The funny thing is that the Karens in the audience were trying to manipulate Bill Burr into toning it down. Good luck on that. Bill Burr took on Philly and won so good luck on that one,Karens.
My thoughts on pro-masculism and anti-feminism. Some thoughts may mirror what others have said while others are uniquely mine but either way they are legitimate.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
AOC bitch off
She is a fucking bitch. She acts mean to male Republicans. Especially Matt Gaetz who agrees with her on legislative issues. It is stunts like this that convince people she is out of her mind.
After he begrudgingly made a rather empty apology, Ocasio-Cortez took to the House floor to give an impassioned, powerful speech condemning systemic sexism.
So basically she threw a temper tantrum on the House Floor in front of the entire planet. She has no problem dishing it out but when it comes to receiving it she becomes a total Karen.
Every single word she said hit the nail on the head and was felt by women around the world—because most of us, in some form, have been in this situation before. The speech went viral and thousands have posted in support of AOC, who many believe to be the face of Gen Z feminism. With just one speech, AOC implicitly launched a new wave of unapologetic women who are unashamed of standing up for themselves—in all spaces.
I am woman. Hear me whine. Those boys were mean to me.
“This issue is not about one incident,” AOC said in her speech, explaining why she made the decision to take Yoho’s comments to Congress. “It is a culture of lack of impunity; of accepting violence and violent language against women; and an entire structure of power that supports that.”
Violent language. You have to be shitting me. What a total Karen.
Prior to the misogynistic attack, Yoho was “disgusted” by Ocasio-Cortez’s suggestion that poverty and unemployment have led to a rise in petty crimes.
Unlike Sandy Cortez, Congressman Yoho has actually been impoverished. He had to work to get where he is. He wasn't given everything by daddy like Princess Sandy was. She had privilege over him.
She told him he was being “rude,” and he then decided to escalate the situation by verbally accosting her.
More like she became a total bitch and he stood up for himself. Good for him.
The words he retorted are emblematic of the discomfort men feel when an unapologetic, intelligent woman stands up for herself in a space where men feel they aren’t supposed to belong. Yoho is an example of a man who felt so threatened that a woman was self-assured enough to even respond to him—and not to simply stand back, take it and remain quiet.
No, she is acting like a spoiled undisciplined brat with an entitlement attitude.
Instead of amplifying her voice, some media outlets reported that AOC “lashed out“ on Twitter and that her speech was a calculated response “to amplify her own political brand.” Others chalked her words up to AOC being “fiery.” Ocasio-Cortez did exactly what we preach any woman in her position should do—stand up for herself—and yet somehow the narrative became that she’s just trying to forward her personal political agenda. This rhetoric is not distinct from the way many Latinx women have been labeled—overly emotional, crazy and so on. But framing AOC and her speech in this manner makes the clear distinction between her words and Yoho’s. Why can he proudly state that he cannot “apologize for his passion” while Ocasio-Cortez continues to be branded as chaotic and juvenile?"
Good for those media outlets. She is acting like a brat.
Her speech was not one any woman ever wants to make. Calling out sexism is never fun or pleasant. We are brought up and trained to ignore it. Having to sit and flesh out why this is wrong is extremely difficult. AOC had to rise and make a speech on her verbal abuse—and know that no matter what she said, many people still won’t listen, care or change.
Yeah, pretty much. If sexism doesn't exist then invent it. That is what feminists do.
She made a spectacle of something when she should have just shut up, so that validates calling her a bitch, right?
Yeah, sure does. She made a spectacle of herself.
I could not allow my nieces, I could not allow the little girls that I go home to, I could not allow victims of verbal abuse and worse to see that,” she said. “To see that excuse and to see our Congress accept it as legitimate and accept it as an apology and to accept silence as a form of acceptance.”
AOC: The nation would have appreciated it if you hadn't pulled this little stunt.
AOC knew that women everywhere were waiting to see what she would do next. Would she ignore it and brush it off, like the woman who is catcalled while walking home alone? Would she just pretend it didn’t happen, like we’re trained to do when we’re harassed on the subway? Would she laugh it off the way we do when we’re made uncomfortable and don’t want to make things “serious?” Or would she take this moment and use it to amplify the voices of women worldwide—voices that continue to be silenced every day?
Her speech is distinct from anything I’ve heard an elected official publicly say so heartily before, and I can’t help but think of how many lives she will touch because of it.
I got something she can touch. Congressman Yoho gave the rest of us the green light. I suggest we go for it.
Her passion is something I wish I grew up seeing displayed in politics. We don’t always see women in politics make speeches such as AOC’s because they’ve been told to steer clear of criticism and not be seen as emotional.
If you mean avoid any type of responsibility whatsoever rest assured. She is the reigning queen when it comes to that. AOC gets very emotional over empty parking lots.
We’re told these characteristics are faults instead of strengths. There is no denying that AOC inspires women everywhere.
To be what? Overgrown crybabies? That is not a good thing.
The authenticity behind her path to Congress has already made an impact that can be seen and felt. It’s why Puerto Rican Samelys Lopez, an ex-homeless Congressional candidate, can run an incredible campaign in the 15th district of New York—neighboring that of AOC’S own Bronx district. And it’s why both women and men in politics always have some sort of opinion about her, good or bad.
Mostly bad.

Misogynistic behavior is a problem that runs deep, and it’s not going away anytime soon.
That's because women are not going away anytime soon.
But how we respond to that needs to change, and it’s starting to, thanks to women like AOC. As a Latina myself, it is so incredibly wonderful to see the representation that AOC provides for women of color.
That they are a bunch of Karens with a tan that lose touch with reality over the least little thing? Maybe women consider that a good thing but as a man I don't.
Whether it’s calling out unwarranted groping from men at clubs
Was that you? Wow,talk about a small internet.
or renouncing misogynistic behavior on the steps of Capitol Hill, we are united by the verbal abuse we face. As Yoho hid behind being deemed a “family man,” AOC declared that she is, in fact, “someone’s daughter too.”
Oh yeah,she is definitely someone's daughter.
congressman ted yoho,
porn hub
Friday, September 18, 2020
Ginsburg bites the big one
WASHINGTON — Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday of “complications of metastatic pancreas cancer,” the Supreme Court announced.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg sitting in a chair: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the leader of the court’s four-member liberal wing.© Doug Mills/The New York Times Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the leader of the court’s four-member liberal wing.
“Our nation has lost a jurist of historic stature,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said in a statement. “We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her — a tireless and resolute champion of justice.”
The development will give President Trump the opportunity to name her successor, and Senate Republicans have promised to try to fill the vacancy even in the waning days of his first term. The confirmation battle, in the middle of a pandemic and a presidential election, is sure to be titanic.
Let's get ready to rumble. Most Presidents only get to nominate one judge to sit on the Supreme Court. If they are lucky. Two is rare and Three is unheard of but that is what awaits Trump. To come up with an pro-libertarian conservative jurist to replace Ginsburg. I'm sure the Dems are loving this. I can imagine Kamala Harris tearing her hair out while screaming: "Why couldn't that bitch die in January when we may have a chance to retake the White House?"
Mr. Trump has appointed two members of the Supreme Court, Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh, moving the court slightly to the right. The replacement of Justice Ginsburg, the leader of the court’s four-member liberal wing, could transform the court into a profoundly conservative institution, one in which Republican appointees would outnumber Democratic ones six to three.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg sitting in a chair: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the leader of the court’s four-member liberal wing.© Doug Mills/The New York Times Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the leader of the court’s four-member liberal wing.
“Our nation has lost a jurist of historic stature,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said in a statement. “We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her — a tireless and resolute champion of justice.”
The development will give President Trump the opportunity to name her successor, and Senate Republicans have promised to try to fill the vacancy even in the waning days of his first term. The confirmation battle, in the middle of a pandemic and a presidential election, is sure to be titanic.
Let's get ready to rumble. Most Presidents only get to nominate one judge to sit on the Supreme Court. If they are lucky. Two is rare and Three is unheard of but that is what awaits Trump. To come up with an pro-libertarian conservative jurist to replace Ginsburg. I'm sure the Dems are loving this. I can imagine Kamala Harris tearing her hair out while screaming: "Why couldn't that bitch die in January when we may have a chance to retake the White House?"
Mr. Trump has appointed two members of the Supreme Court, Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh, moving the court slightly to the right. The replacement of Justice Ginsburg, the leader of the court’s four-member liberal wing, could transform the court into a profoundly conservative institution, one in which Republican appointees would outnumber Democratic ones six to three.
I'm sure it has the DNC scared shitless. Socialism has an ending date and I believe this is it. Whomever Trump nominates and if they get approved by the Senate is going to put an end to socialism. Hopefully that jurist will protect this country from socialists and other threats.
In 2016, Senate Republicans refused to consider President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick B. Garland, saying that holding hearings in the last year of a president’s term would deprive voters of a role in the process.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, led the effort to block Judge Garland’s nomination. But he has said he will press to fill any vacancy that might arise in the last year of Mr. Trump’s first term.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, led the effort to block Judge Garland’s nomination. But he has said he will press to fill any vacancy that might arise in the last year of Mr. Trump’s first term.
Mr. McConnell and his allies say the two situations are different. Where one party controls the Senate and the other the presidency, as in 2016, they say, vacancies should not be filled in a presidential election year. Where the same party controls both the Senate and presidency, they argue, confirmations may proceed.
Democrats say this is hairsplitting hypocrisy that damages the legitimacy of the court. But they may have little practical power to stop a third Trump nominee after changes in Senate rules on filibusters on nominations. All it takes now is a majority vote to confirm judicial nominees.
The situations are very different: Obama was on year 7 going on to year 8 and adios see ya later charly. There was no way Obama would ever face the voters again ever. While Trump is running for re-election IOW Trump is on year 4 and he is going to face the voters. Something Obama was not going to do.
Justice Ginsburg is revered in liberal circles, with her many fans calling her Notorious R.B.G., a nod to the rapper Notorious B.I.G. The justice has embraced the connection. “We were both born and bred in Brooklyn, New York,” she liked to say.
Justice Ginsburg, who was 87, had repeatedly vowed to stay on the court as long as her health held and she stayed mentally sharp. “I have often said I would remain a member of the court as long as I can do the job full steam,” she said in July, announcing a recurrence of cancer. “I remain fully able to do that.”
While during her lifetime she didn't impress me, in death I gained an admiration for her. Rather than retire she stuck to her guns. She stood up to what she viewed as a threat. I would do the same. I would demand that of myself and my soldiers. Stick to your guns and never surrender.
The discovery of lesions on her liver in May was only her most recent medical setback. She had had surgery for lung cancer and radiation treatment for pancreatic cancer in recent years. She had also had surgery for early-stage pancreatic cancer in 2009 and treatment for colon cancer in 1999.
Justice Ginsburg was born in Brooklyn in 1933, graduated from Cornell in 1954 and began law school at Harvard. After moving to New York with her husband, she transferred to Columbia, where she earned her law degree.
She taught at Rutgers and Columbia and was a leading courtroom advocate of women’s rights before joining the court. As the director of the Women’s Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union in the 1970s, she brought a series of cases before the court that helped establish constitutional protections against sex discrimination.
Her litigation strategy invited comparison to that of Justice Thurgood Marshall, who was the architect of the civil rights movement’s incremental legal attack on racial discrimination before he joined the court.
She was appointed to the court by President Bill Clinton in 1993. At recent arguments, she asked probing questions based on an assured command of the pertinent legal materials and factual record.
During the Obama administration, some liberals urged Justice Ginsburg to step down so that President Barack Obama could name her successor. She rejected the advice.
She was critical of Mr. Trump during the 2016 campaign, and he responded that “her mind is shot” and said she should resign. She later said she had made a mistake in publicly commenting on a candidate and promised to be more “circumspect” in the future.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
A preview of the Biden Presidency
Masc, I've been reading up on Kamala Harris ever since Joe Biden chose her to be his running mate.
He didn't choose her to become his running mate.
In that case who chose her?
The Leftist Deep State Machine.
Who are the members of The Leftist Deep State Machine?
That is what I would like to know. I'm sure that is something a lot of people reading this article would like to know. So far they are faceless, nameless and unaccountable. This is a preview of the Biden Presidency. If he wins this is how things will be conducted. Persecuted citizens who have no recourse against those that wronged them. The oppressors know your name and face but you don't know theirs or what they look like. This way nothing bad happens to them. That is the way they like it. As far as you are concerned. They don't give a rat's ass about you.
He didn't choose her to become his running mate.
In that case who chose her?
The Leftist Deep State Machine.
Who are the members of The Leftist Deep State Machine?
That is what I would like to know. I'm sure that is something a lot of people reading this article would like to know. So far they are faceless, nameless and unaccountable. This is a preview of the Biden Presidency. If he wins this is how things will be conducted. Persecuted citizens who have no recourse against those that wronged them. The oppressors know your name and face but you don't know theirs or what they look like. This way nothing bad happens to them. That is the way they like it. As far as you are concerned. They don't give a rat's ass about you.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Terrence Popp responds to Tomi Lahren
This video is fucking funny. Perhaps one of Popp's best.
If Biden-Harris win men lose-royally

Yeah,she said it

In the first video Erick James talks about prisons and he is right on. In fact, the squad may send a lot of men to various prisons.
Let's put the puzzle together.
Part of Team Biden is Kamala Harris, Biden's running mate,AOC and Beto O'Rourke.
In the event, Joe Biden should win.
The first thing the Biden-Harris regime would do is implement gun confiscation programs against those they don't like. If you are a fellow socialist or feminist and you like firearms there is a good chance you may get to keep your gun otherwise they'll confiscate it. After they have disarmed law-abiding citizens they will implement the rest of their plan.
Joe Biden has always been a scatterbrained moron but now he is much worse. He is not competent to be President. Which means Kamala Harris would become the new President. If she does tremendous good she will receive boatloads of accolades. On the other hand, if she royally fucks up she is going to get shovel loads of shit. Women love to take credit but they hate to take responsibility so I'm guessing they'll keep old Joe around to take the blame when things go south and they will.
Now comes the fun part: using Presidential Executive Orders to bypass Congress. What? Congress won't pass the New Green Deal? Screw them. We'll just issue an Executive Order. If you are homosexual who hates heterosexuals and you want to round them up and place them in extermination camps but Congress and the Constitution say you can't do that. Screw them. Just fill out an Executive Order, old Joe will sign it and Homeland Security will enforce it. It is that easy. Ladies, are you fed up with happy men who enjoy their lives? What about the guys who are breathing air you could breathe? Should they be allowed to get away with it? If you said "no" then just fill out an Executive Order, Joe will sign it and someone else will inform Homeland Security who will enforce it. It is that easy and the best thing is you'll never be held accountable because if things do go wrong old Joe will take the blame. He won't remember anything and it's a safe bet you're not going to admit what you did so no one will take the blame. Want to destroy someone's life or possibly end their life? Just fill out an Executive Order. Joe will sign it. It will be handed off to Homeland Security to enforce it so sit back and enjoy the show. Bask in the enjoyment that you hurt someone and you got away with it.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
A vote for Biden is a vote for feminism
I never published this for public consumption. How were you able to access it?
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tomi Lahren rags on men
Tomi, it sounds like you and girlfriends just found out what MGTOW is. Judging from your rant I get the feeling you are less than thrilled with it. In the video, Tomi says she is not a feminist and that she loves men. If that is love you can keep that shit. One of her commenters (some simp. You should see her Facebook page. The only ones who post there are other angry pissed off bitches and desperate simps hungry for table scraps. Yes it is that pathetic.) mentioned Cassie Jaye and The Red Pill movie so we can all look forward to our lives to get really interesting really quickly.
In fact, Dr. Todd L. Grande discusses Tomi Lahren's rant in one of his videos.
Who is Dr. Todd L. Grande?
Here Dr. Todd L. Grande introduces himself:
Dr. Todd L. Grande covers topics related to Counselor Education and Supervision including but not limited to mental health, human behavior, psychopathology, personality theory, research, statistics, SPSS, Excel, APA style, appraisal, and group counseling.
Here Dr. Todd L. Grande responds to Tomi Lahren's rant:
If Tomi and her girlfriends stopped act bitchy and narcissistic they may actually get somewhere with men.
pissed off,
tomi lahren,
Monday, August 10, 2020
Lacy Johnson For Congress

Lacy Johnson
Lacy Johnson's Campaign Website
Lacy Johnson (Republican Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. He is on the ballot in the Republican primary on August 11, 2020.
Johnson attended Metro Junior College, the University of Minnesota, and the Brown Institute for undergraduate studies. Johnson's career experience includes working in computer technology and as an entrepreneur.
Johnson previously served as chapter president of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, as a member of the North High School Site Council, and as a member of the PUC Charter School Advisory Committee.
Lacy Johnson embraces American values. Unlike Ilhan Omar who despises America. It's time to send Ilhan Omar packing. If you live in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District and you want to get rid of Ilhan Omar then vote for Lacy Johnson-For Congress.
2020 elections,
Ilhan Omar,
lacy johnson,
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Saturday, August 8, 2020
David Dudenhoefer For Congress
David Dudenhoefer (Republican Party) (also known as Dude) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Michigan's 13th Congressional District. He is on the ballot in the general election on November 3, 2020. He advanced from the Republican primary on August 4, 2020.
Dudenhoefer completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2020. Click here to read the survey answers.
Dudenhoefer is the district chair for the 13th Congressional District Republican Committee.
Dudenhoefer was born in Detroit, Michigan. His professional experience includes working in the Detroit gaming industry. Dudenhoefer has served as the deputy state coordinator for the Michigan Campaign for Liberty and as the chairman for the Michigan 13th District Republican Committee.
A lifelong resident of Wayne County, David Dudenhoefer spent his early childhood in Westland and graduated from Franklin High School in Livonia. As an adult David moved to Detroit and has been living in the city for over twenty-five years.
David and his newly-wed wife, Jacqueline, live in the Boston-Edison historic district and work in the city of Detroit. They enjoy what the new and old Detroit has to offer from live music to local restaurants, urban gardening, Eastern Market, Belle Isle and all the yearly festivals. They also enjoy exploring Michigan’s Great Lakes, state parks, and hiking trails.
Aside from his 20 years of experience in the private sector, David has worked tirelessly as a political activist advocating for individual liberty and has served as district chair for the 13th Congressional District Republican Committee since 2013.
Meet The Dude
Do you want to keep Rashida Thalib in office? I didn't think so. If you want the squad out of Congress and out of power ASAP then a vote for David Dudenhoefer will ensure that will happen. So if you live in David Dudenhoefer's district and you are tired of the squad then vote for David Dudenhoefer to get rid of Rashida Thalib.
John Cummings For Congress
John Cummings (Republican Party, Conservative Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent New York's 14th Congressional District. He is on the ballot in the general election on November 3, 2020.
John Cummings was born and raised in the Bronx. He followed in his father’s footsteps and was sworn in as an NYPD officer in 1983, and was assigned to NSU 7 in the South Bronx. After suffering a serious injury while assigned to the NYPD Harbor Unit, he was forced to retire in 1991 with multiple commendations for bravery and excellence in the line of duty.
Following his retirement, he earned a degree from Fordham University, and later became a father to his two sons. He later returned to his high school alma matter as a History and Government teacher where he just completed his 22nd year.
John's Story
If John Cummings wins Alexandria Ocasio Cortez loses. The squad loses. The feminists lose. Men win. America wins. If John Cummings wins the district he represents will regain its dignity. If you want the 117th Congress to be AOC-free and you live in the New York 14th Congressional District then vote for John Cummings For Congress.
Friday, July 24, 2020
AOC gets upset over a comment
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) is upset because one of her colleagues called her a "fucking bitch" and demands an apology for his demeaning remarks. When has AOC ever apologized for her bigoted remarks? AOC has made inappropriate remarks about white males all the time. Ben Shapiro merely challenged her to a debate and she made him sound like a rapist trying to get her alone. I'm sure Ben Shapiro considers it degrading that someone would make him out to be a rapist when he is not one. She has done this to other white males as well. When has she ever apologized for throwing them under the bus? A good trait of a representative of the people is someone who will take the lead and the best way to do that is to lead by example. Do you know what I mean Congresswoman Ocasio Cortez?
Update: Click Here
Update: Click Here
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Bill Cosby appeals his sentence
Camille Cosby is speaking out about husband Bill Cosby’s appeal, saying she’s “very, very pleased” his 2018 conviction could be overturned. In an interview with ABC News, Camille doubled down on comparing the “unproven” sexual assault claims against the comedian to the brutal 1955 murder of Emmett Till. She also suggested the #MeToo movement is racist.
On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled it will hear parts of Bill’s appeal. The 82-year-old actor has been behind bars for nearly two years for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. He was sentenced to three to 10 years in state prison.
“My first reaction is hopefulness, possibilities,” Camille told ABC’s Linsey Davis. “The state’s highest court ... has said, ‘Wait a minute. There are some problems here. They can be considered for an appeal.’”
Camille and Bill Cosby have been married for over 50 years, and she has stayed by his side throughout his #MeToo controversy. Dozens of women came forward and said they were sexually assaulted and/or drugged by the entertainer. The Cosby Show star was canceled before cancel culture was a thing — and Camille is unconcerned that many people view her to be on the wrong side of history.
“First of all, I don’t care what they feel,” she said.
“The #MeToo movement and movements like them have intentional ignorance pertaining to the history of particular white women — not all white women — but particular white women, who have from the very beginning, pertaining to the enslavement of African people, accused Black males of sexual assault without any proof whatsoever, no proof, anywhere on the face of the earth,” Camille added.
“And by ignoring that history, they have put out a lie in itself and that is, ‘Because I’m female, I’m telling the truth.’ Well, history disproves that, as well, and gender has never, ever equated with truth. So, they need to clean up their acts. And it’s all of us as women who have not participated in anything nefarious — we know how women can lie,” she continued. “We know how they can do the same things that men do — that some men do — because there are good men and bad men. There are good women and bad women.”
Camille defended comparing Bill’s situation to the horrific lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Till. The teen was murdered in Mississippi for allegedly making advances at a white woman, a claim the woman admitted was false years later.
“The parallel is that the same age-old thing about particular white women making accusations against Black men that are unproven — Emmett Till’s outcome, to mutilate his body in the way that it was, was just really so deeply horrendous,” Camille said. “I mean — there’s a lack of words for that kind of hatefulness.”
“So you boil this all down to racism?” Davis asked Camille. “You feel that if your husband were not a Black man that these accusations would not have been made and he would not be in prison?”
“I don’t know that,” Camille replied, “because some white men have ... there are some who have been sent to prison. But ... it’s not the same situation as the history [of] particular white women with Black men.”
“We’ve seen them hanging from trees,” Camille said of the Black men, “once they make those accusations. We’ve seen them being incarcerated ... those accusations are made and — once again — unproven. Unproven.”
Camille noted that she speaks to Bill daily but won’t visit him.
“In terms of visiting him, no, I do not want to see my husband in that kind of an environment — and he doesn’t want me to see him in that kind of environment,” she said. “So we are in sync with that, but I speak to him every single day.”
Camille added that Bill does not have COVID-19 and is “doing fine.”
There were more holes in the original trial than Swiss cheese and the whole thing stunk worse than fermented shit. When you take in the consideration the false accusers and the scandoulas judge who is married to a feminist who works in the grievance industry alongside the corrupt prosecutor who wanted to make a name for himself you have an inquisitional situation. That is exactly the situation Bill Cosby found himself in and now hopefully he can get out, clear his name, sue his accusers and enjoy his retirement.
On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled it will hear parts of Bill’s appeal. The 82-year-old actor has been behind bars for nearly two years for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. He was sentenced to three to 10 years in state prison.
“My first reaction is hopefulness, possibilities,” Camille told ABC’s Linsey Davis. “The state’s highest court ... has said, ‘Wait a minute. There are some problems here. They can be considered for an appeal.’”
Camille and Bill Cosby have been married for over 50 years, and she has stayed by his side throughout his #MeToo controversy. Dozens of women came forward and said they were sexually assaulted and/or drugged by the entertainer. The Cosby Show star was canceled before cancel culture was a thing — and Camille is unconcerned that many people view her to be on the wrong side of history.
“First of all, I don’t care what they feel,” she said.
“The #MeToo movement and movements like them have intentional ignorance pertaining to the history of particular white women — not all white women — but particular white women, who have from the very beginning, pertaining to the enslavement of African people, accused Black males of sexual assault without any proof whatsoever, no proof, anywhere on the face of the earth,” Camille added.
“And by ignoring that history, they have put out a lie in itself and that is, ‘Because I’m female, I’m telling the truth.’ Well, history disproves that, as well, and gender has never, ever equated with truth. So, they need to clean up their acts. And it’s all of us as women who have not participated in anything nefarious — we know how women can lie,” she continued. “We know how they can do the same things that men do — that some men do — because there are good men and bad men. There are good women and bad women.”
Camille defended comparing Bill’s situation to the horrific lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Till. The teen was murdered in Mississippi for allegedly making advances at a white woman, a claim the woman admitted was false years later.
“The parallel is that the same age-old thing about particular white women making accusations against Black men that are unproven — Emmett Till’s outcome, to mutilate his body in the way that it was, was just really so deeply horrendous,” Camille said. “I mean — there’s a lack of words for that kind of hatefulness.”
“So you boil this all down to racism?” Davis asked Camille. “You feel that if your husband were not a Black man that these accusations would not have been made and he would not be in prison?”
“I don’t know that,” Camille replied, “because some white men have ... there are some who have been sent to prison. But ... it’s not the same situation as the history [of] particular white women with Black men.”
“We’ve seen them hanging from trees,” Camille said of the Black men, “once they make those accusations. We’ve seen them being incarcerated ... those accusations are made and — once again — unproven. Unproven.”
Camille noted that she speaks to Bill daily but won’t visit him.
“In terms of visiting him, no, I do not want to see my husband in that kind of an environment — and he doesn’t want me to see him in that kind of environment,” she said. “So we are in sync with that, but I speak to him every single day.”
Camille added that Bill does not have COVID-19 and is “doing fine.”
There were more holes in the original trial than Swiss cheese and the whole thing stunk worse than fermented shit. When you take in the consideration the false accusers and the scandoulas judge who is married to a feminist who works in the grievance industry alongside the corrupt prosecutor who wanted to make a name for himself you have an inquisitional situation. That is exactly the situation Bill Cosby found himself in and now hopefully he can get out, clear his name, sue his accusers and enjoy his retirement.
Friday, June 26, 2020
AOC's real agenda

White Supremacists or white nationalists are not that numerous but they do have the right to free speech just as any other group does and they should be prosecuted if they cross the line just like any other group. Rights and responsibilities across the board.
What led me to this conclusion? Her message to the supposed white nationalists white supremacists whatever. She called out to the males but not the females. Like she was surprised there could be females among their ranks. A quick search among the images on the internet will let you know there are a lot of females among their ranks. You can find this out by using the search engine of your choice. It would probably take you a couple of seconds. That is not a long time nor is it difficult to do. So why didn't AOC know it? Because it's a cover.
Okay Masc. As a fellow MRA/MGTOW what group or groups are in AOC's crosshairs?
Us. AOC was talking to anti-feminists,MRA's and MGTOW's. Especially MRA's and MGTOW's.
Men. Please come back. There are women who will love you if you come back.
Is what she was really saying. Singing the siren's song.
By using "white supremacy/nationalism/whatever" robs non-caucasian men of their rights to the Men's Rights Movement and MGTOW. Also, it puts off non-racist white men. Also, it kept her from mentioning us thus robbing us of any coverage whatsoever and it prevent the MRA meme and the MGTOW meme from spreading and attracting new members. It served a three-fold purpose and it was very effective. If somebody other than AOC came up with the "white supremacy/nationalist/whatever" angle that is one thing but if AOC herself came up with it then underestimating her is something we dare not do.
AOC is a feminist. She had never hidden that nor has she denied it. She hangs around other like-minded women on the net so I can imagine that the MRM and MGTOW have been brought up numerous times. They are most likely not big fans of the MRM and MGTOW so I don't expect them to become our cheerleaders anytime soon. AOC is a position to hunt us down and punish us for rejecting her and her sisters. She can call for investigations into our activities even though we are not doing anything illegal. Will she open up an investigation into us? I don't know but it is a possibility.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Please block me
Yes. Please block me. If you a little girl that cannot stand up to scrutiny then yes. Please block me. If being held to the same standards as a man is more than you can handle then yes. Please block me. If you are going to overreact and act like a 9-year-old drama queen then yes. Please block me. If you are of the aforementioned or worse then yes. Please block me. You are a colossal waste of my valuable time. I've already placed a permanent block on one such girl recently. I won't change my mind.
Don't believe what women tell you. Don't take them at face value.

BTW snookums if you are reading this no beta would have made the statement I made.
Don't believe what women tell you. Don't take them at face value.

BTW snookums if you are reading this no beta would have made the statement I made.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
From the horse's mouth
better bachelor,
not worth it,
A strong argument for MGTOW
Namee Arrow responds to a feminist shit talker:
Feminism is just a bunch of little angry girls. But honestly, all of you are missing the whole point of the question of MGTOW. Which is that men owe women nothing. There is no manning up. There is no good man. There is no gender-based social contract. Men have nothing to live up to for women. Men don't belong to you. Our lives, our resources are ours. Men need to explore their feelings and find what makes them happy. And women may have a hard time accepting that what makes a man happy is not women. And a lot of men are coming to this realization. Many don't even care about the only real threat women have and that is sex. Once a man can walk from sex he can walk from women. It's that easy. I have walked from sex and have tried to be friends with women. They all want to fuck me. They all want more. When they realize I want to treat them like an intellectual equal and just be buddies they only stick around until they have another man they want to work on. Then they ghost. Women cannot be friends with men who they aren't using as simps or who aren’t giving them attention. When a man won't simp or provide sex women are the ones who can't be bothered. A woman cannot be friends with a man. She can only use men. No woman is my equal. I have an identity without a woman. A woman will never have an identity outside the context of a man. Thus I am free. Thank you feminism for freeing me from any obligation to the welfare of women. Now all I have to do is leave this wretched America for a better life where I am not raped of my labor for the welfare of women. Your best bet men….work as little as you possibly can. Own nothing and avoid taxes. Let America collapse. Let the women slave. Just sit back, eat your popcorn and watch the show. Marriage and wage slavery is for suckers.
The way this dude put it is just perfect.
Feminism is just a bunch of little angry girls. But honestly, all of you are missing the whole point of the question of MGTOW. Which is that men owe women nothing. There is no manning up. There is no good man. There is no gender-based social contract. Men have nothing to live up to for women. Men don't belong to you. Our lives, our resources are ours. Men need to explore their feelings and find what makes them happy. And women may have a hard time accepting that what makes a man happy is not women. And a lot of men are coming to this realization. Many don't even care about the only real threat women have and that is sex. Once a man can walk from sex he can walk from women. It's that easy. I have walked from sex and have tried to be friends with women. They all want to fuck me. They all want more. When they realize I want to treat them like an intellectual equal and just be buddies they only stick around until they have another man they want to work on. Then they ghost. Women cannot be friends with men who they aren't using as simps or who aren’t giving them attention. When a man won't simp or provide sex women are the ones who can't be bothered. A woman cannot be friends with a man. She can only use men. No woman is my equal. I have an identity without a woman. A woman will never have an identity outside the context of a man. Thus I am free. Thank you feminism for freeing me from any obligation to the welfare of women. Now all I have to do is leave this wretched America for a better life where I am not raped of my labor for the welfare of women. Your best bet men….work as little as you possibly can. Own nothing and avoid taxes. Let America collapse. Let the women slave. Just sit back, eat your popcorn and watch the show. Marriage and wage slavery is for suckers.
The way this dude put it is just perfect.
namee arrow,
words of wisdom
Thursday, June 11, 2020
DeVos backstabs men on college and university campuses
This is outrageous. We need to contact Devos: and President Donald Trump
about this matter. We tell DeVos not to railroad innocent men and to let Trump know that his Secretary Of Education is discriminating against men on college and university campuses. Let them both know about the video.
Betsy DeVos,
dear colleague,
janice fiamengo,
president Donald trump,
title IX,
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Celebrity is sexually assaulted
Actress Lena Dunham goes “fangirl” for Bill Clinton at the Golden Globe Awards. Because ya know, Bill Clinton is such a champion of women’s rights.
Yes, I can see how much of a Bill Clinton admirer she is. She has learned a lot from him. Like acting like a sanctimonious asshole while blaming others. She accuses men of all types of vile acts yet she used a foreign object to penetrate her younger sister's vagina. No, her sister was not a willing accomplice. She has used her celebrity status to smear MRA's. Satruday Night LIve even did a smear skit about us because Lena Dunham was guest-hosting that night.
(Scroll down to "they're getting scared".)
Will Metoo hold Lena Dunham accountable like they would Brad Pitt if it had been reversed. With Brad Pitt probably not but if he had been a non-famous man then chances are he would be blamed.
bill clinton,
brad pitt,
female hypocrisy,
lena dunham,
red carpet,
sexual assault
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
The Tinder Experiment
Talk about regret. "I'm sorry I even did this in the first place" sure applies here. For some this may a major WTF moment. For others, he may confirm what they already know. Looks are what drew these women in but looks alone didn't keep their interest. Looks? Money? Elliot Rodger had both and look what happened to him. I would say it is more confidence and style.
elliot rodger,
male models,
video games,
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Brad Upton
This video is funny as hell. Brad talks about training his wife.
boston comedy festival,
brad upton,
men's issues,
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Rapist Joe goes back to school
The Unofficial Democratic Nominee for President, Joseph Biden, is doing two things: he is only looking for a female for vice-president. Proof that Biden is highly misandric. Also, Biden wants to put back into place the draconian mandate "dear colleague" which destroys the due process rigths of male students accused of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment on the nation's college and university campuses. Biden wants to destroy the due process rights of young college/university men. The same due process rights he clings to. Apparently, with Biden it is "due process for me but not for thee". Perhaps the men of America should send Joe Biden a message and that is: "because of me the Presidency is not for thee".
Friday, May 8, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Slaves To Humanity-Battleground
This is a kick-ass metal song with MGTOW memes. Believe it or not, these guys are still in high school but they are not The Archies nor are they The Jonas Brothers. These guys can rock with the adult bands any day of the week.
UPDATE: Slaves To Humanity have weighed in. They tell me that the song is about struggle but it has nothing to do with MGTOW. But wouldn't the battle between MGTOW's and feminists qualify as a "struggle"?
heavy metal,
slaves to humanity,
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Monday, April 20, 2020
Hello hi_it_is_me123
It is I,Joeblow123 aka Masculist Man. You've managed to pick a fight with an MRA/MGTOW with 25+ years of experience. I've been advocating for men long before your birth,little girl. I don't trust you to communicate in private but you don't have to fear the asker here because they do not have a moderator status. I will not edit your posts nor will I censor you. I don't roll that way even though your side does.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Egard Watch Company CEO Ilan Srulovicz Fires Back At Gillette’s “Toxic Masculinity” Ads With His Own Ad
Companies like Gillette have been demonizing men for some time now in an effort to cater to the sensitivities of “woke,” angry women. Apparently, the answer to women’s issues is the degradation and devaluation of men. Or so it would seem according to advertising messages like those of Gillette who claim masculinity is “toxic.”
Not all men are rapists, sexual abusers, bullies, or violent yet that’s what the progressive left would have us believe. Somehow women gain integrity and value by making all men into villains.
One company CEO has had enough of this negative messaging aimed at tearing men down and has made his own advertisement in an attempt to refute Gillette’s allegation that all masculinity is toxic.
Check out the advertisement made by CEO and founder of Egard Watch Company, Ilan Srulovicz.
Srulovicz also wrote a piece explaining his reasoning behind making the advertisement, which we think is just as important as the ad itself. He explains that he made the ad himself, everything from the voiceover, to the editing, to the financing because he, and others within his company, were concerned over negative backlash.
“I considered releasing it anonymously but after some thought, I realized an individual releasing the message wasn’t going to have the same impact as a company doing it. I decided to risk it and post the video.
I think what put me over the top is a quote I heard that says all actions come out of either love or fear. Releasing it anonymously felt like fear. Putting my company on the line for a message I believe in felt like love.
I went with love.”
If you watched the video, you can feel the love he put into making it and you can feel the love of the real men in the world. The ones who work hard, never quit, and support their families with everything they have. The ones who run into burning buildings and towards tragic accidents with the hope and intention of saving someone else’s life. The ones who would lay down their own lives to protect and save others. The ones who work excessively long work days to keep our society going. The ones that Gillette seems to have conveniently forgotten about, or rather ignored.
In his video, Srulovicz cited several statistics that really shed some light on the fact that men are, in reality, not the toxic members of society the left makes them out to be.
He goes on to say, “We are so polarized. It’s all about “taking sides.” I am guilty of it myself because it’s all we are fed all day long, but I don’t want to be a part of that anymore. None of us, no gender or race, has exclusivity on being terrible or wonderful. Individuality is the measure of a person, not the “identity” or “category” to which you belong.”
Thus the problem with identity politics. It completely negates the ability of the individual to establish their own character.
Srulovicz makes a really compelling argument when he says that the Gillette ad does not inspire men to be better but rather indifferent and closed off.
He says, “My belief is that if you want to “make men better,” as Gillette claims it wants to do, then the best way to do that is to show the best of us, not the worst. When I see a man risking his life running into a burning building, it makes me want to be better. When I see a father who will stand by his kids no matter what, it makes me want to be better. When I see a soldier putting everything on the line to preserve my freedom, I want to be better. That’s what a man is to me and they represent a far greater majority of men than what Gillette portrayed a man to be.
I don’t feel I want to be better when an ad starts off with “toxic masculinity” or a bunch of boys bullying each other and portraying men as caricatures of sexual deviants. I simply close off.”
We applaud Srulovicz and his video that shows men being what true men really are. Share his video if you agree!
The next time you are looking for a watch make it an Egard Watch.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Elizabeth Warren embraces misandry
2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren appealed to young women with a plethora of life advice in a video Wednesday, saying, “Dump the guy who ghosted you.”
The Massachusetts senator discussed “everything from student debt to reproductive rights” in an exclusive video with Elle titled “I’ve Got A Plan For That.”
The video features questions that Elle readers submitted for Warren, such as, “I’ve been casually dating a guy for the past three months, but now he’s ghosting me. He won’t return my texts, but he still looks at all my Instagram Stories. What do I do?”
“Give him up,” Warren said in the video. “You’re too good for him. If he wants to go silent, let him go. He is not the one for you.”
“You’re better than that,” she whispered. Warren tweeted out the video with the caption, “You deserve better. Dump the guy who ghosted you, convince the roommate to let you adopt a dog, and I’ll take care of canceling your student loan debt!”
You deserve better. Dump the guy who ghosted you, convince the roommate to let you adopt a dog, and I'll take care of canceling your student loan debt!
Elizabeth Warren Wants You to Ditch That Guy, Get a Dog, and Vote to Tax the Rich
In an exclusive video with, Warren answers reader questions because—if you haven't heard—she has a plan for that.
Another reader posed the question to Warren, “I really want a dog, but my roommate isn’t into the idea. How do I convince her?”
Warren suggested bringing the reluctant roommate along to the dog shelter to convince her that a dog is a good idea.
“Make it specific, and you’ll have a roommate who will be into a dog.”
The 2020 presidential candidate also discussed a question on student loan debt, promising to eradicate student debt, and suggested that to take the perfect selfie, you should “stop thinking about yourself.”
“When you go back and look at the selfies later on, what you mostly remember is what a great time you had,” Warren said. “For me, selfies are about fun. So have some fun!”
Warren is making the same mistake Hillary made by dismissing or discounting the male vote. If I were a democrat I would be angry that Warren is playing the misandry card. This move will backfire on her and cost her support from men.
The Massachusetts senator discussed “everything from student debt to reproductive rights” in an exclusive video with Elle titled “I’ve Got A Plan For That.”
The video features questions that Elle readers submitted for Warren, such as, “I’ve been casually dating a guy for the past three months, but now he’s ghosting me. He won’t return my texts, but he still looks at all my Instagram Stories. What do I do?”
“Give him up,” Warren said in the video. “You’re too good for him. If he wants to go silent, let him go. He is not the one for you.”
“You’re better than that,” she whispered. Warren tweeted out the video with the caption, “You deserve better. Dump the guy who ghosted you, convince the roommate to let you adopt a dog, and I’ll take care of canceling your student loan debt!”
You deserve better. Dump the guy who ghosted you, convince the roommate to let you adopt a dog, and I'll take care of canceling your student loan debt!
Elizabeth Warren Wants You to Ditch That Guy, Get a Dog, and Vote to Tax the Rich
In an exclusive video with, Warren answers reader questions because—if you haven't heard—she has a plan for that.
Another reader posed the question to Warren, “I really want a dog, but my roommate isn’t into the idea. How do I convince her?”
Warren suggested bringing the reluctant roommate along to the dog shelter to convince her that a dog is a good idea.
“Make it specific, and you’ll have a roommate who will be into a dog.”
The 2020 presidential candidate also discussed a question on student loan debt, promising to eradicate student debt, and suggested that to take the perfect selfie, you should “stop thinking about yourself.”
“When you go back and look at the selfies later on, what you mostly remember is what a great time you had,” Warren said. “For me, selfies are about fun. So have some fun!”
Warren is making the same mistake Hillary made by dismissing or discounting the male vote. If I were a democrat I would be angry that Warren is playing the misandry card. This move will backfire on her and cost her support from men.
Trump tells feminists to stick it
WASHINGTON – The Trump administration on Wednesday said it was too late to renew the effort to push through a decades-old proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would ensure American women have equal rights to men.
The U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel issued a legal opinion saying the deadline had long passed for additional states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, which was backed by 35 states in the 1970s, three short of the required number.
The amendment, which was first proposed in the 1920s and gained traction during the rise of the feminist movement, states in part: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex.”
Under the Constitution, 38 states and both the House of Representatives and the Senate have to approve a proposed amendment for it to be formally adopted.
The House and Senate both supported the measure in 1972 but set a seven-year deadline, later extended until 1982, for it to be ratified.
Recently, there’s been a new effort to get three additional states to sign on. Nevada did so in 2017 and Illinois followed suit in 2018. Now, Virginia could, under the theory proposed by supporters of the amendment, become the 38th state as it is expected to vote this year.
The Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee voted in November to approve a measure that would retroactively remove the ratification deadline.
The opinion issued on Wednesday could provide legal ammunition for opponents as the debate plays out at the state level and in Congress.
Assistant Attorney General Steven Engel wrote in the opinion that while Congress “had the constitutional authority” to set the deadline, it cannot now reopen the issue.
“Congress may not revive a proposed amendment after the deadline has expired,” he wrote.
“Should the people of the United States wish to adopt the ERA as part of the Constitution, then the appropriate path is for Congress … to propose that amendment once more,” Engel added.
The National Archives and Records Administration, a federal agency that has a role in certifying ratification, said in a statement that it would abide by the Justice Department opinion “unless otherwise directed by a final court order.”
Oh yeah. I'm voting for Trump in 2020. Count on it.
The U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel issued a legal opinion saying the deadline had long passed for additional states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, which was backed by 35 states in the 1970s, three short of the required number.
The amendment, which was first proposed in the 1920s and gained traction during the rise of the feminist movement, states in part: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex.”
Under the Constitution, 38 states and both the House of Representatives and the Senate have to approve a proposed amendment for it to be formally adopted.
The House and Senate both supported the measure in 1972 but set a seven-year deadline, later extended until 1982, for it to be ratified.
Recently, there’s been a new effort to get three additional states to sign on. Nevada did so in 2017 and Illinois followed suit in 2018. Now, Virginia could, under the theory proposed by supporters of the amendment, become the 38th state as it is expected to vote this year.
The Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee voted in November to approve a measure that would retroactively remove the ratification deadline.
The opinion issued on Wednesday could provide legal ammunition for opponents as the debate plays out at the state level and in Congress.
Assistant Attorney General Steven Engel wrote in the opinion that while Congress “had the constitutional authority” to set the deadline, it cannot now reopen the issue.
“Congress may not revive a proposed amendment after the deadline has expired,” he wrote.
“Should the people of the United States wish to adopt the ERA as part of the Constitution, then the appropriate path is for Congress … to propose that amendment once more,” Engel added.
The National Archives and Records Administration, a federal agency that has a role in certifying ratification, said in a statement that it would abide by the Justice Department opinion “unless otherwise directed by a final court order.”
Oh yeah. I'm voting for Trump in 2020. Count on it.
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