Showing posts with label Congressman Eric Cantor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congressman Eric Cantor. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Let's thank Cantor for standing up to Biden

The 112th Congress has adjourned without reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

SAVE has consistently advocated for improvements to VAWA. We have worked hard to educate legislators. Among other things, we held several lobbying events throughout the year. We even wrote our own language, the Partner Violence Reduction Act (PVRA) to show that we can serve all victims of domestic violence while reducing waste, fraud and false allegations.

We are happy to report that some of SAVE's key reforms were included in HR 4970, the House version of VAWA. Rest assured, our efforts to achieve VAWA reform will continue in the next session of Congress.

Please call House Leader Eric Cantor today, and thank him for his principled and courageous support of VAWA reform. Call: (202) 225-2815

Looking forward to 2013,


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

You can also email him and thank him. It took someone with guts to go against Biden and we all win because of his courage. I'm writing in,just like on all my activist postings I participate with you. Will you write in as well?

VAWA goes down in flames

House GOP blocks Violence Against Women Act
By Steve Benen - Wed Jan 2, 2013 2:13 PM EST

Associated Press
Sen. Patty Murray has been the Democratic point person on the Violence Against Women Act. Congress had a lengthy to-do list as the end of the year approached, with a series of measures that needed action before 2013 began. Some of the items passed (a fiscal agreement, a temporary farm bill), while others didn't (relief funding for victims of Hurricane Sandy).

And then there's the Violence Against Women Act, which was supposed to be one of the year's easy ones. It wasn't.

Back in April, the Senate approved VAWA reauthorization fairly easily, with a 68 to 31 vote. The bill was co-written by a liberal Democrat (Vermont's Pat Leahy) and a conservative Republican (Idaho's Mike Crapo), and seemed on track to be reauthorized without much of a fuss, just as it was in 2000 and 2005.

But House Republicans insisted the bill is too supportive of immigrants, the LGBT community, and Native Americans -- and they'd rather let the law expire than approve a slightly expanded proposal. Vice President Biden, who helped write the original law, tried to persuade House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to keep the law alive, but the efforts didn't go anywhere.

And so, for the first time since 1994, the Violence Against Women Act is no more. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), the Democratic point person on VAWA, said in a statement:

The House Republican leadership's failure to take up and pass the Senate's bipartisan and inclusive VAWA bill is inexcusable. This is a bill that passed with 68 votes in the Senate and that extends the bill's protections to 30 million more women. But this seems to be how House Republican leadership operates. No matter how broad the bipartisan support, no matter who gets hurt in the process, the politics of the right wing of their party always comes first.

Proponents of the law hope to revive the law in the new Congress, starting from scratch, but in the meantime, there will be far fewer resources available for state and local governments to combat domestic violence.

As for electoral considerations, Republicans lost badly in the 2012 elections, thanks in large part to the largest gender gap in modern times, but if that changed GOP attitudes towards legislation affecting women, the party is hiding it well.

Update: Reader AG asks about the House version that was approved several months ago. As I reported at the time, the House gutted the bipartisan Senate bill with a watered-down version, which was widely seen by everyone involved as a joke that undermined the interests of victims. It had no support in the Senate and drew a White House veto threat. House Republicans knew this, and instead of revisiting the issue and/or working with the Senate on a compromise, GOP leaders simply decided the law was not a priority. The result was this week's outcome.

Source: click here

Now this truly is a belated Christmas gift. We did it. With everyone's help is getting the message out and the truth about VAWA we were able to let everyone know that we mean business. The second good news is the incoming Congress is more libertarian minded than the outgoing Congress was which means that their best chance of passing VAWA just left town. That doesn't mean we get complacent not by any means. If VAWA should rear its ugly head again we take it down. Until then pat yourselves of the back for a job well done.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Let's take a bite out of misandry at the collegiate level

For all 20 videos click here

Who's going to stand up for boys and men? We are. Let's write to our elected officials and protest this misandry. You can contact your Representative and Senators here. You can also email Speaker of the House John Boehner,House Majority Leader Eric CantorCongressman Darrell Issa,Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell,Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Rand Paul. Also email Arne Duncan: and let him know about this and to vacate the "dear colleague" directive.If you can think of contacting anyone else feel free to add it to the list.

Also feel free to include this and this from SAVE in your emails. We can cause things to change for the better but we have to stick together. Who's with me?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tell Congressman Cantor to insist upon presumption of innocence in VAWA

From SAVE Services:

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which is being discussed by House Leader Cantor and VP Biden could include this proposed definition: "sexual assault means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal or State law, including when the victim lacks the capacity to consent."

Due to changes in state laws, innocent men have been convicted of sexual assault and imprisoned, even though there was no DNA, no witnesses, and no forensic evidence. Learn more here: click here

Do we really want VAWA to shift the burden of proof to the defendant? No law should remove the presumption of innocence.

Call House Leader Eric Cantor right now! (202) 225-2815 Tell him to restore the Presumption of Innocence in VAWA!

Thank you for your attention to this matter,


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

Let's tell Cantor to back us on this one. You can email him as well and let him know to uphold the presumption of innocence in VAWA. Too many falsely accused men have gone to prison as it is. Let's let him know about David Bedoya's situation. About Vladek Filler and his ordeal. The more of us that let Cantor we're serious about this the better.There are facebook forums that deal with false accusations of domestic violence:here,here and here. Let him know about those at well.Also tell him to free David Bedoya. Email today.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tell Congressman Cantor about presumption of innocence when it comes to VAWA

A national survey showed most people favor reforming the Violence Against Women Act. SAVE agrees with the need for reform. We are especially concerned about VAWA's lack of presumption of innocence.

Let's do what we can to fix this. Since there are VAWA negotiations already going on, Eric Cantor needs to hear from you, ASAP! Call (202) 225-2815 and tell Congressman Cantor: "the new definition of sexual assault must be removed from the final version of VAWA!" or you can email him.

We may not have a lot of time left, so let's not waste a minute.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

Let's Congressman Eric Cantor the definitions,which are originally from DOE's "dear colleague" letter,are unacceptable in VAWA and that presumption of innocence must be preserved.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Let's make sure Congress includes presumption of innocence in VAWA reauthorization

From SAVE Services:

What Happened to the Presumption of Innocence?

The DV industry is telling Congress that the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) must be reauthorized during the lame duck session. We need to make sure they hear our message that VAWA should not be reauthorized unless it respects the presumption of innocence.

Learn more: click here

Let's take action!

Call both of your Senators and your Representative at 1-202-224-3121.

You can also find your Senators' phone numbers here and your Representative's phone number here

Even if you called last time, call again today. Just say, "Don't pass the Violence Against Women Act until the presumption of innocence is restored!"

Call now. Call later. Call often.

Or call once.

Just call! teri

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

The statists are hoping we are not paying attention to this lame duck Congress,that they can pass anything they want. Let's tell them they are out of luck. Let's let them know that this misandrist filth will no longer tolerated but most of all let's tell them today. Call or email your Senators and Congressperson and tell them you are against eliminating presumption of innocence when it comes to VAWA cases. You can also contact Speaker of the House John Boehner,Congressional Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and get them on our side of this fight against the feminazis. Write them right away.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Free David Bedoya VAWA victim

Imagine this: you think you've met the woman of your dreams but in reality you've met and married the banshee from hell. A woman you thought was truthful to you and loyal to you is a lying bigamist. Worse yet she throws you to the wolves aka the U.S. injustice system on a VAWA charge to get you incarcerated. Imagine that. Meet David Bedoya,he doesn't imagine it he LIVES it everyday he's been incarcerated. There are thousands of David Bedoyas out there, incarcerated men,incarcerated men who are only guilty of picking the wrong woman. Instead of giving them counseling as free men the government incarcerates them. Apparently to our government and society a foreign woman who has connived the system,which is a criminal act is more valuable than an honest man who contributed to the system. Since this is VAWA related the best plan is to get in contact with our elected officials,both houses,here and let them know about how men are victimized by VAWA. Also get in contact with the John Boehner,Speaker Of the House,Eric Cantor,House Majority Leader and Mitch McConnell,Senate Republican Leader and let them know as well. I've heard that Senator Chuck Grassley,Senator Jerry Moran,Senator Rand Paul and Senator Mike Johanns may be sympathetic to the men's rights movement so it would probably be a good idea to let them know as well. We let these people know that there are human male victims of VAWA and their situation has to be remedied and the female criminals who put them there need to be brought to justice.

Someone suggested emailing Mitt Romney as well so here is his email address: Let's do this.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Vote on HR 459 is tomorrow

From Campaign For Liberty:

This is it.

Tomorrow’s the big day!

As Audit the Fed heads to the House floor under suspension of the rules, it’s vital all C4L members take action immediately.

Needing two thirds of Congress to vote “YES” on your bill is no easy hurdle to clear.

If you contacted your representative last week, thanks for taking action!

If not, it’s critical you do so right away.

With such a high threshold to meet, I’m afraid this could be a very close vote, one we could even lose if only a handful of representatives vote against us.

So you and I can’t afford to let up on the pressure now.

Not only do we need the support of every cosponsor, but we also must pick up at least sixteen additional votes.

To help C4L as we verify our vote count, please contact your representative one more time on Audit the Fed.

First, verify they will be in attendance for Tuesday’s vote.

Second, confirm their position on Audit the Fed.

Afterward, let us know where your representative stands on Audit the Fed.

Verifying your representative will be in attendance may sound silly, but it’s based on firsthand experience.

Last Congress, a cosponsor actually missed the vote because he was too busy campaigning for another office.

That was unacceptable.

We simply must reinforce to every cosponsor how crucial their support is tomorrow.

I know when this vote is over, I don’t want to look back and wish there was something more I could have done.

I’m sure you feel the same way.

So please, pick up the phone one more time. Click HERE to find your representative's contact information. Verify they will be at the vote and confirm their position on Audit the Fed.

After you’ve done that, let us know what you’ve found out so we know exactly which members are still on the fence.

Passing Audit the Fed under suspension with a veto-proof majority in the House will help send a clear message - one that does not mince words - from the American people to the Senate: PASS AUDIT THE FED NOW!

Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do in the fight for liberty.

Onward to victory!

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker
Director of Legislation

P.S. With Audit the Fed heading to the House floor tomorrow under suspension of the rules – meaning you and I need a two-thirds majority for victory – it’s vital all C4L members take action immediately.

Not only do we need the support of every cosponsor, but we also must pick up at least sixteen additional votes.

To help C4L as we verify our vote count, please contact your representative one more time on Audit the Fed.

Be sure to let us know where they stand as we head into the final hours before the vote!

You can also contact the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader and tell them the same thing. We don't have much time until Tuesday's vote so act now to get your views across. Send in those emails right away.

UPDATE: I just received word that the House vote on HR 459 has been moved to Wednesday July 25 with debate to begin tomorrow. But still get the word out so tell your friends.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Audit the fed up for a vote in the House

From Campaign For Liberty:

I have some very exciting news!

After years of C4L’s hard work to secure a standalone vote on Audit the Fed in the U.S. House, our day has arrived.

C4L has learned that Congressman Ron Paul’s H.R. 459, our Audit the Fed bill, will be voted on next Tuesday, July 24!

But this also means I need the help of each and every C4L member more than ever before.

Audit the Fed will be brought up under a “suspension of the rules.”

So the Fed’s allies won’t be able to offer ANY amendments to try to water down this historic bill!


It also means we need two thirds of the House in order to win - instead of just a simple majority.

You and I have come so far, and we simply can’t afford to just “assume” our congressmen have gotten the point.

All of our hard work over several years now comes down to this final week.

We need to reinforce our message loud and clear through phone calls, faxes, and if you’re able, personal visits to your representative’s Capitol Hill or district office.

Campaign for Liberty is working with Congressman Paul’s office and the Republican leadership to make sure we have the votes and can set up a simple majority vote should we not succeed under suspension.

But don’t let the two-thirds threshold discourage you.

We CAN win - and this gives us a chance to make an even BIGGER statement heading into the Senate!

Already, almost two thirds of the House has signed on as cosponsors.

We need to urge them to stay the course, and we also need to secure the final votes necessary for victory.

Leave a message tonight and then follow up with a call while the staff is in the office tomorrow.

Even if they’re already a cosponsor, they need to be reminded to do everything possible to pass Audit the Fed.

I’m proud we can report this exciting news.

But I’m also counting on you to help us clear this final hurdle in the House and carry our momentum over into the Senate.

Let’s finish this fight and make history in the U.S. House!

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. The U.S. House will vote on Congressman Ron Paul’s H.R. 459, our Audit the Fed bill, next Tuesday, July 24.

But the vote will come under a “suspension of the rules.”

That means the Fed’s allies can’t offer ANY amendments to water down our effort, but it also means we need two thirds of the House in order to succeed!

To find and contact your Congressperson:click here

You may also want to get in contact with Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and get them to cosponsor HR 459. The more House members we get on our side the better so get in contact today.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tell the House to vote yes on HR 4970

From SAVE services:

After careful examination of both House versions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), we find HR 4970 the better choice.

HR 4970 puts victims first, with stronger fiscal accountability.

HR 4970 includes reform to curb VAWA immigration fraud.

HR 4970 is gender inclusive, (except Title IX, re: Indian women)

Please call the Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202.224.3121.

Tell the operator your zip code and ask to be connected to your Representative's office.

Or find their phone number here: click here

Tell your Representative to vote YES on HR 4970.

We're in the homestretch, folks! Let's give it our all!


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

I'm not a big fan of Title IX that favors Indian women but I guess this is better than VAWA in its current version. Contact your Congressperson,you may also want to contact Speaker of the House John Boehner:click here and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor:click here. We're in the homestretch,let's make this count.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Let's make sure probable cause arrest is included in VAWA

From SAVE services:

Democrats and Republicans in the House have each introduced their own versions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). While we applaud some improvements, there is still work to be done.

Persons accused of domestic violence deserve their due process. And they certainly don't get that with mandatory arrest. Unfortunately, it was not removed from VAWA, by either side.

One in six Americans know someone who has been falsely accused of domestic violence.

During a recent trip to Capitol Hill, I happened to meet three different legislative staffers who had a friend or loved one who had been falsely accused. They know...but they need to hear from you.

Call your Representatives in Congress and demand that VAWA require probable-cause evidence for domestic violence arrests.

Call the Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Or Find your Representatives by zip code: click here

We have very little time to make a very big difference in the lives of the future falsely accused.

So get calling! Please!


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

Probable cause is good thing to have encoded into law for without it the cops could arrest anyone they didn't like so including it in VAWA would be a good thing. If you feel the same way then by all means call and/or email your Congressional Representative.

It may also help to contact the Speaker of the House John Boehner: click here

Also contact House Majority Leader Eric Cantor:click here

Contacting them in addition to your Representative helps the cause so it would be really great if you did.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tell the House to oppose H.R. 3523

From Campaign For Liberty:

This coming week, Congress is set to take up another so-called "cybersecurity" bill, H.R. 3523, the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011" (CISPA).

And this time, many of those who joined us to stop SOPA and PIPA are supporting this legislation.

So only the immediate action of you and your fellow C4L members can help protect our privacy from the government's ever-expanding reach.

After our victory over SOPA/PIPA, I wrote to you in late February about the need to stay vigilant against Congress' attempts to assert more control over the Internet.

Well, since then, Republicans and Democrats have introduced at least four major "cybersecurity" bills.

Expanding government power is always bipartisan.

CISPA, sponsored by Rep. Mike Rogers (MI-8), is promoted as a harmless bill that will enable voluntary "information sharing" between private corporations and government agencies in the name of "cybersecurity."

Unfortunately, it would allow the transfer of vast amounts of data, including information like your Internet browsing history or email content, to any agency in the federal government, including non-civilian agencies such as the National Security Agency or the Department of Defense Cyber Command.

One major problem with these alleged "cybersecurity" bills is their overly broad focus on what information private companies are encouraged to share with federal agencies.

CISPA currently contains no incentive for private companies like Facebook or Google to remove personally identifiable information from data they share.

In addition, the way this legislation is drafted, it currently overrides privacy presumptions found in the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the Communications Act regarding the privacy of an individual's online communications and related records.

Essentially, CISPA would deem all existing privacy laws null and void for "cybersecurity" purposes.

Once the government has this information, there are no meaningful restrictions on its use, as its only qualifier is that it must be related to "cybersecurity" or to protect "national security."

As C4L members know too well, "national security" has become a catch-all excuse for government powergrabs since 9/11.

Finally, while the bill includes a requirement for the Director of National Intelligence's Inspector General to issue annual reports on how the government is using the information shared under the bill, such reports would only be provided to congressional intelligence committees.

These reports would not constitute meaningful restrictions or do anything to dissuade the misuse of personal information shared under CISPA.

As I hinted at earlier, unlike the January 18 "Internet blackout" over SOPA and PIPA, this time Internet giants like Facebook and Twitter are openly supporting CISPA, along with powerful special interest groups like the US Chamber of Commerce.

In other words, don't expect the cavalry to back us up on this one.

And House Leadership is currently engaged in a full-court press effort to get your representative to support H.R. 3523.

Sources on the Hill have informed us of "members only" meetings, where representatives are being encouraged to vote for CISPA as a "national security" issue addressing a "credible" "cybersecurity threat."

I'm sure it's only a coincidence that this briefing comes conveniently just ahead of when the establishment wants to ram something through.

In the face of such longshot odds, without your immediate action, I can't promise that we have even the slightest chance of beating back this egregious invasion of your privacy.

But, I've seen the power the liberty movement can have when it speaks out with a unified voice.

And you better believe members of Congress have taken notice, too.

That’s why I hope you’ll contact Congress right away.

Click here to find your representative’s information.

And after you’ve contacted Congress, please forward this email to at least five friends or family members encouraging them to do the same.

This fight won't have the glamour or media attention that SOPA and PIPA received, so please take action immediately and show Congress the liberty movement is serious about defending our constitutionally protected rights no matter the odds.

In Liberty,

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. Internet giants like Facebook and Twitter are openly supporting H.R. 3523, the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011" (CISPA) - the latest plan from Congress to further infringe on Americans' privacy.

It’s up to the liberty movement to take action and stop CISPA in its tracks! Please contact your representative immediately and demand a "NO" vote on H.R. 3523 and any similar legislation!

It just seems that this Congress just doesn't stop in fact every time some idiot gets a bad idea they have to draw up a bill to give some sort of legitimacy to it. CISPA,along with PIPA and SOPA,is a bad idea and unfortunately we're never going to run out of bad ideas but we can defeat them so the best thing to do is to weigh in your disgust at government censorship and let them know you will not tolerate it.

You can find your Congressperson here

You can also contact Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor here. Let them know we are tired of the assault upon the internet and we want it to stop.