Showing posts with label anti-male bigots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-male bigots. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let's tell CBS to rebroadcast "Men Don't Tell"

Feminist censorship

On March 14, 1993, CBS aired "Men Don't Tell", a TV movie about domestic violence in the home. After its initial broadcast, CBS came under pressure to never show the movie again, or allow for its release on VHS. Nor has any other movie of its type ever been made again.

WHY? The movie had a twist to it. Based on a true story, the main character, construction executive Ed MacAffrey, was being abused by his wife, Laura.

Starring Peter Strauss and Judith Light, the movie was the first of its kind to ever be made addressing the problems and issues of 40% of domestic violence victims, who happen to be male.

March is the 20th anniversary of the original broadcast. Join the effort to get CBS to rebroadcast the movie, and bring together the still surviving members of the original cast and the director, Harry Winer, for interviews of the making of the only movie ever made addressing the problems of male victims of domestic violence.

Source:click here to send email as well.

Let's break the feminist stranglehold on the old media and send in emails in support of rebroadcasting "Men Don't Tell". If the genders were reversed the feminists would demand this be broadcasted everynight but since it shines a light on something they don't like,that they abuse men too they don't want it shown. Too fucking bad,I don't care what they want they can go fuck themselves. I want this movie to be rebroadcasted and released on video and I don't want some fucked up bitches deciding what I can or cannot watch. That may have gone down when I was a child but now that I'm a grown man I'll make my own decisions and if someone has a problem with that fuck them. There is a lot email to write but I'm up for it,I'll do it. Are you on board?

Friday, December 14, 2012

U of T anti-male bigots gain new ally

Michael Laxer

As with so many liberal, seemingly "free speech" oriented statements, it gives equivalency to both sides as if this were a "debate". By doing so, the statement, in fact, legitimizes the Men's Rights Movement, in the same way that the American media legitimizes creationists by giving them air time.

-Michael Laxer

Source:click here

In the ongoing battle between us MRA's vs. U of T feminists there is someone else who threw his hat into the ring,Canadian socialist Michael Laxer. Laxer is siding with the feminists. He doesn't hide the fact that he hates the MRM,in fact his quote at the top should be very telling where he stands and what he represents is a PC Dark Ages. Read his ominous quote at the top and you'll see the mindset Laxer has. According to Laxer the MRM is an illegitimate movement that needs to be CENSORED. Let that sink in: HE FAVORS CENSORSHIP OF THE MEN'S RIGHTS MOVEMENT. Whatever does not conform to the biases of Michael Laxer doesn't exist or shouldn't be allowed to exist. Yes,Michael,it is a debate not a mandate because I will never accept your judgement,in fact I will resist with every ounce of strength I have. With you and those like you feminism is the absolute good and we are the absolute evil and nothing will change your mind so I'm not going to bother. I want everyone to read your quote and get an insight to the mind of socialist statist. I want them to see that the last thing socialism favors is freedom. Freedom does far better with me than feminist socialism ever will. I guess it only natural that an anti-male bigot such as Michael Laxer has no problem siding with the anti-male bigots at U of T. After all birds of a feature flock together. These aren't ordinary birds but the foulest,filthiest birds of all with a foul stench to go with it.