Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anti- male persecution

June is false allegations awareness month and this video fits in with that theme. It highlights misandric laws and policies at all levels of government. Now it is time to combat the lies against us showing the world feminist lies and bigotry for all to see.


Anonymous said...

Why do gentlemen hold the door for women? Because gentlemen are supposed to have wisdom, and no man with wisdom will let a woman get that kind of open shot at his back.

So guys, be wise, be safe, open doors for women...don't expose your back to them.
If she is one of those harpies who calls you down for opening the door for her, back (don't turn) away and wait for her to go ahead. She's probably pissed because you didn't expose your back for her to stab.

Masculist Man said...

Or don't hold the door open for her and make sure the door separates you from her that way she can't get at you.