Showing posts with label selective service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label selective service. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Forcing only men to sign up for Selective Service has been ruled as gender discrimination against men

The National Coalition For Men (NCFM) is pleased with the court’s decision in NCFM v. Selective Service. Forcing only males to register is an aspect of socially institutionalized male disposability and helps reinforce the stereotypes that support discrimination against men in other areas such as child custody, divorce, criminal sentencing, paternity fraud, education, public benefits, domestic violence services, due process rights, genital autonomy, and more.

“Women are now allowed in combat, so this decision is long overdue,” said Marc Angelucci, attorney for NCFM. “After decades of sex discrimination against men in the Selective Service, the courts have finally found it unconstitutional to force only men to register. Even without a draft, men still face prison, fines, and denial of federal loans for not registering or for not updating the government of their whereabouts. Since women will be required to register with the Selective Service, they should face the same repercussions as men for any noncompliance.”


Then there is this:

Only Drafting Men in War Is Gender ‘Discrimination,’ Federal Judge Rules
By Pluralist | Feb 25, 2019

“They’re hollering they don’t have equal ‘rights.'”

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday than an all-male military draft is unconstitutional given that women can now serve in combat roles just as men do.

Judge Gray H. Miller of Federal District Court in the Southern District of Texas noted that the Supreme Court’s 1981 ruling in favor of excluding women from the draft was based on the fact that women could not be combat soldiers. But the Pentagon opened up all military roles to women in 2015.

“While historical restrictions on women in the military may have justified past discrimination, men and women are now ‘similarly situated for purposes of a draft or registration for a draft,’” Judge Miller wrote in his ruling. “If there ever was a time to discuss ‘the place of women in the Armed Services,’ that time has passed.”

Miller said Congress has never fully examined whether men are physically better able to serve than women. In fact, he noted in a footnote, “the average woman could conceivably be better suited physically for some of today’s combat positions than the average man, depending on which skills the position required. Combat roles no longer uniformly require sheer size or muscle.”

Miller’s ruling was declaratory, and it did not specify any action that the government must take to comply. It comes as an 11-member advisory panel, the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, is studying the draft system, considering whether it should continue and whether women should be included.

The case was brought by a men’s right group, and two men who argued an all-male draft violates the 14th Amendment’s equal-protection clause. Although there has not be a US military draft in 40 years, men who fail to register with the Selective Service System at their 18th birthday can be denied public benefits such as federal employment and student loans. Women cannot register for Selective Service.

The group, called the National Coalition For Men, cheered the ruling.

“We think it’s about time since women are allowed in combat,” Marc E. Angelucci, a lawyer for the National Coalition for Men, said. “If we have draft registration, both sexes should have to register. There’s really no more excuse to require only men to register.”

Many conservatives called the decision a logical result of the feminist campaign for equal rights, which in the #MeToo era has focused on combating workplace inequality.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Senate votes to require women to register for the draft

The United States Senate voted to pass a defense bill today that would require young women to sign up for a potential military draft for the first time in U.S. history. The vote was 85-13 in favor of the National Defense Authorization Act, a $600 billion defense spending bill that had a host of other controversial provisions in it, including prohibiting the closure of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and denying the Pentagon’s attempt to close military bases.

Republicans were divided about whether the U.S. should require women to register for the draft when they turn 18. Sen. Ted Cruz told Politico it was a “radical change that is attempting to be foisted on the American people,” while Sen. John McCain said “a large bipartisan majority on the Armed Services Committee agreed that there is simply no further justification to limit Selective Service registration to men.”

The Senate and the House will now meet to compare and resolve differences between the two versions of the defense spending bill. The House version does not have the female draft requirement in it.


I love this. I am loving it. It's about time women did their fair share and not heap burdens upon men and men only. Let's send a "atta boy" to Senator John McCain and tell him he's right. The burden should not be upon men and men alone. On the other hand,I am disappointed in Senator Ted Cruz for taking the position he did. Perhaps we should remind him that selective service is a burden that is already heaped upon men whether they like it or not so requiring women to fulfill the same requirements that men are forced to do is not much of a stretch. The country can handle it.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Fuck you,Mike Lee

Senator Mike Lee

When I went looking for a photo of Elaine Donnelly I found two. Not knowing which one to go with I went with both. Just by looking at the two photos you can tell it is the same person.

Elaine Donnelly

Elaine Donnelly

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, introduced a bill that would prohibit women from being registered for a possible draft requiring military service.

Current law exempts women from registering with the Selective Service, but the issue was thrust back into national discourse following the Obama administration’s decision late last year to open all combat positions in the military to women.

Lee’s bill would reiterate that only men aged 18 to 25 are required to enroll,extending the ban on female registration separate from the administration’s combat policy.

“We simply can’t trust this president or the courts to honor the law and protect our daughters,” Lee said in a statement to The Daily Signal. “We need new legislation making clear that if the United States is going to change this policy, Congress must be the one to do it.”

The U.S. government has not deployed the draft since 1973 after ending the nation’s involvement in the Vietnam War and converting the military to the all-volunteer service it is today.

In 1981, the Supreme Court upheld today’s law barring women from registering for the draft in its Rostker v. Goldberg decision, ruling that the statute was constitutional because women at the time were restricted from combat service.

But the rationale for the high court’s decision shifted in December, when Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced that, for the first time in U.S. history, all military positions would open to qualified women on New Year’s Day.

A Rasmussen Reports poll released Wednesday found that a majority of women—52 percent—oppose being required to register for the draft. Thirty-eight percent support enrollment, while 10 percent are undecided.

What? The queens don't want to give up their civilian lives of leisure to fight in some crummy war? I am shocked. American women don't believe in getting their manicured hands dirty that is why they want men to fight their battles for them. Go to war? That is icky male stuff.

Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, said, “Requiring women to register for Selective Service is unequal and unfair to women and certainly harmful to the military,” Donnelly told CNS News.

Selective Service is unfair to a lot of men,especially if they have legitimate objections but of course they are men they do not count. The only ones that do count are Donnelly and all the other freeloading, parasitical leeches that demand men die so that freeloading women like them can continue to party on the graves of men.

“Ordering women into the same combat environment on the same basis as men is not giving them an equal opportunity to survive,” Donnelly added. “The most recent research backs up that fact.”

News flash: a lot of men don't survive wars either but you and your bitch group have no problem sending men off to die so you can feel like some big wonder bitch but if someone asks you to earn your keep and it's "I'm a girl I'm too delicate for that". If you're too delicate for combat duty then you are too delicate for that high paying CEO position in that prestigious company as well. Choke on that,princess. Noticed men were excluded from this poll. I wonder why? *rolls eyes*

Lee’s legislation would assert that the Constitution gives Congress the exclusive power to legally define who is required to register with the Selective Service, National Review reported.

If Mike Lee is going to come up with bills like this how about he worked on his resignation. Constitution? Look up the 14th Amendment that prohibits discrimination.

Hey guys,Rasmussen didn't care about your input but I do so feel free to weigh in. To let Senator Mike Lee know that he royally fucked up on this one. If you are a resident and/or legally able to vote in Utah let him know this is a bonehead move. Even if you don't live in Utah tell him this is a bonehead move anyway. Otherwise this bill may be co-sponsored by one or both of your Senators and you don't want that. Nobody does.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Let's call Congressman Duncan Hunter on his move to exclude women from the draft

Congressman Duncan Hunter

First Congressman Duncan Hunter introduces an amendment that requires women to sign up for selective service then he votes against it. I'm tired of these bullshit moves by misguided stupid traditionalists. I'm tired of this. Hunter faces reelection in November. If this is how he is going to treat us men then I say we vote for his Democratic opponent. The Democrats have no problem including women in the draft and I fully support them on this. Assclowns like Hunter have to go. If you live in his district you can email him and tell him that he pulled a bullshit move. You can also contact your own Representative if you live outside Hunter's district. What Hunter did was a bullshit move by violating the 14th Amendment to the Constitution and he needs to be called out on it so contact your Representative right away.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Feminist content to let only men die in wars

Though our nation hasn't had a draft since the 1970s, selective service registration remains a reality for young men. I admit that, as a mom to two young girls, selective service is not something I have ever given much thought to. It was only when I heard that Congress is seeking to expand the draft to include both genders that I realized how much I oppose it.

Earlier this year, a dramatic change was made to the nation’s military policies that opened nearly all combat roles to women. The next question to follow was, if women are eligible to participate in all combat roles, should selective service enrollment be made mandatory for women as well?

We are now one step closer to that becoming a reality.

The National Defense Authorization Act, headed for a House vote later this month, has attached to it an amendment titled “Draft America’s Daughters.” Some feminists are hailing it as a boon toward their cause, calling America’s history of the all-male draft discriminatory and the addition of women to selective service a huge leap for equality.

But being a feminist doesn't have to mean standing up for sending our daughters to war.

I am a feminist, and I do not support including women in selective service.

When you are not included in something that no one wants to do — in this case, going off to war — it’s not discrimination; it’s a privilege. Some say women should give up that privilege in the name of equality between men and women. But here’s the thing about equality: Men and women are not equal.

That’s right — I’m a feminist, I am a mother of two girls, and I am saying that men and women are not equal.

In the event of a draft, sending women off to war does not present an equal opportunity to women by nature of the fact that women are physically different from men. As much as we may work to try to level the playing field between men and women, the physical differences between us as created by nature make us inherently unequal and cannot be universally overcome.

Combat is not an equal opportunity situation for men and women, because the average woman does not have an equal opportunity to survive a combat situation. The Army's own studies have shown that women have more than double the rate of injury of their male counterparts in combat training. I can only imagine that those numbers would be even more dramatic in actual combat. I can't fathom sending my daughters off to fight in an already dangerous situation, where they are known to be at a physical disadvantage.

There are women who have made great contributions to our military. Women who have chosen a career in military service should be able to serve in whatever capacity their particular skills and abilities allow. But that doesn’t mean the average American woman is prepared to join our armed services and become the next G.I. Jane.

No mother, whether she has sons or daughters, ever wishes to send her child off to war. However, if I had sons, I could at least take comfort in knowing that our nation's young men are the most able-bodied people to take on this task and therefore most likely to return home to us safely. Should my daughters grow up to choose a career in military service, I would support them 100 percent, but the number of women who feel physically and emotionally capable of taking on that role are the exception and not the rule.

As much as feminism celebrates the women who feel they can take on any role a man can fill, we must also embrace the women who feel they can’t. If feminism, at its core, is about the power to fully empower women, then we have to make space for both sides. We can support our sisters in the armed forces while not subjecting the rest of the civilian female population to conscription.


Talk about fucking gall. I was floored while reading this. Talk about entitlement attitude. She is content sending men off to die so that fucking cunts like herself can sit around and bitch how bad men are. That;s women for you. If the position is CEO of a large company they are strong empowered superwomen. If the position is front lines of a war then they are dainty little flowers that need men's protection. This bullshit. We are tired of it.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Fuck Ted Cruz

I have received word that Senators Ted Cruz,Mike Lee and Marco Rubio have voted against legislation that would required women to sign up for Selective Service. They have no problem sending your sons,nephews and other male relatives to die but god forbid one of their little cunt angels gets her hands dirty. Women want more of a free ride from men,at men's expenses, and these buttheads are more than happy to hand it to them. Fuck these assholes. As it stands we are not endorsing anyone.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Require women to also sign up for selective service

It is only fair that if women can be in combat units all women must register for selective service upon turning the age of 18. Men must deal with many penalties for failing to register, from fines up to 250,000 dollars and jail time, to being blocked from federal student financial aid, federal jobs, and job training programs.

To sign petition

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Entitlement princess demands that MEN sign up to die for her

I was listening to the Rush Limbaugh show guest hosted by Eric Erickson. I use that only as a reference nothing Erickson said was a problem. It was a PSA about Selective Service, reminding men that they must sign up for Selective Service to be eligible for benefits. Guess who narrating this piece of shit? Some entitled cunt. That's right, little miss empowered who avoids responsibility at all costs is lecturing men on being responsible, "owning up" is how she put it. The only thing I can say is fuck you you spoiled little princess. Let me guess, you want men to die so you can continue to be the little narcisstic bitch that you are. You want men to die so you can be a total worthless cunt. Fuck you, you ain't worth dying for. Ordinarily I would tell you to shove it up your cunt but on this occasion I request that you turn it sideways for maximum effect.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Tell the government to make Selective Service requirements apply to women too or scrap it all together

Make forced conscription gender neutral or abandon it.
Recently Norway became one the first countries in the world to subject women to the same conscription rules as men. It is time for the United States of America to follow its lead towards more gender neutrality by law. In a society where men and women are considered equal, both should experience equal rights, as well as equal responsibilities. This includes the Selective Service System to be gender neutral.

Moreover, with women no longer being excluded from combat positions since 2013, there is no more ground to exclude women from the Selective Service registration, as women being excluded from combat position was the reasoning in 1981 by the United States Supreme Court when a similar proposal was refuted.

To sign petition

Friday, April 5, 2013

NCFM sues over anti-male bias in selective service requirements


April 4, 2013


Contact: Marc Angelucci, Esq., NCFM Vice President, 626-319-3081

Or, Steven Svoboda, Esq., NCFM PR Director, 925-395-2065


Lawsuit Asserts Department of Defense’s Recent Repeal of Ban on Women in Combat Removes Lone Legal Obstacle for Requiring Women to Register for Draft

Los Angeles (4/4/13) – The National Coalition For Men (NCFM) is a non-profit educational organization that advocates for equal rights for men and women.

NCFM has filed a lawsuit that challenges the legality of requiring only males to register for the military draft. The lawsuit was filed against the U.S. Selective Service System in the United States District Court for the Central District of California on April 4, 2013, Case Number 2:13-cv-02391-DSF-MAN .

The 1981 U.S. Supreme Court equal protection case of Rostker v. Goldberg, 453 U.S. 57 (1981) held that men and women were not similarly situated in the U.S. military because women were excluded from combat, therefore women did not have to register for the draft. Dissenting Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote, “The Court today places its imprimatur on one of the most potent remaining public expressions of ‘ancient canards about the proper role of women’.”

In January, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced that women will be allowed to enter all combat positions in all branches of the U.S. military, thereby removing the sole legal basis for requiring only males to register for the draft.

NCFM’s complaint alleges that because men and women are now similarly situated in the military, Selective Service’s requirement that only males must register for the draft violates the rights of both men and women to equal treatment under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution, and under United States Code, Title 28, Section 1983.

Plaintiffs seek injunctive and declaratory relief, calling for the Selective Service to stop discriminating against men and women by requiring both men and women to register for the draft, or by requiring neither to register for the draft.

Men failing to register for the draft can be fined up to $250,000, sentenced to up to five years in prison, and denied eligibility for federal and state benefits including jobs, financial aid, citizenship, loans, and job training. Only men now face these harsh penalties.

NCFM calls on the Obama Administration and Congress to end the institutional sex discrimination that requires only men to register for the draft. The ancient canard is gone, because women are now eligible for combat roles in all branches of the U.S. military. There is no longer any legal justification for continuing the unequal treatment of our draft age population based solely on their gender. The Selective Service System should treat men and women equally, including imposing penalties against both men and women for failing to register.

Read the complaint here

Source: click here

Go NCFM Go. I've been waiting a long time for this and I'm glad it has happening. Why should men be the only ones to die in a war. If women want rights they should fight for them as any man would. Fair is fair.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Male only "privileges" that women want no part of

We often hear about how women want equality and that they want equal access to "male privilege" Now before I go on there are two types of "privileges" that are going to be talked about here: the first is the scenario of the male executives,with glasses of champagne,toasting a successful business plan and high fiving each other. Women see this and they start making demands to achieve it. What they don't see or care to for that matter is how weeks earlier when these same men were still brainstorming and trying to come up with rough drafts,with their heads in their hands. It seems women want the best of life without making the sacrifices to achieve it.

The following are "male-only privileges" that women want no part of:

  • Men are the only ones that face the death penalty in murder cases but even in cases where the death penalty is spared men "enjoy" longer sentences than women.

  • Male only selective service where men and only men have to sign up for to receive government benefits

  • Men receiving longer sentences for the same crimes that females also commit. Even if the woman is the mastermind she can place blame on the man to conceal her culpability.

  • When men and women both serve in the military only men may be required to serve in combat. Also the fitness required for women is lower than for men

  • Men make up the majority of occupation accidents and fatalities: 95% vs. 5%.

  • Men's health concerns are neglected compared to women's health issues. Men's concerns gets pennies while women's health issues gets dollars.

  • Women outlive men by a decade.

  • Men are victimize by anti-male laws such as VAWA that strips them of everything they worked hard for and destroy their reputations in the process.

  • If we can consider the aforementioned bullet points to be "privileges" "enjoyed" by men then I happily concede my "privileges" to whoever wants them.