By now you've probably heard of the Dominique Strauss-Kahn situation and how his name and face are plastered all over the place and you've probably heard the talking heads,feminists and manginas alike,condemn Dominique Strauss-Kahn without having all the facts. Pretty much what the media did with Duke and Holfstra they are doing here and that is licking feminist boots. That won't happen here. Now what the MSM won't devulge is the woman's identity however I will and her identity is Nafissatou Diallo. Who is Diallo? Well for one thing she is an immigrant woman who is fluent in French. Let's take it from the immigrant angle:she currently has a green card and authorization to work in the US. If she is pursuing citizenship a false accusation can get her on her way. Can you say VAWA? A charge such as this is a fast track for women seeking citizenship considering she can now be her own sponsor. Also the fact that she speaks French is also interesting and pretty damn convenient. A little too convenient to be a coincident. I'm sure Kahn being an international man probably speaks English and would be considering he was in the United States at the time so a French speaking maid would be unnecessary. Also maids usually stop by the room after the guest has checked out so there would be no conversation taking place.Something to think about.
I'll let Human Stupidity take if from here:
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF Managing Director and French presidential candidate, has been accused of rape. As the feminist dominated press is scared to even think that the rape accusations are false, Human-Stupidity has to speak up. The story is very strange, and dominated by clear mistakes and screwups committed by the accuser. A five-star hotel maid trespasses into a naked client’s room? Unforgivable.
Five-star hotel security let a rapist check out without complaint? The maid wasn’t trained to instantly report crimes to security staff?
Maid Violates Professional Ethics and Walks Into a Prominent, Naked Guest’s Room
The New York Police Department claims that at about 1 p.m. on Saturday, a hotel maid entered a $3,000-a-night suite at the Sofitel near Times Square, believing that it was empty.
Talk about a bad start! She mistakenly entered a room thinking it was empty? This is not supposed to happen in a high-class hotel. Were the sex roles inverted, were a male employee to walk in on a prominent female guest, like Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the male employee would be fired and arrested for sexual harassment. Usually,hotels have a policy to ensure their staff avoid such embarrassments: cleaners are supposed to knock on the door, ring the bell, or yell “room service” when entering rooms.
Strauss-Kahn then emerged naked from the bathroom, and grabbed her, pulled her into the bedroom and threw her on to the bed, before trying to lock the suite’s main door, according to New York Police Dept. Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne, who outlined the charges to reporters. “She fights him off, and then he drags her down the hallway to the bathroom,where he sexually assaults her a second time,” he told Reuters.
Wait, what? A hitherto well behaved, civilized man, suddenly goes crazy? Just because he was naked, he wanted to take advantage of her and rape her?
A man pictured on the covers of magazines, admired by millions of women, who could get any woman he wanted with a snap of his fingers. A man from a country with legalized prostitution who could afford two luxury prostitutes per day, if he happened to be a sex addict. And this guy, exactly the moment the woman walks in, illegally, incorrectly, grabs her and rapes her?
The maid, 32, finally managed to push Strauss-Kahn away and escape, according to Browne,and her colleagues called 911. Strauss-Kahn had checked out by the time police arrived at the hotel, leaving behind his cell phone.
Very strange. No rapist should be able to just leave a
five-star hotel, packed full of security agents who are trained to catch thieves, impostors,and other ne’er do wells – ESPECIALLY people who cause trouble and then want to slip away without getting caught. High-class hotels have a very professional security staff. I am sure maids are trained to instantly report crimes to security. So any delay in reporting would be her second professional failure of the day.
The NYPD usually does not take longer then five minutes to arrive on the scene of a crime,and Strauss-Kahn made it all the way onto the plane before they got to the hotel? Check out,check into the airport, pass through security?
Strauss-Kahn was arrested on charges of attempted rape, conducting a criminal sexual act,and unlawful imprisonment of the woman.
“Arrest of IMF Chief on Attempted Rape Charges Throws French Presidential Race Into Chaos” Time Magazine
A VIP, at that:
In fact DSK, as the French call one of the country’s leading political figures, happens to be on the cover of virtually every French magazine this week as the country’s possible next President…
Across Europe, too, Strauss-Kahn’s arrest will have a major impact. It could impact critical negotiations over the E.U.’s deep debt crisis, in which Strauss-Kahn has been a key — if not the key — player. He was due to be at emergency debt meetings in Brussels this week, and perhaps mindful that he could soon be one of the E.U.’s most powerful leaders
False Rape Charges to Cover Up Her Screwup, or for Political Reasons? What are the alternative explanations? Don’t forget that she committed a serious professional lapse, almost a crime. So it is quite likely that she did that for a reason,with intent.
1.Many political and economic enemies would pay millions to get Strauss-Kahn out of the way.Is is inconceivable that they would bribe a lowly hotel maid to lodge a phony rape charge against him? But there is a much more plausible and more parsimonious explanation:
The room maid, in a SERIOUS violation of her professional duties, walked into a client’s room while he was buck naked. Even if that was a honest mistake, it could have serious consequences for her.
2.Maybe he became angry and threatened to get her fired (for good reasons). That scared her.
3.Maybe she walked in with the intent to steal and was caught.
4.Maybe she walked in with the intent to seduce a famous man.
5.Maybe she planned to seduce him and was rejected. “Hell hath no fury like a woman
6.Maybe she walked in with the intent to seduce a famous man and then blackmail him by threatening to cry rape. As we’ve learned, time and time again, from The False Rape Society, many women have a knee-jerk reaction to cry “rape” in order to save them from their own problems. Have you noticed that nobody in the media is saying that the maid should be fired for her transgression?
Let us see if there is any hard, corroborating evidence for this case, and if it isn’t merely another “cry wolf” story by a guilty woman seeking to salvage her job after committing a serious, unforgivable professional mistake.
Jacques Attalli, the economist, a prominent Socialist and friend of Strauss-Kahn said:“The most likely outcome is that this case will stick and even if he pleads not guilty,which he may be, he won’t be able to be candidate for the Socialist primary for the presidency and he won’t be able to stay at the IMF.”
Michel Taubmann, author of a new official and approved biography of Strauss-Kahn, said: “He is a well-known seducer but does not have the profile of a rapist.”
“Dominique Strauss-Kahn Charged with Sex Attack on New York Hotel Maid“ The Guardian
If he raped her, would he really have gone back to pick up the phone he had forgotten? Also, if this hotel has such good services, why is bringing back the phone not handled by assistants. In any case, a strange story. Many people seem to take sides, but it is better to just wait and see, especially given that the story is so unusual and full of unexplained issues brought up in this post.
I think the maid consented to sex because she didn’t tell Strauss-Kahn she was HIV positive to stop him from making sexual advancements. She probably didn’t have sex with a man in the last twelve years and was turned on by the seducer Strauss-Kahn, so she kept quite about her illness and enjoyed herself while murdering Strauss-Kahn with HIV. It’s a criminal act not to inform a sex partner about being HIV positive. Everyone knows that her husband died of HIV in Guinea and the HIV epidemic is widespread there. It’s only obvious she has HIV because she lives in an apartment complex specifically for HIV patients. If Strauss-Kahn had sex with his wife when he got out of Rikers jail then he probably infected his wife with HIV. If he did get HIV, he should blame himself for having contracted HIV for not being more selective with the women he has sex with. Donald Trump always had sex with beauty pageant winners who were clean. For a man of his wealth, he should have picked more attractive and cleaner women. I also think she lied to the police because she said the door of the hotel was locked from the inside and that’s not true because it can only be locked to a person from the outside. She should have called the front desk with her cell phone to ask for help or she should have scratched his face or yelled for help. She said she was forced to give him a BJ, but that is odd because why would Strauss-Kahn trust a woman with sharp teeth if he is attacking her. Strauss-Kahn is a high priced lawyer and he knows it’s against the law to rape a woman. She knows that a man who can afford to pay $3000.00 a night for a hotel room is probably wealthy and she problably wanted to get out of her poverty by suing him or the Sofia hotel. If the Sofie hotel really were a luxury hotel they should have at least hired people from more prestigious backgrounds unless they were underpaying her and working her like a mule. They charge clients $3000.00 per night and they should at least offer clients higher quality services. I wouldn’t pay $3000.00 a night if an HIV maid was tampering around in my bathroom. What if she had a cut on her hand and blood fell on the toilet seat or on my clean towels?
*no mention of the maid's cart in the room, *his things were everywhere when she opened the door, *smart and rich enough to know the legal system being let into America on special immigrant asylee status (for possibly HIV)she is conversant in working the system...and in her native corrupt country, bribery, fraud, sex is politacaly correct with politicians whose second nature is to allocate UN funds to their personal bank accounts. Whether sex is her mandate or not, she is a blackmailer. She should be counter sued by the defense. It's preposterous that justice was miscarried before the trial, that someone the international scene needs so much, such a great mind, who's responsible for areas of the world's financial stability to date, that his reputation was irreparably shaken?..where is innocent until proven guilty?! This is more like the American public acting out Les Miserables against the rich offending party. What I feel is beyond her cry for help are her and like her players schooled in this behavior. The mystery - throw the French opposition a bone and call her an apparatchik or simply embezzeler of someone's life and fortune.
before posting a picture you must verify your source. She is not Nafissatou Diallo. she doesn't live in the US and she is 22. how I know it? she's my aunt.
I did.
click here
Nice try,feminist.Thanks for playing.
1st thought: She's kinda hot...Now onto reading the post...
Ok, finished reading...
Until now, I've never seen any details about what allegedly happened. So are they charging him with rape or "Attempted rape"?
Do they not have cameras in the hallway that would record him dragging her to a bathroom?
No need to worry; with the appalling standard of English the housemaid's lawyers use ("preponderous" mistakenly used instead of "preposterous"), she'll lose her case in no time!
housekeeper's lawyers will lose her case - they can't even tell the difference between the words "preponderous" and "preposterous"!
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