Showing posts with label Chris Dodd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Dodd. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A word on the freedom of speech

In the United States freedom is speech is so important that it is the 1st Amendment to our Constitution. Freedom of speech should be extended to all and that is what the internet does. There are some that don't believe in freedom of speech for everyone but for only the chosen few and I believe they will make themselves the choosers. There are posts here dedicated to freedom of speech issues such as PIPA,SOPA and other unconstitutional nightmares. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance and if you value your liberties you must be vigilant and activist. That is the only way to get things done.

If you a are freedom-loving American who wishes to be a shining beacon to the rest of the world then vote. Voting time is coming up in November,the time to vote in pro-male and pro-civil liberties candidates and vote out misandric censorers. If you favor these things and are registered to vote then please do so. If you are not registered time is running out so register today. You do so by going down to your nearest post office or motor vehicles department. If you are unable to that click on the banner:

Chris Dodd wants to restrict the net

Chris Dodd

You people are dangerous with your unrestricted internet that might step on big toes

From Campaign For Liberty:

The statists want you to believe that if you'd just hand over every last bit of your remaining liberties, everything would be fine.

They say freedom is "dangerous."

In fact, that's exactly how former U.S. Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) - now a high-powered Washington, D.C. lobbyist - recently referred to C4L's fight for Internet freedom, stating, "You can't just have a legal, free environment where there aren't any restrictions [on the Internet]."

Well, according to recent news reports, I'm afraid Chris Dodd may just get his way.

That's why - if you haven't yet done so - I'm counting on you to sign your C4L Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.

As The Hill reported, the Obama Administration is busy circulating a five-page draft of an Executive Order giving the President control over virtually all private communication systems in America under the guise of "national security."

This is nothing more than an end run around Congress who - thanks to your help - just blocked a bill with similar provisions last month.

But that's not all.

Under the guise of improving broadband service, the FCC is launching an unprecedented assault on the American people, collecting all types of personal information from law-abiding citizens without their knowledge.

Under this scheme, government bureaucrats will be able to gain access to our personal information - including your website history, your tweets, Facebook posts, and even the physical home address associated with your IP address.

Just imagine government bureaucrats armed with whatever they want to know about you right at their fingertips.

What you read. What you watch. What you buy. What you say. Who you talk to.

Imagine the Internet - and with it, the entire technological revolution - SHUT DOWN with a ball of higher taxes, government snooping, and bureaucratic red tape.

This is where we're headed - not next month, not next week, not tomorrow, but NOW - unless folks like you and me who cherish our remaining liberties begin to fight back.

Quite frankly, if freedom is dangerous, I'm committed to living dangerously - and I hope you agree.

If you do, please sign your Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.

Right now, statists in both parties don't think they have anything to fear as they chip away at our Internet freedom - so long as they make up a good enough excuse like "security" or "fairness."

They think you and I aren't smart enough to figure out what they're up to.

Or maybe we just don't care.

Or maybe we'll just put our heads in the sand and ignore the fight going on all around us.

Well, I'm counting on you to help me prove them DEAD WRONG.

I'm counting on your help.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. President Obama's Administration is circulating a draft of an Executive Order giving the President control over virtually all private communication systems in America under the guise of "national security."

Just as bad, Obama's FCC is gearing up to collect all types of personal information about the American people - information that will be shared with other government agencies - including members of Congress.

That's why I'm counting on you to please sign your Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.

To sign the manifesto:click here

If internet freedom means something to you then sign the manifesto. Let's tell creeps like Dodd to leave us alone and get used to changes in the way things run. I'm sure these idiots ran things in the past but the past is gone and the here and now belong to the people. To preserve your freedom sign the manifesto.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fight for the future by opposing internet censorship today

From Fight For The Future:

Can you believe this? After the largest online protest in history, the Obama administration is still voicing support for SOPA.

We promised to ask for your help if SOPA returned. We're asking now. This kind of backtracking demands a strong, fast response. We're running a petition to demand that Obama drop all support for internet censorship. Our goal? Get more signatures than the top petition on -- 151,000 signatures. Tell Obama to promise: "I will never advance legislation that blocks websites or disconnects Americans’ internet access.”

What is the White House working on exactly? Just the other day, the administration sent a letter to Congress to demonstrate their support for new internet censorship legislation. A few weeks ago, the White House struck a deal to give corporations private powers to shut down your internet connection (after "six strikes" without due process or judicial review), completely in secret.

Obama's internet would let private companies block sites and turn off our web connections. Blocking websites censors free speech, hurts jobs, and breaks the internet. These are tactics used by totalitarian governments and we believe they’re never ok. Let's get more signatures than any petition on

As Wired noted*, "The White House did say that it wouldn't endorse a bill that endangers freedom of expression, increases cybersecurity risks, or negatively affects the DNS system. On the other hand, it says elsewhere that "combating online infringement" -- not protecting free speech -- is a governmental priority "of the highest order." What about free speech, Obama?

Sign the petition now, then share it to keep the internet strong. Our friends need to know where the President is currently standing on SOPA.

We couldn't have stopped SOPA and PIPA without you and all of your friends! And we can't do it without you now. Let's make sure SOPA 2.0 never gets written. Thank you,

Tiffiniy, Zak, Fight for the Future!

click here to sign the petition.

The Hollywood lobby sure knows how to make everyday people from all walks of life hate them. Free speech advocates,such as myself,need to keep them honest and the best way to do that is with an uncensored internet. An uncensored internet is a threat to the PTB and they know it. To preserve freedom I will sign a lot of petitions so one more won't hurt. Sign today.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hollywood lobby to get SOPA like legislation passed

From Demand Progress:

Tell Obama And Dodd: No Backroom Dealing, No New SOPA

They still just don't get it. Chris Dodd -- the head of the Hollywood Lobby -- is bragging that he's working on a new insider deal to push through SOPA-like legislation.

He had this exchange with the Hollywood Reporter this week:

THR: Are there conversations going on now?

Dodd: I'm confident that's the case, but I'm not going to go into more detail because obviously if I do, it becomes counterproductive.

THR: Did you feel personally blindsided by Obama over SOPA?

Dodd: I'm not going to revisit the events of last winter. I'll only say to you that I'm confident he's using his good relationships in both communities to do exactly what you and I have been talking about.

This exchange comes days after the White House issued a report that urges a redoubling of efforts to crack down on piracy.

Hollywood and Obama should've learned: No form of censorship will be acceptable to Internet users, and we're fed up with corrupt, back-room deals that are driven by the rich and well-connected. Any major Internet policy changes should be negotiated in the light of day, so the millions of people who'd be affected can have their say too.

Please tell President Obama to reject Hollywood's backroom deals -- just add your name at right.

TO PRESIDENT OBAMA AND CHRIS DODD: After the biggest outpouring of activism in the history of the Internet, it's appalling that Hollywood is back to its old insider ways. No backroom deals -- and no new SOPA. And any and all negotiations with Hollywood should take place in the light of day.

click here to sign petition.

Wow,these idiots just don't get it. We don't want their censorship pushed on us. You would think that after they got shellacked for sponsoring SOPA they would learn their lesson but no they want to go through this again. If we have to stand up to them again it is not a problem because the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.Preserve your liberty sign the petition today.