Showing posts with label political activism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political activism. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2012

Senate to vote on censorship bill

I received the following from Fight For The Future,here it is:

On January 24th the Senate will vote on their version of the internet censorship bill SOPA. This is our best chance to kill the internet censorship bill.

The problem? We need 41 Senators to agree not to rush a vote, and right now we've got 2. That's why we're asking you to take an unusual step: We need you to request an in-person meeting with your Senators.

Can you ask for an in-person meeting with your Senators? Click here to get started.

Most Senators are home right now for the January recess. And most--even those who've signed on as cosponsors--do not understand these bills and the terrible consequences they'll have for the internet, the economy, and free speech. If they're blindsided by the strength and clarity of our objections, we can bring them over to our side. The future of the internet depends on it.

If you do get a meeting you won't be alone-- post it to the forums and we'll organize others to join you. We can also provide materials and help with preparation. Leading up to the vote we'll also be swarming townhall meetings and public appearances, as they're announced. But right now, we need to set up these in-person meetings.

Please, click here to ask for a meeting. We've got your back.

We've taken the time to ask each Senator's office the best way to request a meeting. But we need you to take the plunge-- it'll only take a few minutes.

After you set up your meeting, be sure to share information on the forums. Did you get a date and time for a meeting? Did you learn any other information that will be useful for others trying to set up a meeting? If you can take on an organizing role, say so.

And please, stay active and keep spreading the word about the need to meet your Senator. There is an absolute firestorm of news and energy around
stopping SOPA/PIPA on the internet, but it's not always visible to Senators and their staff.

Be visible. Schedule a meeting. This is our best chance to stop SOPA, and it could be our last.

Thanks for everything you do this month,
--Holmes, Tiffiniy, Donny

P.S. The Reddit community has been an anti-SOPA firestorm. These meetings are our best hope for beating SOPA, and we think Reddit needs to know about it. If you agree, help us spread the word on Reddit.

P.P.S. Please use these links to ask your friends to help fill up your local events too. Everyone needs to know the game plan: schedule meetings, and swarm townhalls.

That's a good idea,if you can schedule an appointment with your Senators then by all means go for it but if you can't an email will do just fine. The pressure's on so let's get writing an email or planning the in-person appointment. Our freedoms are on the line so the more of us they hear from the more they will take us seriously.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New law will strip Americans of their rights

Tell Congress To Undo The NDAA, Ban Indefinite Military Detention Of Americans

President Obama just signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law despite startling provisions that will allow the military to indefinitely detain American citizens. It's a travesty, defying basic principles of justice and due process in perhaps the most extreme respect our nation has ever seen.

Thankfully, several lawmakers are keeping up the fight. Senator Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation to undo these provisions of the NDAA, in the form of the Due Process Guarantee Act. We need to urge other Senators to support it.

The Due Process Guarantee Act of 2011 amends the Non-Detention Act of 1971 by providing that a Congressional authorization for the use of military force does not authorize the indefinite detention—without charge or trial—of U.S. citizens who are apprehended domestically.

If there's enough of a public outcry, we have a real chance of making this happen: More than 40 senators voted against the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA -- and that was before the media and general public caught on to what was happening. Please urge your Senators to remedy this terrible wrong.

Just fill out the form at right to urge your lawmakers to block the indefinite detention of Americans

Here's Feinstein's press release on her new here

Source:click here

If you like the idea of preserving your liberties then perhaps you would like to sign the petition to join in with Senator Dianne Feinstein in opposing this draconian legislation. Sign that petition are safeguard your Constitutional rights today.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The good and the bad at Demand Progress

I received the following from Demand Progress:

Great news: 100,000 people have asked Senator Wyden to read their names during his filibuster of the dreaded PROTECT IP Act.

Worse news: This legislation could come to a vote as soon as later this week.

But the nastier we make this prospective filibuster look, the better the chance that Senate leadership won't even call for a vote.

Will you help us muster more troops? Please consider posting a link to on your blog or website, and share it with your friends:

Here's the message Senator Wyden's office issued to Demand Progress a few days ago, asking for more support from Internet users:

The filibuster affords senators an opportunity to stand up for what they believe in and there are few things I believe in more than ensuring that every American has a voice and an opportunity to get ahead.

Right now, the Internet gives every American that voice while making it possible for every entrepreneur, thinker and innovator to compete alongside the biggest and most moneyed interests.

It is my hope that -- with your help – my colleagues in Congress will realize that a free and open Internet is something that we as Americans should celebrate and not allow those special moneyed interests to quash.

It is my hope that – with your help – my colleagues in Congress will realize that PIPA/SOPA are the wrong way to protect intellectual property because the price they exact on the Internet is too high.

With your help, I believe we can get that word out and prevent these misguided bills from every reaching the House and Senate floor, but if they do reach the floor you can count on me to stand up and make our voices heard.

Let's make it clear to the Senator that we have his back, and that we plan to stand with him on the floor of the Senate.

I believe they are talking about this. If you haven't signed the petition then please do so.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I received the following from Demand Progress:

Some great news: We pulled off a huge victory a couple of days ago. After Demand Progress members sent 70,000 emails to their lawmakers, the Senate beat back a challenge to Net Neutrality rules, on a narrow 52-46 vote.

This win proves that our voices can have a real effect on policy choices in DC -- and affirms that we need to keep up our work on that most significant threat to online freedoms: The Internet Blacklist Bill.

For more information on Net Neutrality click here

This says a lot,it says that ordinary people can beat back large corporate interests. This is a great victory but there is still more work that needs to be done. For more information:click here