That's a 2,200 percent increase.
While the FBI used actual reported crime statistics based on the legal definition of rape, the CDC used a definition so broad it included things like stolen kisses or merely "unwanted contact" that could have been the result of misread signals.
Of course, those pushing an agenda that sexual assault and rape — especially on college campuses — has reached "epidemic" proportions will use the broader definition, even if it is only backed by a self-reported survey. They use this information to promote bills like the Campus Accountability and Safety Act, which insists all accusers be believed and takes steps to ensure accused students have no ability to defend themselves.
GAO watchdogs point out the problem with using various definitions, writing: "Because there is wide variation in the results, entities that use federal data on sexual violence have a choice of which data to use, and entities reported using data that best suited their needs."
This, says Independent Women's Forum Director Sabrina Schaeffer, is used for convenience.
"The GAO is correct that it is crucial to define sexual violence correctly and consistently," Schaeffer told the Weekly Standard. "Too often inflated figures and definitions drive alarmism and ultimately grow government in a way that fashions women as victims and men as abusers. Ultimately, the IWF wants to encourage a culture of responsibility among both men and women so that we can have a healthier and safer society with happier more stable relationships for everyone."
The broadest definition of sexual assault — used by the CDC — has created alarmism through a series of surveys that are all flawed in similar ways and continue to claim 1 in 5 college women as victims of sexual assault. These surveys lump everything from a stolen kiss to forcible rape into the category of sexual assault, even though the vast majority of women said they didn't report any incident because they didn't think it was serious enough.
The GAO recommended that federal agencies make their differing definitions public. This could help in the short-term, as it would force zealous officials like McCaskill to explain what they're claiming is sexual assault. A better solution would be for all federal agencies to use one definition — a serious definition tied to the one used in the legal system. Maybe then we won't be branding our young people as rapists just for kissing someone.
If you're a man who is less than thrilled with Senator Claire McGaskill you may want to let her know about it. Especially if you live in Missouri or are legally able to vote there let her know you are tired of her misandry. Click on "Share you opinion on legislation" to bring up comment form.
By Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) • 8/23/16 2:18 PM
Different federal agencies define rape differently, and activists looking to make it look like there's a rape "epidemic" occurring across the country can take their pick of data related to those definitions.
The Government Accountability Office, in response to a request from Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo, discovered the disagreement among federal agencies of what is and is not rape. McCaskill herself is one of the biggest advocates for basing draconian legislation on of a broad definition that results in flawed statistics.
The GAO found "at least 10 efforts to collect data on sexual violence, which differ in target population, terminology, measurements, and methodology." It also found "23 different terms to describe sexual violence."
These definitions lead to vast differences in the number of victims of rape and sexual assault. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting system found 84,175 American rape victims in 2011, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — using a much broader definition in a self-reported survey — estimated there were 1,929,000 victims in 2011. That's a 2,200 percent increase.
While the FBI used actual reported crime statistics based on the legal definition of rape, the CDC used a definition so broad it included things like stolen kisses or merely "unwanted contact" that could have been the result of misread signals.
Of course, those pushing an agenda that sexual assault and rape — especially on college campuses — has reached "epidemic" proportions will use the broader definition, even if it is only backed by a self-reported survey. They use this information to promote bills like the Campus Accountability and Safety Act, which insists all accusers be believed and takes steps to ensure accused students have no ability to defend themselves.
GAO watchdogs point out the problem with using various definitions, writing: "Because there is wide variation in the results, entities that use federal data on sexual violence have a choice of which data to use, and entities reported using data that best suited their needs."
This, says Independent Women's Forum Director Sabrina Schaeffer, is used for convenience.
"The GAO is correct that it is crucial to define sexual violence correctly and consistently," Schaeffer told the Weekly Standard. "Too often inflated figures and definitions drive alarmism and ultimately grow government in a way that fashions women as victims and men as abusers. Ultimately, the IWF wants to encourage a culture of responsibility among both men and women so that we can have a healthier and safer society with happier more stable relationships for everyone."
The broadest definition of sexual assault — used by the CDC — has created alarmism through a series of surveys that are all flawed in similar ways and continue to claim 1 in 5 college women as victims of sexual assault. These surveys lump everything from a stolen kiss to forcible rape into the category of sexual assault, even though the vast majority of women said they didn't report any incident because they didn't think it was serious enough.
The GAO recommended that federal agencies make their differing definitions public. This could help in the short-term, as it would force zealous officials like McCaskill to explain what they're claiming is sexual assault. A better solution would be for all federal agencies to use one definition — a serious definition tied to the one used in the legal system. Maybe then we won't be branding our young people as rapists just for kissing someone.
If you're a man who is less than thrilled with Senator Claire McGaskill you may want to let her know about it. Especially if you live in Missouri or are legally able to vote there let her know you are tired of her misandry. Click on "Share you opinion on legislation" to bring up comment form.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
Open letter to Bill Burr
Bill,you recently slammed Men's Rights Activists in a recent interview. The double standards you bring up in your comedy acts we seriously address. America is a highly misandric country so the best way to play it safe is to go along with what the rest of the sheep are saying. To go against that misandric current is to take risks. If you want to play traditionalist then let's do it: it is a lot more ballsy to go against an injustice than to bend over and spread your asscheeks to their bullshit. To take the slings and arrows toughens you up while acquiescing accomplishes nothing. Do you just talk about the injustices you bring up in your act or would you rather the institutionalized misandry be addressed? To merely talk is feminine to act is masculine.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Pokomon character is really a serial rapist
Students packing in anticipation of a return to campus for the fall semester are breathing sighs of relief today as the mysterious “1 in 4” campus rapist, also nicknamed “Invisibeau” and “Haven Monahan“, has been positively identified as “Charmander”, a virtual character in the Pokéman universe. Known for his fiery tail and vulnerability to water-themed characters, a worldwide search is underway to capture Charmander as well as his alleged Pokémon co-conspirators: over 15 million volunteers are assisting in the search in the US alone.
For more than a decade, the stealthy Charmander has been raping millions of coeds in ways so devious and confusing that 99.9% of those rapes went completely unreported and unnoticed, and the rare report of these rapes was often dismissed by authorities due to the unlikely and even fantastical descriptions and details provided by the rape victims.
While the nefarious, penis-related and even demonic aspects of Pokémon characters are well known, rape only entered the picture when The Daily Mail reported on a brave Moscow woman, Ekatrina Lysalot (not her real name), who came forward with her harrowing story of being sexually assaulted in her bed after a consensual “play session” with the cellphone application known as Pokémon GO.
[Lysalot] says the Pokemon disappeared when she jumped out of bed – but says the Pokemon GO app on her phone could still detect the same virtual character’s presence on her bed.
She woke up her husband to tell her [sic] what had happened who told police officers that he did not believe her and told her to see a psychiatrist.
Russian news website Bloknot reports that the police did not believe her either and that the woman then went to see a psychic who was unable to help her.
Feminists and their organizations in the US were quick to criticize Moscow police for their failure to “listen and believe” the poor victim. The National Organization of Woman (NOW) is believed to be planning to give Ekatrina a “Woman of Courage” award, the same award they gave performance artist, porn star and former coed Emma “Mattress Girl” Sulkowicz earlier this year.
The identification of the Pokémon rapist offers a surprising solution to the so-called “Dumb Girl” paradox: feminists from President Obama on down have long claimed that 1 in 4 college women are raped but paradoxically less than one in 6000 actually reports an assault. The natural conclusion – that 99.9% of college women are too stupid and/or too craven to report being raped – is known as the “Dumb Girl” paradox since the mismatch in purported rape rates and actual rape reports had no other logical explanation.
However, virtual characters like those tracked by Pokémon GO can go on massive crime sprees due to their ubiquity and their ephemeral, transitory nature in both cyber and meatspace. Virtual copies of Charmander and his gang rape crew can appear anywhere at any time, disconcerting their stunned victims and frustrating the efforts of law enforcement and anti-rape activists to bring this violent scourge to an end.
Compounding the problem is that in the new Pokémon GO, the Pokémon characters are immortal and are thus unstoppable by any known means: they can be stunned in battle (the same way they faint or stun their rape victims) but ultimately the characters can be revived to rape again. The misogynistic rape apologist site Bustle gleefully notes that:
Thankfully, it appears that the Pokemon in “Pokemon Go” are immune to the Grim Reaper! It may seem cruel to pit the creatures against each other in a gym battle for your team’s pride, but Pokemon actually like to fight. They enjoy challenging themselves and displaying their prowess. A Pokemon never dies (hooray!), instead it is “KO’ed” and returns to its ball. Just use a little “Revive” spray and it’ll be ready for another fight!
Of course, “fight” is a code-term in Bustle for rape.
In response to the revelations and facing huge Cliff and Huxtable-level lawsuits, Pokémon GO’s embattled parent Niantic doubled down, claiming that all Pokémon/coed relationships are both consensual and committed, and that any coed caught cheating on her Pokémon will be permanently banned.
Given the contentious and unstable nature of the search for Charmander and the wild rape claims and counter-claims, This website recommends that college men exercise caution, restraint and minimization in their dealings with coeds, and seek companionship, if necessary, from off-campus, non-college partners.
Okay Charmander, you better talk see. Me and the boys know your guilty see so talk you dirty rat.
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