Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2012

Statist loses election but wants to be Secretary of State

Howard Berman

The good news: Congressman Howard Berman -- one of the lead supporters of SOPA -- lost his re-election bid last week. The bad news: The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Berman is being considered as the replacement for Hillary Clinton when she steps down as Secretary of State in coming weeks. That would mean that he'd play a key role in developing global Internet policy! Please add your name at right to tell President Obama and the Senate that Berman has no place being considered for Secretary of State. Berman has spent decades representing Southern California, and has been one of the biggest shills for Hollywood and other forces that seek to censor the Internet: He was one of the original sponsors of SOPA, and unlike so many others who had the sense to wiithdraw their support after the Internet cried out, Berman has never backed down. But now the LA Times reports:

Berman, who has been chairman and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is among those now mentioned by U.S. officials as a possible replacement for Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton when she departs next year.

If the United States really cares about global Internet freedom, there couldn't be a worse pick for Secretary of State than Berman, who's repeatedly tried to censor the web at Hollywood's behest -- and Hollywood's been leading a global charge to clamp down on Internet freedom. Let's put Obama and the Senate on notice.

Source:click here to sign petition.

Last week we got rid of this statist asshole through democratic means but we could end up stuck with him if we don't let Obama and our senators know that we don't want him. If he is a big SOPA supporter I don't want him anywhere near the controls for the internet. If he is so big with the Hollywood crowd then they can give him a job in the private sector so that way he can leave the rest of us alone.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

CISPA defeated

From Demand Progress:

Internet Wins Again! We Beat Back Cyber-Snooping Bill

The Internet wins again! The advocates for the cyber-security bill failed to get enough support to proceed to a final vote on the legislation. They won't be reading your email and sharing your personal data -- anytime soon, at least.

Will you add your name at right to thank the senators who stood with us? We'll surely be working with them again soon. And please use these links to share the great news (and Success Baby).

You guys were amazing throughout this fight: Demand Progress members sent 500,000 emails to the Senate and made thousands of phone calls in opposition to the bill. Countless other activists took up this fight too -- groups like the ACLU, EFF, Center for Democracy and Technology, Fight for the Future, and Free Press.

Just as important was the coalition of senators working on the inside to stand up for our rights. Several senators voted against cloture at least in part because of privacy concerns. And there's a broader, newly-empowered bloc of senators who've helped fight for pro-privacy changes to the legislation -- people like Ron Wyden (OR), Al Franken (MN), and Bernie Sanders (VT).***

Please add your name at right to make sure they know that we're grateful, and that we'll stand with them -- we'll have to fight this battle again sometime soon.

PETITION TO PRO-PRIVACY SENATORS: We thank you for your hard work to protect our privacy and Internet freedom. As we share in the excitement of this victory we want you to know that we look forward to working with you whenever there's a threat to the Internet.

Add your name at right to thank the senators who stood up for privacy and Internet freedom.

Source:click here

Way to go,everyone. First PIPA then SOPA and now the latest threat to the internet,CISPA,goes down to defeat. Everyone give yourselves a pat on the back you deserve it. Now sign the thank you petition and be done with CISPA for good.