Showing posts with label campaign for liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campaign for liberty. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2020

David Dudenhoefer For Congress

David Dudenhoefer

David Dudenhoefer (Republican Party) (also known as Dude) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Michigan's 13th Congressional District. He is on the ballot in the general election on November 3, 2020. He advanced from the Republican primary on August 4, 2020.

Dudenhoefer completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2020. Click here to read the survey answers.

Dudenhoefer is the district chair for the 13th Congressional District Republican Committee.


Dudenhoefer was born in Detroit, Michigan. His professional experience includes working in the Detroit gaming industry. Dudenhoefer has served as the deputy state coordinator for the Michigan Campaign for Liberty and as the chairman for the Michigan 13th District Republican Committee.


A lifelong resident of Wayne County, David Dudenhoefer spent his early childhood in Westland and graduated from Franklin High School in Livonia. As an adult David moved to Detroit and has been living in the city for over twenty-five years.
David and his newly-wed wife, Jacqueline, live in the Boston-Edison historic district and work in the city of Detroit. They enjoy what the new and old Detroit has to offer from live music to local restaurants, urban gardening, Eastern Market, Belle Isle and all the yearly festivals. They also enjoy exploring Michigan’s Great Lakes, state parks, and hiking trails.

Aside from his 20 years of experience in the private sector, David has worked tirelessly as a political activist advocating for individual liberty and has served as district chair for the 13th Congressional District Republican Committee since 2013.

Meet The Dude

Do you want to keep Rashida Thalib in office? I didn't think so. If you want the squad out of Congress and out of power ASAP then a vote for David Dudenhoefer will ensure that will happen. So if you live in David Dudenhoefer's district and you are tired of the squad then vote for David Dudenhoefer to get rid of Rashida Thalib.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tell your congressperson and the House Speaker to reject Reid's amendment

From Campaign For Liberty:

The statists’ sweetheart “deal” rammed through the U.S. Senate at 2 a.m. this morning – while they thought absolutely no one was looking – is set to be voted on in the U.S. House at any minute.

That’s why it’s vital you call your Congressman, Rep. Jerry Lewis, at (202) 225-5861 and DEMAND Rep. Jerry Lewis vote no on this outrageous scheme IMMEDIATELY.

While you’re at it, call Speaker Boehner’s office at (202) 225-6205 and tell him to oppose this statist scheme.

Without your action, I’m afraid this radical “deal” will pass.

And here’s a brief description of what’s about to hit you and me . . .

It’s all taxes and virtually zero cuts.

In fact, it’s $41 in taxes for every $1 in cuts that likely will never come! All in all, it’s over $600 BILLION in new taxes!

After all, according to the politicians, our nation’s $16.4 TRILLION debt has nothing to do with their spending, their irresponsibility, or their recklessness.

It’s your fault, they say.

They just don’t have enough money, because the American people are so greedy, they want to keep the money they’ve rightly earned – instead of giving it to politicians to WASTE.

Of course, they tell you and me taxes are only supposed to go up on the evil “rich!”

The small business owners. The job creators.

By engaging in class warfare, and convincing “average” folks you don’t have a stake in the fight.

Nothing could be a bigger LIE. Any sane person understands just who is going to be paying the price for all the politicians’ madness and our skyrocketing debt.

It’s going to be you, me - and our children and grandchildren.

Future generations of Americans will pay the price with lost liberty and lost opportunity.

But the statists know this so-called “deal” to send taxes skyrocketing is a total affirmation of all their spending, all their government growth, all their assaults on our liberties, and all their bailouts, borrowing, and printing money out of thin air.

And should this “deal” pass, they’ll think they have a blank check to continue.

It’s up to you and me to stop them. It’s up to you and me to fight back.

That’s why it’s vital you call your Congressman, Rep. Jerry Lewis, at (202) 225-5861 and DEMAND Rep. Jerry Lewis vote no on this outrageous scheme IMMEDIATELY.

While you’re at it, call Speaker Boehner’s office at (202) 225-6205 and tell him to oppose this statist scheme.

Time is running out, so please act at once!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. The new “deal” rammed through at 2 a.m. this morning is a joke. In fact, it’s $41 in taxes for every $1 in spending “cuts” that likely will never come.

That’s why it’s vital you call your Congressman, Rep. Jerry Lewis, at (202) 225-5861 and DEMAND Rep. Jerry Lewis vote no on this outrageous scheme IMMEDIATELY.

While you’re at it, call Speaker Boehner’s office at (202) 225-6205 and tell him to oppose this statist scheme.

Sounds great. You can find your Congressperson here and write John Boehner here. Some of the programs they can cut are female favoring programs that exclude men,you may want to discuss that. Let's see if we can get some female favoring programs cut. Let's do it.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Be vigilant during the lame duck session of Congress

To send the mailgram click here

What we have in Congress right now is a lame duck session where it is still under the control of outgoing members until January when the new Congress is sworn in. This includes both houses. It is up to us to keep them honest in their final days in Congress. In this case we are putting our senators on notice that we are watching them and that will lobby to keep our civil liberties intact. If this sounds good to you send the mailgram.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Let's keep the pressure on Congress concerning Audit the Fed

From Campaign For Liberty:

Trillions of dollars have been stolen from U.S. taxpayers.

You and I, right now, are seeing the worst plundering of a country's wealth in the history of civilization, led by an out-of-control Federal Reserve.

But you and I together CAN put a stop to it all.

With your help (including completing the petition to your representative and senators) today, Campaign for Liberty is ready to take the battle straight to the heart of the problem - the Federal Reserve itself.

This Congress, we came close to enacting a full Audit of the Fed.

As you recall Audit the Fed passed the House with a bipartison majority and was only stalled in the Senate after Sen. Harry Reid vowed to not even bring it up for a vote.

Next Congress, with more Fed opponents put in office and the economy still reeling, we have our best chance ever.

But you must act today.

Just think about the scope of the problem.

The massive, outrageous amount of dollars recently committed to the economic bailouts totals:

More than the socialist New Deal...

More than the entire Iraq debacle...

More than the 1980's savings and loan mess... More than the Korean War...


Where will it all end?

It's time you and I put a stop to an out-of-control Federal Reserve.

And passing Audit the Fed will do just that.

That's why it's vital you fill out your personal "Audit the Fed" petition.

This bill will finally pull the lid off the FED and expose its outrageous power grabs.

Now is the time to make sure your representative and senators feel the heat to support the Audit the Fed bill!

If you and I don't act today, I'm afraid this crisis will end with the economic ruin of every man, woman, and child in the United States.

Today, over 16 TRILLION in taxpayer dollars in bailouts and loans have been agreed to by Congress, the Bush and Obama Treasury Departments, and the out-of-control Fed.

So is it really any wonder more and more folks are starting to realize the Washington, D.C. establishment is hurtling us toward complete economic disaster?

Whether it's watching a phony "stimulus" package get rammed into law or seeing Congress pass a $700 BILLION bank "bailout," the American people are agitated and increasingly angry.

You saw the result of that anger in the Tea Party revolt in 2010 and the momentum has continued to grow.

Statist, pro-Fed politicians have been tossed out of office left and right!

And several more are facing tough opposition back home ahead of November.

That means it's a perfect time to unleash the pressure of MILLIONS of outraged Americans on the out-of-control Fed today!

So please agree to complete your petition urging your Representative and Senators to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on Audit the Fed - the first step toward ENDING THE FEDERAL RESERVE once and for all!

As I know you're aware, the Federal Reserve is shrouded in secrecy.

Its meetings are off-limits to the public.

Its inner-workings are off-limits to the public.

Fed leaders know coming clean with Congress and the American people on how they create money out of thin air would result in an anti-Fed firestorm.

So can you imagine the impact of a full-scale audit?

You and I will finally be able to show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

*** Constant economic crises - the housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally-planned interest rates and money manipulation;

*** The destruction of the middle class - as fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;

*** Currency destruction - history shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

And unless you and I do end the madness in Washington, D.C., we may be closer than we'd like to think to learning that history lesson firsthand, right here on the streets of our towns and cities.

That's why your commitment to helping pass the Audit the Fed Bill - and helping Campaign for Liberty fight this battle - is so vital.

Just a few years ago, there was no chance of passing any legislation like Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill.

So I guess there has been one "CHANGE."

You see, with the piling up of trillions of dollars in out of control "bailouts" of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you they're "being responsible."

What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the trillions stolen from U.S. taxpayers?

More and more Congressmen are already feeling the pressure and are signing up to support this bill.

There will be many battles you and I must wage over the coming months to take back our country.

But this one is addresses to core of so many of our other problems.

And, it's both a bill we CAN pass and one that is vital to exposing the massive corruption and downright evil at the Federal Reserve.

You see, after regulating, taxing, spending, borrowing, and printing us into what looks like the worst recession in decades, establishment politicians and power brokers are assuring us they're working hard to "fix" our economic woes.

What is their solution?

You guessed it.

More of the same!

I'm convinced that if you and others will insist on Congress passing Audit the Fed, the votes will be there.

Now, we just need to show Congress the American people demand action on Audit the Fed.

Here's how we plan to do that.

First, we're already busy contacting up to seven million activists nationwide through mail, phones, and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Congress demanding action on "Audit the Fed".

But that's just the beginning.

We'll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on Congress.

And a few days before the vote, if we have the resources, we'd also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV, and newspaper ads.

This entire program is designed to send this one, CLEAR message to Congress - any politician who votes against the Federal Reserve Audit should look for another job.

But such a massive effort won't be easy.

If we don't take action, the America we see in just a few years could look far worse than even the one we see today.

Can I count on you to join the fight to AUDIT THE FED by filling out the petition?

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Please complete your petition DEMANDING your Representative and Senators cosponsor and seek roll call votes on the Audit the Fed Bill TODAY!

With federal spending at record levels, and TRILLIONS of new dollars flying off the printing presses, it's never been more important the Federal Reserve's abuses are exposed to the American people once and for all.

To sign the petition:click here

Let's get the pressure up to let those in office know that we want government accountability and one agency that is oblique at this time is the Federal Reserve and we,the people,have to change that. If you agree then sign the petition.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chris Dodd wants to restrict the net

Chris Dodd

You people are dangerous with your unrestricted internet that might step on big toes

From Campaign For Liberty:

The statists want you to believe that if you'd just hand over every last bit of your remaining liberties, everything would be fine.

They say freedom is "dangerous."

In fact, that's exactly how former U.S. Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) - now a high-powered Washington, D.C. lobbyist - recently referred to C4L's fight for Internet freedom, stating, "You can't just have a legal, free environment where there aren't any restrictions [on the Internet]."

Well, according to recent news reports, I'm afraid Chris Dodd may just get his way.

That's why - if you haven't yet done so - I'm counting on you to sign your C4L Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.

As The Hill reported, the Obama Administration is busy circulating a five-page draft of an Executive Order giving the President control over virtually all private communication systems in America under the guise of "national security."

This is nothing more than an end run around Congress who - thanks to your help - just blocked a bill with similar provisions last month.

But that's not all.

Under the guise of improving broadband service, the FCC is launching an unprecedented assault on the American people, collecting all types of personal information from law-abiding citizens without their knowledge.

Under this scheme, government bureaucrats will be able to gain access to our personal information - including your website history, your tweets, Facebook posts, and even the physical home address associated with your IP address.

Just imagine government bureaucrats armed with whatever they want to know about you right at their fingertips.

What you read. What you watch. What you buy. What you say. Who you talk to.

Imagine the Internet - and with it, the entire technological revolution - SHUT DOWN with a ball of higher taxes, government snooping, and bureaucratic red tape.

This is where we're headed - not next month, not next week, not tomorrow, but NOW - unless folks like you and me who cherish our remaining liberties begin to fight back.

Quite frankly, if freedom is dangerous, I'm committed to living dangerously - and I hope you agree.

If you do, please sign your Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.

Right now, statists in both parties don't think they have anything to fear as they chip away at our Internet freedom - so long as they make up a good enough excuse like "security" or "fairness."

They think you and I aren't smart enough to figure out what they're up to.

Or maybe we just don't care.

Or maybe we'll just put our heads in the sand and ignore the fight going on all around us.

Well, I'm counting on you to help me prove them DEAD WRONG.

I'm counting on your help.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. President Obama's Administration is circulating a draft of an Executive Order giving the President control over virtually all private communication systems in America under the guise of "national security."

Just as bad, Obama's FCC is gearing up to collect all types of personal information about the American people - information that will be shared with other government agencies - including members of Congress.

That's why I'm counting on you to please sign your Internet Freedom Manifesto IMMEDIATELY.

To sign the manifesto:click here

If internet freedom means something to you then sign the manifesto. Let's tell creeps like Dodd to leave us alone and get used to changes in the way things run. I'm sure these idiots ran things in the past but the past is gone and the here and now belong to the people. To preserve your freedom sign the manifesto.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Senate skips town to avoid Audit The Fed

From Campaign For Liberty:

Harry Reid thinks the fate of Audit the Fed is in his hands.

It wouldn't be the first time he’s been wrong.

This week, C4L members FLOODED Senator Reid's office and the rest of the U.S. Senate with thousands upon thousands – upon thousands – of messages demanding a vote on Audit the Fed. But late Friday night, the Senate decided to drop everything and skip town until after the November election. No, we didn’t get our vote before the Senate went into recess. But we put our senators on notice - continue to block Audit the Fed, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. They really don’t think we’ll keep their offices tied up on the phone and checking their emails day and night until Audit the Fed advances. It's sad that after this many years, they just don't know the liberty movement very well.

The truth is, the fate of Audit the Fed is in OUR hands. Outside of allies like Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Jim DeMint, and a handful of others, we can’t count on many in the Senate to hold the Fed accountable. They’re too busy covering for their buddy Ben and his secretive printing press operation. That means unless you, me, and millions of other Americans put so much pressure on the U.S. Senate that it has NO choice but to vote on and PASS Audit the Fed when it reconvenes, the issue will indeed die this year. While I guarantee you C4L will be on the frontlines of the fight to turn this bill into law in the next Congress should it fall short now, I don’t want to let this historic opportunity slip out of our fingers.

After all, how many people said Audit the Fed would never pass the U.S. House?

Been there. Won that. Overwhelmingly.

So what can you do now?

With your senators back in town – and on the election trail – from now until November, I hope you’ll visit their local offices to show them you’re more determined than ever to turn a spotlight on the Fed.

Find out if there will be any meetings in your area – and make sure you get your senators on the record for or against common-sense transparency and accountability.

Also, let your fellow constituents know whether or not your senators have cosponsored Audit the Fed (you can find the list of cosponsors here) and urge them to add their voices to our ranks.

If your senators are already cosponsors, then ask your family, friends, and neighbors to call their offices demanding they do everything in their power to force a roll call vote when the Senate returns.

A key lesson that many Americans forget is that the power is in OUR hands.

Politicians can only get away with what we allow them to do.

No senator will want to be on the opposite side of Audit the Fed if we can increase our grassroots tidal wave of support for this bill.

We can prove the naysayers wrong and show we will not be discouraged, and we will not be silenced.

Help us turn up the pressure so high the Senate will have no choice to but to vote on and PASS Audit the Fed when it returns to Washington!

In Liberty,

John Tate President

Since the Senate wanted to avoid the issue they did the only thing they could do and that is skip town. Voting against Audit The Fed would be political suicide so they pulled this stunt. We can hold their feet to the fire. This is a postponement not a defeat we didn't lose anything. We didn't get the vote but we didn't lose either. Like I said it is a postponement so let's stay alert and see what happens.

Stay tuned.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's tell Harry Reid to audit the Fed

From Campaign For Liberty:

And nothing says you care more than following up your phone call with a note!

So please also send a fax to Senator Reid's office by signing our Action Fax Authorization Form right away if you haven't already! Your action is needed today because the Senate is just about to recess for the election. While Senator Paul is working feverishly to obtain a vote, he needs our critical grassroots backup to turn up the pressure! But even if we don't get a vote now, we're not giving up.

Thank you for your support of this historic cause!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Harry Reid looks like he could use a little cheering up - and I think a phone call and note in support of Audit the Fed is just what the doctor ordered!

So please contact Senator Reid's office at 202-224-3542 - and sign your Action Fax Authorization Form if you haven't yet done so.

Action Fax Authorization Form.

If you are unable to phone Senator Reid you can reach him here. This is the last hurdle and if this bill passes it goes to Obama's desk for his signature and he has stated he will sign it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Audit the Fed is going to the Senate

From Campaign For Liberty:

Ben Bernanke and his out-of-control bankster cronies seem determined to drive our economy straight off a cliff and destroy our dollar in the process. If you saw the Fed put its foot on the gas announcing QE3 last week, you could hardly come to any other conclusion.

Even after the QE1 and QE2 FAILURES, the Fed is back to its old tricks and pumping even more money into our economy - to the tune of $40 BILLION per month.

Indefinitely. There's no end in sight.

It's up to you and me to stop the madness and strip the Fed's corruption naked before the American people by finally auditing the Federal Reserve. That's why I'm counting on you to please sign your Action Fax Authorization Form IMMEDIATELY.

By signing your form, you'll allow me to flood the U.S. Senate - including Harry Reid's office - with faxes from good folks like you DEMANDING passage of Audit the Fed. But with the U.S. Senate likely to recess after next weekend, this may be our last opportunity in this Congress. The good news is, Senator Rand Paul is working feverishly right now to bring Audit the Fed to the Senate floor.

But success or failure in this fight depends on the support of grassroots activists like you from all across the country. As you know, nearly 75% of the American people support an audit of the Federal Reserve. And as recently as 2010 - when he was facing a tough reelection - Senator Reid stated he supported a Federal Reserve audit!

But when Audit the Fed recently passed the U.S. House, Harry Reid immediately declared there would be NO Senate vote on auditing the Fed. But control of the U.S. Senate is up for grabs this November. So it's up to you and me to send a message to the U.S. Senate: Go against the wishes of nearly 75% of the American people, and find a new job. So please, help send a loud-and-clear message to the U.S. Senate by signing your Action Fax Authorization Form IMMEDIATELY.

Your Action Fax - along with hundreds of thousands of others - will prove to Harry Reid that the American people are FED up and want to see a bright public spotlight shined on the Federal Reserve. But as I told you, time is running out.

In Liberty,

John Tate

To sign the action fax click here

This may be now or never for Audit the Fed if we miss this opportunity we may lose the momentum and not get this through the new congress so now is the time. Sign the action fax to let the Senate know you mean business when you demanded the Fed be held accountable.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sign the manifesto to protect the internet

From Campaign For Liberty:

We, the Undersigned, DEMAND Congress Cease and Desist from Further Regulating, Taxing, or Eroding Online Privacy for the Following Reasons . . .

*** The internet is the single greatest catalyst in history for individual liberty and free markets;

*** Internet collectivism is now the greatest threat to the future of internet freedom;

*** True technology revolutionaries have little need for government meddling and never have. Microsoft ignored the government for years and changed the world by leading the PC revolution;

*** Today, companies like Apple are changing the world again with products like the iPhone, iPad, iTunes, and iPod. Apple "Apps" alone have created more than half-a-million jobs over the past five years;

*** Technology revolutionaries succeed because of the decentralized nature of the internet, which DEFIES GOVERNMENT CONTROL. But statists are ramping up efforts to control the internet in several ways, including;

>>> Increasing taxes on the internet to slow down the technological revolution's massive expansion of job creation;

>>> Destroying privacy rights of individuals with government snooping and efforts to abolish anonymity;

>>> Penalizing and intimidating companies in frontier industries that didn't even exist five years ago with antitrust actions in the name of "fairness" and "competition;"

>>> Forcing telecom, cable, and broadband companies under collective rule via so-called "open-access" regulation, structural separation, and public ownership (i.e. GOVERNMENT ownership);

>>> Forcing internet infrastructure and wireless spectrum to be treated as "commons" subject to centralized government control;

>>> Virtually eradicating property rights on the internet.



As a Member of Congress, you are being put on notice.

Those who would increase seek increased taxes and regulations on the internet and seek to further destroy online privacy and anonymity will pay a severe political price at the polls.

To sign the manifesto click here

Protect your privacy by signing this manifesto.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

CISPA dead-for now

From Campaign For Liberty:

Thanks to your efforts and those of thousands of liberty activists across the country, by a vote of 52-46, the Senate defeated Senator Lieberman's Cybersecurity Act of 2012 - for now.

Unfortunately, bad legislation frequently shares a trait with Hollywood movie villain, Freddy Krueger.

No matter how many times you kill it, it just keeps coming back.

As the statists continue to try and centralize control over the internet, you and I can guarantee this legislation will rear its ugly head again in September.

After using this August recess to regroup and refocus their attack, there is a real threat Harry Reid and his cronies will have the votes to shove this bill down our throats.

While today's victory will have defeated the so-called Cybersecurity Act momentarily, it's absolutely vital the liberty movement remain vigilant.

But for now, thank you for taking action to defeat this legislation.

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. Thanks to your efforts and those of thousands of liberty activists across the country, today we defeated Lieberman's Cybersecurity Act of 2012 - for now.

Unfortunately, you and I can guarantee this legislation will once again rear its ugly head in September.

The price for liberty is eternal vigilance and so we will be watching and see if they come up with some liberty killing monstrosity and if they do we will defeat it. It's that simple.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

HR 459 passes the House

From Campaign For Liberty:

Minutes ago, the U.S. House voted to pass our Audit the Fed bill!

For more information, and to find out how your representative voted, be sure to check Voting Roll Call.

Thanks for your help to achieve this historic victory!

Only a few years ago, few would have believed that two thirds of the U.S. House would support a complete audit of the Federal Reserve.

It’s time to further shock the establishment by carrying our momentum over into the Senate.

And that’s where Audit the Fed faces its toughest test yet.

Ben Bernanke and his bankster pals know they can count on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and their other allies to do everything in their power to stop our transparency effort.

With your support today, we can unleash a grassroots tidal wave of action and show these “Wall Street Senators” that who they really should be worried about serving is their constituents – instead of providing cover to the Fed’s destruction of our money and economy.

Any amount you can give today will help us spread the word through email, direct mail, ads, and more!

The energy, enthusiasm, and passion are on our side – and so is a major victory in the U.S. House.

You and I CAN win this fight.

Thanks again for your support!

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. H.R. 459, our Audit the Fed bill, has passed the House!

Ben Bernanke and his bankster pals know they can count on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and their other allies to do everything in their power to fight our transparency effort.

So C4L must be able to unleash a grassroots tidal wave of pressure on the Senate right away.

You,me,we did it. Way to go and give yourselves a pat on the back. The fight is far from over now we have to the Senate to contend with. There will be more on HR 459 so stay tuned.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Vote on HR 459 is tomorrow

From Campaign For Liberty:

This is it.

Tomorrow’s the big day!

As Audit the Fed heads to the House floor under suspension of the rules, it’s vital all C4L members take action immediately.

Needing two thirds of Congress to vote “YES” on your bill is no easy hurdle to clear.

If you contacted your representative last week, thanks for taking action!

If not, it’s critical you do so right away.

With such a high threshold to meet, I’m afraid this could be a very close vote, one we could even lose if only a handful of representatives vote against us.

So you and I can’t afford to let up on the pressure now.

Not only do we need the support of every cosponsor, but we also must pick up at least sixteen additional votes.

To help C4L as we verify our vote count, please contact your representative one more time on Audit the Fed.

First, verify they will be in attendance for Tuesday’s vote.

Second, confirm their position on Audit the Fed.

Afterward, let us know where your representative stands on Audit the Fed.

Verifying your representative will be in attendance may sound silly, but it’s based on firsthand experience.

Last Congress, a cosponsor actually missed the vote because he was too busy campaigning for another office.

That was unacceptable.

We simply must reinforce to every cosponsor how crucial their support is tomorrow.

I know when this vote is over, I don’t want to look back and wish there was something more I could have done.

I’m sure you feel the same way.

So please, pick up the phone one more time. Click HERE to find your representative's contact information. Verify they will be at the vote and confirm their position on Audit the Fed.

After you’ve done that, let us know what you’ve found out so we know exactly which members are still on the fence.

Passing Audit the Fed under suspension with a veto-proof majority in the House will help send a clear message - one that does not mince words - from the American people to the Senate: PASS AUDIT THE FED NOW!

Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do in the fight for liberty.

Onward to victory!

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker
Director of Legislation

P.S. With Audit the Fed heading to the House floor tomorrow under suspension of the rules – meaning you and I need a two-thirds majority for victory – it’s vital all C4L members take action immediately.

Not only do we need the support of every cosponsor, but we also must pick up at least sixteen additional votes.

To help C4L as we verify our vote count, please contact your representative one more time on Audit the Fed.

Be sure to let us know where they stand as we head into the final hours before the vote!

You can also contact the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader and tell them the same thing. We don't have much time until Tuesday's vote so act now to get your views across. Send in those emails right away.

UPDATE: I just received word that the House vote on HR 459 has been moved to Wednesday July 25 with debate to begin tomorrow. But still get the word out so tell your friends.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More on Audit The Fed

From Campaign For Liberty:

You don’t have to be a sports fan to feel bad for the athlete who’s leading a race the entire time, only to get passed right before he reaches the finish line thanks to a last second burst of energy from his opponent.

Our battle to Audit the Fed is nearing the finish line for this Congress.

You and I have led the entire way, with the Fed scrambling to avoid the spotlight we’ve turned on it and desperately playing catch up in the court of public opinion.

Now the end is in sight, with a vote in the U.S. House this July.

If we can stay ahead there, it’s on to the Senate, where we can expect every obstacle to be thrown into our path.

So C4L needs your help now to expand our grassroots forces by reaching millions more Americans with our message of transparency.

Please take just a moment to listen to the special Audit the Fed update Congressman Ron Paul and C4L have prepared for you, and do whatever you can today to help us cross the finish line in victory.

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. Congressman Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill passed out of committee and is headed for a vote in the U.S. House this July.

Please take a few moments to listen to the special audio update Congressman Paul and C4L have prepared for you.

To sign the petition:click here

It looks like it is going down to the wire on this one. Now is the time to strike otherwise it may take years before we get this chance again.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good news about Audit the Fed

From Campaign For Liberty:

We are winning!

And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

This morning, Audit the Fed unanimously passed the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee by voice vote!

Only a few short years ago, just the thought of getting a committee hearing on such an issue was considered a long shot at best, let alone achieving such a remarkable victory!

But that was because the Washington establishment and the banking elite underestimated the power of true grassroots activism.

Today’s win is a direct result of hundreds of thousands of petitions, phone calls, faxes, and emails generated by passionate C4L activists like you around the country.

One congressman noted he had been contacted by “scores of constituents” supporting Audit the Fed.

As an example of why I’ve written in previous emails that nothing can be taken for granted, at one point this morning, Rep. Elijah Cummings (MD-7) introduced an amendment that, like the Watt amendment to H.R. 1207 in the 111th Congress, would have gutted Audit the Fed.

But your pressure helped keep it from succeeding!

In fact, it was truly astonishing just how quickly Representative Cummings withdrew the amendment after it became clear there was no support for it in the Committee - even from members of his own party.

Over the last four years, you’ve helped C4L make tremendous strides in bringing the Federal Reserve to the forefront of political debate and pushing the central bank toward transparency.

Of course, ultimately, America shouldn’t even have a Federal Reserve System to create moral hazard, keep interest rates artificially low, bail out friends and favored firms, and manipulate our monetary supply.

Today’s committee hearing was just one small step toward passing Audit the Fed, but also, one giant leap toward ending it.

Now, with a floor vote before the entire U.S. House in July fast approaching, I hope you’ll stand with us again as we look to jump another hurdle and carry this bill into the Senate.

Our chances have never been better.

Thank you for helping make it possible for a strong, full audit of the Federal Reserve to pass a House Committee.

Now on to victory in the House!

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. This morning, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee unanimously passed Audit the Fed by voice vote.

This is a direct result of your efforts and those of hundreds of thousands of other activists across the country.

Now is the time to double-down and ensure the House passes a clean version of Audit the Fed this July.

This is indeed good news as it illustrates how activism will work in getting things to our advantage. Let's stand by Audit the Fed and see it not only pass both houses but for it to also be signed into law by the president.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mandate to leave the internet alone

From Campaign For Liberty:

Under the guise of "protecting consumers" like you and me with "net neutrality," "open access," and, of course, their favorite - "cybersecurity" - the statists have launched an all-out WAR for total control of the Internet.

But their real target is you and me.

And it's no secret they aren't going to stop unless you and I MAKE them.

Please help Campaign for Liberty fight back by signing the mandate supporting C4L's fight to protect Internet freedom.

To sign the mandate:click here

The statists don't leave well enough alone. Now they trying to make a play to control the internet,again. They won't stop themselves that is why it is up to us to stop them and by doing that is to sign the mandate. By signing the mandate you are sending a clear and concise message to them "leave the internet alone".