The amazing thing to day is that college girls do porn videos like this video yet if go you near her you can be accused of some sex crime. I mean think about it. One of those bitches from Girls Gone Wild can falsely accuse a guy and everyone will think she is a vestal virgin about it and that he is the guy in raincoat that hangs around playgrounds. Boys or girls,today's college girl doesn't give a fuck who she fucks but she has no problem fucking over men. Here is an illustration:
We've seen this attitude in the media,courts and society in general. Women insensitive to men's pain:
Even if they inflict the most damaging harm to little boys:
We see this in a society that not only condones it but enables misandry as well. However we are seeing a backlash at women:
We're getting in their faces:
We've tried to be nice. What did that get us? Husband mutilators like Lorena Bobbitt and Catherine Kieu Becker. We tried to be nice. What did that get us? Husband killers such as Mary Winkler and Clara Harris. We tried to be nice. What did that get us? School teachers and other older females who take advantage of the young males in schools and other institutions. We tried to be nice. What did that get us? Misandric lopsided laws that disfavor men even when the men are victims of female on male domestic violence. We've tried to be nice, What did that get us? A kick to the groin and other forms of sexual violence.
No more Mister Nice Guy: