Showing posts with label lobbying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lobbying. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Celebrate and promote false allegations awareness month

From SAVE Services:

As you make your summer plans, consider attending SAVE's annual conference in Washington, DC. on June 21 and 22.

Join us as we celebrate the progress we have made over the last year. For instance...

Think back to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) re-authorization. Do you remember the controversy? For the first time ever, there was real discussion about it's shortfalls.

Together, we did that. Our voices were heard. Now, that's something to celebrate! Attend the conference, learn what other progress we've made, and learn what we expect to celebrate next year.

Register: click here
More info: click here

Get your tickets today - Prices go up on Saturday!

See you soon,


Teri Stoddard, Program Director

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

and this:

June is False Allegations Awareness Month, and this year's theme is "Hold False-Accusers Accountable." We have put together a list of activities to help you educate others on false allegations of abuse. First, educate yourself with our hand-out "False Allegations by the Numbers." Then ask your local newspaper or radio station to cover the issue.

False allegations resource page.

Don't forget to post on our Facebook page for Falsely Accused, to let us know what activities you've done.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tell Congressman John Boehner to oppose S. 1925

Congressman John Boehner

From SAVE service:

Even though the 112th Congress adjourned without reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA is still very much in the picture.

As you may remember, last year the Senate passed their reauthorization of VAWA, S 1925. Not satisfied with the Senate's bill, the House passed their own version.

Then we had a standstill. There were reports that they were trying to come to a last minute agreement, but it didn't happen.

Immediately following the adjournment, supporters of S 1925 started pressuring the House to vote on the Senate version of VAWA. But why should they? They've already approved a reauthorization of VAWA - HR 4970.

We believe that if persons in the Senate sincerely want to pass VAWA, they should put HR 4970 to a vote in the Senate.

Please call House Speaker John Boehner TODAY.
Call: 202-225-6205

Say: "Do not agree to the ridiculous demand to schedule a vote on the Senate VAWA bill, S. 1925.

We have worked hard to reform VAWA. Let's not let all of our hard work go to waste!


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

Let's contact Congressman Boehner and tell him to oppose S. 1925. The more of us he hears the better so let's contact him right away.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let's tell CBS to rebroadcast "Men Don't Tell"

Feminist censorship

On March 14, 1993, CBS aired "Men Don't Tell", a TV movie about domestic violence in the home. After its initial broadcast, CBS came under pressure to never show the movie again, or allow for its release on VHS. Nor has any other movie of its type ever been made again.

WHY? The movie had a twist to it. Based on a true story, the main character, construction executive Ed MacAffrey, was being abused by his wife, Laura.

Starring Peter Strauss and Judith Light, the movie was the first of its kind to ever be made addressing the problems and issues of 40% of domestic violence victims, who happen to be male.

March is the 20th anniversary of the original broadcast. Join the effort to get CBS to rebroadcast the movie, and bring together the still surviving members of the original cast and the director, Harry Winer, for interviews of the making of the only movie ever made addressing the problems of male victims of domestic violence.

Source:click here to send email as well.

Let's break the feminist stranglehold on the old media and send in emails in support of rebroadcasting "Men Don't Tell". If the genders were reversed the feminists would demand this be broadcasted everynight but since it shines a light on something they don't like,that they abuse men too they don't want it shown. Too fucking bad,I don't care what they want they can go fuck themselves. I want this movie to be rebroadcasted and released on video and I don't want some fucked up bitches deciding what I can or cannot watch. That may have gone down when I was a child but now that I'm a grown man I'll make my own decisions and if someone has a problem with that fuck them. There is a lot email to write but I'm up for it,I'll do it. Are you on board?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A reminder from SAVE

From SAVE Services:

Outcome of the Nov. 6 Election Hangs in the Balance - Take Action Now

In a few short days we will face the most important presidential election in our lifetimes.

Will you look back on Nov. 6, 2012 and say that you did everything that you could to affect the outcome?

You still have time to make a difference. Between now and Tuesday, contact your local political party, volunteer to do neighborhood canvassing, make voter calls, and attend local rallies.

Think how proud you'll feel when we are that much closer to reform.


Campaign 2012

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

That's a very good question. If you've been writing emails to elected officials over things you've read here and/or you've signed petitions then you are part of the solution,someone trying to change things for the better and you should be proud of yourself. On the other hand if you've done nothing. No writing emails,no signing petitions,no activism whatsoever then you're the person Teri is speaking to. What are you going to do to make this a better place? You're either part of the problem or part of the solution. Which one is it?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

June is false allegations awareness month

From Save Services:

June is False Allegations Awareness Month.

Help us bring awareness to False Allegations of Abuse during the month of June. Here are some ideas to get you started. Like posting this link to your social media network, where your friends will learn that 700,000 persons are wrongfully arrested for domestic violence each year.

We hope you'll join us at the Connecting for Change false allegations awareness conference in Washington, DC on June 30. You can also join us as citizen lobbyists on Capitol Hill June 29. In order to lobby, you must attend a June 19 teleconference. Register for either or both events by sending an email to

You've seen what happens when we all work together. Let's put this unity to work to end false allegations!



Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

June is a couple of days away so let's observe June as False Allegations Awareness month. Perhaps we can tell our representatives at the state level about false allegations not only in domestic violence but for rape as well and let them know that June is False Allegations Awareness month. We were able to get somewhere with VAWA we should give this a try and see what happens.