My thoughts on pro-masculism and anti-feminism. Some thoughts may mirror what others have said while others are uniquely mine but either way they are legitimate.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Protest the female favoring FOX News
I have seen misandry on The Five from Andrea Tantoros as well from Megyn Kelly on her show The Kelly File and I'm sick of it. If you are too then let's write FOX News CEO Roger Ailes and let him know that we are tired of it. He can be reached at Let him know that we are tired of the misandry and that we would like more gender balance in their programming. Men's issues are very real so they don't have to report falsehoods but facts since we have legitimate grivences. Write him today.
andrea tantoros,
Megyn Kelly,
roger ailes
Fuck the Kelly File
FOX should cancel the Kelly File for becoming femalist filth. Everytime that fucking whore Megyn Kelly is pushing feminist filth. Tonight it's about cunts in the muslim world and how they suppositely have it so bad. Tell that to the boys that are raped or forced to be some warlord's soldiers. Tell that to them you fucking conservative fucking cunt. Everytime you have this on your show. You should be ashamed of yourself you talk slut. Her show should be cancelled and replaced with a more appropriate MRA show.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Fight the Affirmative Consent Madate
The U.S. Dept. of Education has proposed that college students who engage in sex will have to follow Affirmative Consent requirements...or they will be considered rapists!
That lead to a bill in California that would mandate students give their consent on a repeated basis before and throughout the sex act...or they will be considered rapists!
A college in Ohio adopted Affirmative Consent in the 1990's prompting national ridicule. The idea was even lampooned on Saturday Night Live.'s baaaaack:
Ask your elected officials to Oppose the Dept. of Ed. Affirmative Consent Mandate...before everyone on campus is considered rapists!
Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Find your Lawmakers:
Thank you!
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
That lead to a bill in California that would mandate students give their consent on a repeated basis before and throughout the sex act...or they will be considered rapists!
A college in Ohio adopted Affirmative Consent in the 1990's prompting national ridicule. The idea was even lampooned on Saturday Night Live.'s baaaaack:
Ask your elected officials to Oppose the Dept. of Ed. Affirmative Consent Mandate...before everyone on campus is considered rapists!
Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Find your Lawmakers:
Thank you!
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
affirmative consent mandate,
saturday night live,
sb 967
Saturday, March 29, 2014
National Coalition For Men sues the City of Glendale
A men’s rights group is accusing a California city of violating civil rights laws because the city is offering free self-defense classes that are only open to women and girls.
The Glendale News-Press reported Thursday that Harry M. Crouch, the president of the National Coalition of Men, sent a letter to the city of Glendale, the city’s Commission on the Status of Women and the company leading the classes demanding men and boys be allowed to attend the classes as well.
Crouch writes that by offering the classes to only women the parties involved are violating the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
“It is especially troubling that the City, its Commission on the Status of Women, and Shield Self Defense would deny men and boys access to their self-defense classes in April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” Crouch said. “Why the City, its Commission on the Status of Women, and Shield Self Defense do not want men and boys to be just as prepared as women and girls to defend themselves against sexual assault is outrageous.”
The Glendale News-Press reports that the Commission on the Status of Women has been holding the classes for years on city property in April to recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The classes are paid for through fundraising.
Crouch told the paper this is the first year his organization has complained because it just became aware of the classes.
"It always astounds me that some of our governmental agencies who are charged with protecting us from violations of law simply acquiesce to things like this," he said.
City officials told the paper they are in the process of researching the matter, and that federal law could possibly permit women’s only self-defense classes. The officials said they are now investigating state law on the issue, and may consider reviewing the class structure if necessary.
Go NCFM. Win that lawsuit. This is definitely a Constitutional issue. Denying men the right to defend themselves is discriminatory and a lawsuit is richly deserved.
The Glendale News-Press reported Thursday that Harry M. Crouch, the president of the National Coalition of Men, sent a letter to the city of Glendale, the city’s Commission on the Status of Women and the company leading the classes demanding men and boys be allowed to attend the classes as well.
Crouch writes that by offering the classes to only women the parties involved are violating the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
“It is especially troubling that the City, its Commission on the Status of Women, and Shield Self Defense would deny men and boys access to their self-defense classes in April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” Crouch said. “Why the City, its Commission on the Status of Women, and Shield Self Defense do not want men and boys to be just as prepared as women and girls to defend themselves against sexual assault is outrageous.”
The Glendale News-Press reports that the Commission on the Status of Women has been holding the classes for years on city property in April to recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The classes are paid for through fundraising.
Crouch told the paper this is the first year his organization has complained because it just became aware of the classes.
"It always astounds me that some of our governmental agencies who are charged with protecting us from violations of law simply acquiesce to things like this," he said.
City officials told the paper they are in the process of researching the matter, and that federal law could possibly permit women’s only self-defense classes. The officials said they are now investigating state law on the issue, and may consider reviewing the class structure if necessary.
Go NCFM. Win that lawsuit. This is definitely a Constitutional issue. Denying men the right to defend themselves is discriminatory and a lawsuit is richly deserved.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Help clean house in Maine,getting rid of Kellett
Prosecutor Mary Kellett Needs Your Help — To Leave Her Job
March 18, 2014 By Paul Elam
AVFM does not endorse any political party or specific candidate. We do, however, endorse the general welfare of men and boys. In that spirit, it is time to show prosecutors Mary Kellett, Carletta Bassano, Paul Cavanaugh, and William Entwisle the door.
Mary Kellett’s district attorney’s office in Ellsworth, Maine, which controls both Hancock and Washington counties, is up for reelection. It appears after more than 30 years of terrorizing the community with selective and corrupt prosecutions, the Kellett gang is faced with a community that wants change and opposition that smells blood in the water.
The Vladek Filler affair was a watershed moment which neither Kellett, nor Bassano, nor the community in Maine can ignore.
Last year, following years of prosecuting Vladek Filler and scores of other innocent men, Mary Kellett finally earned the distinction of being the first prosecutor in Maine history to be found guilty of and sanctioned for misconduct. Her consequences for withholding evidence of Filler’s innocence, ignoring court orders and instructing police to violate defense subpoenas for exculpatory evidence only resulted in a 30 day suspension – which was suspended. It is paltry punishment on the surface, but a devastating career blow just the same.
The Maine Supreme Court Judge Ellen Gorman accepted Kellett’s plea deal with the Bar Counsel and stated:
“This is a serious sanction…It is a sanction that will continue to follow Ms. Kellett for the rest of her life. Should she decide or be asked to leave the prosecutors office, it would hamper, if not completely preclude, her ability to find practice outside of a prosecutors office.”
In other words, Kellett is now damaged goods, untenable for private practice but still allowed to continue her spree of malfeasance from the Ellsworth DA office. Her supervisor, DA Carletta Bassano, sees nothing wrong with Kellett and told the local newspaper, “I have full confidence in Mary, her judgment and the performance of her responsibilities.”
That confidence is what assisted Mary Kellett all the way to the State Supreme Court for sanctions by enabling her to act so brazenly with the power of here office. It is the confidence produced by a culture of corruption in the Ellsworth DA’s office.
Today they want that to continue by cornering the District Attorney’s election.
Enter ADA Paul Cavanaugh. Yeah, the same Paul Cavanaugh who continued to legally harass Filler in Mary Kellett’s stead.
A Voice For Men on the Kellett situation
The second candidate is Kellett’s office buddy, assistant district attorney William Entwisle, who is running as a Democrat with hopes of “continuing the work that the District Attorney’s Office has been doing.” He boasts of being a board member of a local VAWA funded group, “Next Step DV Project.”
Bangor Daily News on Entwisle
It is interesting to note that Kellett’s and Bassano’s office employs 28 people — of which only 3 are men, and two of them are now running to perpetuate the insiders club that has already run amok.
One is running as a Republican and one as a Democrat.
They are not, however, alone in the race.
Matthew Foster is an Ellsworth Maine defense attorney who came close to beating Carletta Bassano in the 2010 election. It is unknown what he plans to do to clean up that corrupt DA office or whether he will be willing to fire or prosecute Mary Kellett, but it is clear he is willing to call out deceptions from the office.
Mattew Foster video
He is running as a Republican and more information about Matthrew Foster can be found on his website and Facebook page:
Matt Foster's website
Matt Foster's Facebook site
If Mary Kellett has a political enemy, it is a former prosecutor and local defense attorney Steve Juskowitch. He ran against Carletta Bassano and her predecessor, the notorious Boss Hog of Hancock County, former DA Michael Povich. Povich was the longtime DA who made Carletta Bassano, Paul Cavanaugh, and Mary Kellett what they are today. Against tough odds, Juskewitch ran again and again in hopes of removing both Povich and his crew from office. He previously ran as a Republican and Independent, but is currently running as a Democrat for reasons that make sense to him.
It is also noteworthy that for a long time Juskewitch has been defending Kellett’s victims and speaking out against Kellett’s office for their unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial discretion. He was the only Ellsworth attorney who showed up to speak out as a press conference held by SAVE at Vladek Filler’s hearing:
Steve Juskewitch's appearance with SAVE
More about Steve Juskewitch can be found on his website:here
The publicity surrounding the Filler case has changed the political climate in the Bar Harbor area. For the first time in 35 years, the control enjoyed in two counties by the clan of Povich prosecutors is no longer assured.
Currently Filler is currently going through an uncommon proceeding called a Post Conviction Review. He is challenging his misdemeanor conviction on the grounds of prosecutorial misconduct by Mary Kellett and Paul Cavanaugh, and he has a case. The people of Ellsworth Maine may have had enough.
The Primary Elections will be held on June 10.
A Voice For Men intends to follow the Primary and general election very closely and strongly encourages everyone to speak out against the corrupt practices of the current prosecutor’s and voice their support for Matt Foster and Steve Juskewitch for the Primary elections.
Post Comments in articles below to call for Mary Kellett, Carletta Bassano, and Paul Cavanaugh to be elected out and fired from the Ellsworth DA office:
Bangor Daily News
Fence Viewer
Oh, and if you live in the area as a registered voter, you now have options in two different political parties. Take your pick.
Does this guarantee that there will never be unfair prosecutions in Ellsworth, Maine again? In short, of course not. Votes for Cavenaugh or Entwistle, however, are guaranteed to roll snake eyes. More of the same crew, more of the same corruption.
March 18, 2014 By Paul Elam
AVFM does not endorse any political party or specific candidate. We do, however, endorse the general welfare of men and boys. In that spirit, it is time to show prosecutors Mary Kellett, Carletta Bassano, Paul Cavanaugh, and William Entwisle the door.
Mary Kellett’s district attorney’s office in Ellsworth, Maine, which controls both Hancock and Washington counties, is up for reelection. It appears after more than 30 years of terrorizing the community with selective and corrupt prosecutions, the Kellett gang is faced with a community that wants change and opposition that smells blood in the water.
The Vladek Filler affair was a watershed moment which neither Kellett, nor Bassano, nor the community in Maine can ignore.
Last year, following years of prosecuting Vladek Filler and scores of other innocent men, Mary Kellett finally earned the distinction of being the first prosecutor in Maine history to be found guilty of and sanctioned for misconduct. Her consequences for withholding evidence of Filler’s innocence, ignoring court orders and instructing police to violate defense subpoenas for exculpatory evidence only resulted in a 30 day suspension – which was suspended. It is paltry punishment on the surface, but a devastating career blow just the same.
The Maine Supreme Court Judge Ellen Gorman accepted Kellett’s plea deal with the Bar Counsel and stated:
“This is a serious sanction…It is a sanction that will continue to follow Ms. Kellett for the rest of her life. Should she decide or be asked to leave the prosecutors office, it would hamper, if not completely preclude, her ability to find practice outside of a prosecutors office.”
In other words, Kellett is now damaged goods, untenable for private practice but still allowed to continue her spree of malfeasance from the Ellsworth DA office. Her supervisor, DA Carletta Bassano, sees nothing wrong with Kellett and told the local newspaper, “I have full confidence in Mary, her judgment and the performance of her responsibilities.”
That confidence is what assisted Mary Kellett all the way to the State Supreme Court for sanctions by enabling her to act so brazenly with the power of here office. It is the confidence produced by a culture of corruption in the Ellsworth DA’s office.
Today they want that to continue by cornering the District Attorney’s election.
Enter ADA Paul Cavanaugh. Yeah, the same Paul Cavanaugh who continued to legally harass Filler in Mary Kellett’s stead.
A Voice For Men on the Kellett situation
The second candidate is Kellett’s office buddy, assistant district attorney William Entwisle, who is running as a Democrat with hopes of “continuing the work that the District Attorney’s Office has been doing.” He boasts of being a board member of a local VAWA funded group, “Next Step DV Project.”
Bangor Daily News on Entwisle
It is interesting to note that Kellett’s and Bassano’s office employs 28 people — of which only 3 are men, and two of them are now running to perpetuate the insiders club that has already run amok.
One is running as a Republican and one as a Democrat.
They are not, however, alone in the race.
Matthew Foster is an Ellsworth Maine defense attorney who came close to beating Carletta Bassano in the 2010 election. It is unknown what he plans to do to clean up that corrupt DA office or whether he will be willing to fire or prosecute Mary Kellett, but it is clear he is willing to call out deceptions from the office.
Mattew Foster video
He is running as a Republican and more information about Matthrew Foster can be found on his website and Facebook page:
Matt Foster's website
Matt Foster's Facebook site
If Mary Kellett has a political enemy, it is a former prosecutor and local defense attorney Steve Juskowitch. He ran against Carletta Bassano and her predecessor, the notorious Boss Hog of Hancock County, former DA Michael Povich. Povich was the longtime DA who made Carletta Bassano, Paul Cavanaugh, and Mary Kellett what they are today. Against tough odds, Juskewitch ran again and again in hopes of removing both Povich and his crew from office. He previously ran as a Republican and Independent, but is currently running as a Democrat for reasons that make sense to him.
It is also noteworthy that for a long time Juskewitch has been defending Kellett’s victims and speaking out against Kellett’s office for their unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial discretion. He was the only Ellsworth attorney who showed up to speak out as a press conference held by SAVE at Vladek Filler’s hearing:
Steve Juskewitch's appearance with SAVE
More about Steve Juskewitch can be found on his website:here
The publicity surrounding the Filler case has changed the political climate in the Bar Harbor area. For the first time in 35 years, the control enjoyed in two counties by the clan of Povich prosecutors is no longer assured.
Currently Filler is currently going through an uncommon proceeding called a Post Conviction Review. He is challenging his misdemeanor conviction on the grounds of prosecutorial misconduct by Mary Kellett and Paul Cavanaugh, and he has a case. The people of Ellsworth Maine may have had enough.
The Primary Elections will be held on June 10.
A Voice For Men intends to follow the Primary and general election very closely and strongly encourages everyone to speak out against the corrupt practices of the current prosecutor’s and voice their support for Matt Foster and Steve Juskewitch for the Primary elections.
Post Comments in articles below to call for Mary Kellett, Carletta Bassano, and Paul Cavanaugh to be elected out and fired from the Ellsworth DA office:
Bangor Daily News
Fence Viewer
Oh, and if you live in the area as a registered voter, you now have options in two different political parties. Take your pick.
Does this guarantee that there will never be unfair prosecutions in Ellsworth, Maine again? In short, of course not. Votes for Cavenaugh or Entwistle, however, are guaranteed to roll snake eyes. More of the same crew, more of the same corruption.
carlette bassno,
mary n. kellett,
Vladek Filler
White feminist feels guilty about being white
I was listening to the Rush Limbaugh show (3-21-14) where he talked about a white feminist (Robin Morgan) who says she feels guilty about having white privilege while a lot of other women don't have it. She did not mention that on the status scale of political correctness in today's misandric society that men are lower than women. Regardless of color. We all know how much white feminists take serious the plight of their sisters. It would seem that white feminists don't care about other women. Except maybe as servants and nannies or the men taking care of the lawn and other landscaping work,at the mercy of the weather. Getting back to the white feminist guilty liberal: is she sincere in her statement? Who knows but what is obvious is that she is not giving up that lifestyle. I guess guilt is something white feminists can live with as long as their comforts are not forsaken. If the white feminist does get guilty feelings again I'm sure the help can bring her something to ease her mind-or conscience.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Misandry on the Kelly File
Tonight on the Kelly File they were speculating on the pilots of the missing Malaysian airliner and the fact that one of the pilots brought two Australian women into the cockpit to hit on them. Of course they have to make it look like the pilot is deranged for interest in women. In fact one of the women that supposedly was there was putting him down. Now I understand why Australian men don't want to fuck Australian women. One of Megyn Kelly's guest is a guy who understood why the pilot was hitting on the women but doesn't blame him for any wrong doing concerning interest in women. Of course Megyn Kelly had to say something fucking misandric,like his wife leaving him or whatever. With that attitude that is two blondes men don't want to fuck,the Australian cunt and Megyn Kelly.
Kelly File,
malaysian airliner,
Megyn Kelly,
Sunday, March 16, 2014
African AIDS spreader

A female student in Kenya has revealed that she has infected a total of 324 men with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
The HIV positive girl, who attends the Kabarak University in Nakuru, is said to have been infected by a man at a party.
The unnamed 19-year old is allegedly aiming to infect a total of 2000 men in revenge.
According to reports:
The girl allegedly contacted Kenyan Scandals on Facebook and claimed she had something to confess.
After she was assured her identity was going to be protected (the Kenyan Daily Post, however, published a picture from her Facebook profile along with the article) she wrote: “Sep 22nd 2013 is a day I”ll never forget, we went clubbing in town and got drunk with some senior students then went back hostels for party round 2″.
She then explained that when she woke up, the morning after, she realized a boy called Javan had had sex with her while she was drunk.
“I only asked if he used a condom and he said yes, however when taking bath I noticed sperms down there, I wanted to commit suicide, I feared getting pregnant and HIV.”
When she discovered she was HIV positive, the girl confronted Javan who insisted he was clean.
“I was so depressed and took alcohol to die, I even bought poison, the pain was just unbearable how was I gone face the world, I let my parents down, I gave up on the world and just wanted to end my life. My future had been ruined, somehow someone had to pay,” the girl said.
“I accepted my fate and promised to make all men I come across suffer, I know I’m attractive and men both married and unmarried chase me left right and centre.
“I buried the good girl in me and became the bad girl, my goal was to infect as many as possible,” she explained.
The girl then confessed she had already infected 324 men, 156 of which are students at the Kabarak University where she studies, the rest are married men, lecturers, lawyers, celebrities and politicians.
“Not a day passes without me having sex, mostly 4 people per day,” she continued in her confession. “Your day is coming, you men destroyed my life and I will make you and your people pay for it”
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Help free an innocent man from prison
Free my innocent father, Daryl Kelly Sr.
Chaneya Kelly
Petition by
Chaneya Kelly
baltimore, MD
My father, Daryl Kelly Sr., has been in prison since 1998 for a crime he never committed - based on a lie I told. When I was just 8 years old, my drug addicted mother forced me to make an accusation of sexual abuse against him. But the truth is that my father had never laid a finger on me. Even my mother has admitted she forced me to lie about this during one of her drug binges. But my father is still in prison, 15 years after being wrongfully convicted.
I have been trying for years now to be heard. Now that I have matured into a mother, this fight is even more important to me. I have written Governor Cuomo and spoken to members of a committee of district attorneys who were reviewing my case - but they won't listen to me. All they did was try to put it in my head that my father did do this and I am suppressing it.
It all happened in October of 1997, when my family was living in Newburgh, N.Y. My dad, a Navy veteran, owned a local electronics repair shop. But my mother was so seriously addicted to drugs that she had got involved in prostitution to feed her addiction. One day, out of the blue, she repeatedly asked me if my father had ever touched me. Over and over I told her no, until she became so furious she threatened to beat me with a belt unless I told her what she wanted to hear. To avoid being beaten, I answered "yes", even though it wasn't true.
After my mother went to police he was arrested and charged with multiple counts of rape and sodomy despite no physical evidence. He maintained his innocence and refused a plea deal that would have made him eligible for parole in six years, and within a year he faced a jury. Based on my testimony (I was coached by the prosecution and taught words like "penis" and "vagina"), it took the jury only hours to find him guilty, and he was sentenced to 20 to 40 years.
Last year the head of the Conviction Review Bureau at the N.Y. Attorney General's office called for my father's case to be reviewed. But the district attorney who prosecuted him won't listen and upheld his conviction. He says my testimony is not credible and that “the system says he’s not innocent." I then spoke with a committee of district attorneys who were reviewing my dad's case and they wouldn't listen to what I had to say - they just kept telling me I must be repressing the abuse.
My dad needs to be freed and this wrong must be righted. I will not stop until it is. So far, all of his appeals have been denied - the courts need to listen or Governor Cuomo should grant my father clemency.
When I turned 15, I saw my father in prison. The first thing he did was hug me and he tell me that he loved me and … that he doesn’t blame me for anything. That meant the world to me and now I need your help to set him free.
Sign the petition to free Daryl Kelly Sr.
Some idiot left the following message to the petitioner,Chaneya Kelly:
Dale Churchill RICHARDSON, TX about 1 month ago
The saddest part of all this is that your mother needs to be jailed now! How do you feel about that?
You truly are a fucking idiot. Who do you think started this? Do you excuse all drugged out female false accusers or just this one? Moron.
Chaneya Kelly
Petition by
Chaneya Kelly
baltimore, MD
My father, Daryl Kelly Sr., has been in prison since 1998 for a crime he never committed - based on a lie I told. When I was just 8 years old, my drug addicted mother forced me to make an accusation of sexual abuse against him. But the truth is that my father had never laid a finger on me. Even my mother has admitted she forced me to lie about this during one of her drug binges. But my father is still in prison, 15 years after being wrongfully convicted.
I have been trying for years now to be heard. Now that I have matured into a mother, this fight is even more important to me. I have written Governor Cuomo and spoken to members of a committee of district attorneys who were reviewing my case - but they won't listen to me. All they did was try to put it in my head that my father did do this and I am suppressing it.
It all happened in October of 1997, when my family was living in Newburgh, N.Y. My dad, a Navy veteran, owned a local electronics repair shop. But my mother was so seriously addicted to drugs that she had got involved in prostitution to feed her addiction. One day, out of the blue, she repeatedly asked me if my father had ever touched me. Over and over I told her no, until she became so furious she threatened to beat me with a belt unless I told her what she wanted to hear. To avoid being beaten, I answered "yes", even though it wasn't true.
After my mother went to police he was arrested and charged with multiple counts of rape and sodomy despite no physical evidence. He maintained his innocence and refused a plea deal that would have made him eligible for parole in six years, and within a year he faced a jury. Based on my testimony (I was coached by the prosecution and taught words like "penis" and "vagina"), it took the jury only hours to find him guilty, and he was sentenced to 20 to 40 years.
Last year the head of the Conviction Review Bureau at the N.Y. Attorney General's office called for my father's case to be reviewed. But the district attorney who prosecuted him won't listen and upheld his conviction. He says my testimony is not credible and that “the system says he’s not innocent." I then spoke with a committee of district attorneys who were reviewing my dad's case and they wouldn't listen to what I had to say - they just kept telling me I must be repressing the abuse.
My dad needs to be freed and this wrong must be righted. I will not stop until it is. So far, all of his appeals have been denied - the courts need to listen or Governor Cuomo should grant my father clemency.
When I turned 15, I saw my father in prison. The first thing he did was hug me and he tell me that he loved me and … that he doesn’t blame me for anything. That meant the world to me and now I need your help to set him free.
Sign the petition to free Daryl Kelly Sr.
Some idiot left the following message to the petitioner,Chaneya Kelly:
Dale Churchill RICHARDSON, TX about 1 month ago
The saddest part of all this is that your mother needs to be jailed now! How do you feel about that?
You truly are a fucking idiot. Who do you think started this? Do you excuse all drugged out female false accusers or just this one? Moron.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
They're getting scared
The media is running scared of us. Recently Saturday Night Live did this hatchet job of a "skit". The reason I use the quotation marks is that this is no longer a comedy skit because it is not funny. It is a sermon,a sermon in the church of feminism where the women stare into mirrors and start worshipping. It is dismissing our cause rightout. However,it also shows how scared they are. It goes to show how far we've come. It shows that we are at a tipping point where they are losing the upperhand. What they are feeling is a rightful response from men who are tired of being the beasts of burden,especially in a society that claims to favor "equality". Let's see if they do or don't. Let's keep pressing on. We're on the road to victory. UPDATE: Time also did a hit piece on the MRM. You can smell the desperation and fear.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Update on SB 967
MEASURE : S.B. No. 967
AUTHOR(S) : De León and Jackson (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member
Lowenthal) (Coauthors: Senators Beall, Evans, Galgiani,
Pavley, and Torres) (Coauthors: Assembly Members
Gonzalez and Williams).
TOPIC : Student safety: sexual assault.
Majority Vote Required
State-Mandated Local Program
Non-Tax Levy
LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 03/07/2014
LAST HIST. ACTION : Set for hearing March 19.
HEARING DATE : 03/19/2014
TITLE : An act to add Section 67386 to the Education Code,
relating to student safety.
This puppy is coming up for a hearing on March 19,2014. So that means the time to move against this bill is now. If you are a California resident then let your elected officials in the Assembly and Senate know that you're opposed to this bill. If you are not a resident of California notify the leaders of both chambers and let them know your disgust for SB 967 and that you'll avoid spending money in California. Also let the Governor know that you want him to veto this bill. If you live outside California then let him know you won't be spending money in California because of SB 967.
MEASURE : S.B. No. 967
AUTHOR(S) : De León and Jackson (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member
Lowenthal) (Coauthors: Senators Beall, Evans, Galgiani,
Pavley, and Torres) (Coauthors: Assembly Members
Gonzalez and Williams).
TOPIC : Student safety: sexual assault.
Majority Vote Required
State-Mandated Local Program
Non-Tax Levy
LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 03/07/2014
LAST HIST. ACTION : Set for hearing March 19.
HEARING DATE : 03/19/2014
TITLE : An act to add Section 67386 to the Education Code,
relating to student safety.
This puppy is coming up for a hearing on March 19,2014. So that means the time to move against this bill is now. If you are a California resident then let your elected officials in the Assembly and Senate know that you're opposed to this bill. If you are not a resident of California notify the leaders of both chambers and let them know your disgust for SB 967 and that you'll avoid spending money in California. Also let the Governor know that you want him to veto this bill. If you live outside California then let him know you won't be spending money in California because of SB 967.
Clean up your act,America
Shame on you,America. Shame on you for your blatant misandry. You hunt down men like Mike Tyson and Woody Allen for their sex lives and try to demonize them no matter what while excusing females who prey upon men even boys. You excuse the Debra Levebes and other women who betray the public trust. You champion the Geraldo Riveras who gloss over women who prey upon boys while demonizing men who prey upon girls. Geraldo is your hero,America. Geraldo's views are your views,America. Because of that I have to give you a Jerimiah Wright comment: God damn you,America. God damn your misandry,America. God damn your misandry to hell. You're a nation of women and castrati manginas/white knights that bow and kneel before your feminist mistresses. Now you want to spread your feminist filth all over the world. You seek to poison the world with your anti-male propaganda. You have given the world the feminist witch hunts that seek to destroy men with false rape accusations. OTOH you excuse female false accusers which proves you are a nation of women and castrati. This is not your first offense,America. There is this and this so this will be considered your third write up. Shame on you,America. You need to clean up your act and I mean pronto.
american shame,
debra levebe,
jerimiah wright,
mike tyson,
woody allen
Friday, March 7, 2014
Prevent Hillary's inauguration day
According to a brand new USA Today poll -- 59% of Americans are considering voting for Hillary Clinton for President.
If that number scares you, it should. Our nation cannot afford to be put in the dangerous hands of Hillary Clinton.
But here is the good news: only 35% of Americans are definitely voting for Hillary.
That means 24% are swing voters -- voters we can persuade to oppose Hillary -- and we have a video that will do just that.
I must warn you that what you are about to see in this video is shocking, but it may be one of the only ways we can persuade and convince the American public Hillary Clinton CANNOT be our next president.
Will you help us reach these people with this hard-hitting TV ad?
If this ad doesn't scare swing voters and make them fear for the future direction Hillary will take our county -- I'm not sure anything will.
After watching this video, I hope you'll agree this is one of our strongest tools to end Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign before it begins. This is the message America needs to hear before it's too late.
Don't get me wrong, we may very well have years of hard work ahead of us -- but just as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ended John Kerry's presidential campaign despite the media's love affair with him...we can STOP Hillary the same way.
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That's why I urgently need you to click here, watch the video, and donate generously once you've seen this video.
Dude, soon this will be in the history books as the defining and ENDING moment of Hillary's choose the ending.
Click here to watch now.
For America,
Ted Harvey
Senator Ted Harvey (R)
Colorado State Senator
Co-Founder, Stop Hillary PAC
P.S. If this video doesn't scare you, I don't know what will. This could be the-beginning-of-the-end for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Watch it now and make your most generous donation.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Drunkenness and double standards
Drunkenness and Double Standards
A balanced look at college sex offenses.
February 10, 2014
The headline in the New York Times's Education Life section reads "Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault." The story, by reporter Michael Winerip, is more balanced than that.
Unlike many journalists writing about this subject, Winerip acknowledges the problem of wrongful accusation. He recounts the story of Dez Wells, who was a star basketball player at Ohio's Xavier University. A female student went to the campus police claiming Wells had raped her. He denied the charge, saying that the pair had consensual sex after a game of truth or dare. Investigators concluded no rape had occurred. "It wasn't close," prosecutor Joseph Deters tells Winerip. A grand jury declined to hand up an indictment.
Deters "repeatedly tried speaking with Xavier officials, but they did not respond." Instead, they hauled Wells before a campus tribunal, which expelled him: "When Mr. Deters read the transcript of that hearing, he says: 'It shocked me. There were students on that conduct board, looking at rape kits; they'd say, "I don't know what I'm looking at." ' "
The story has about as happy an ending as such a case can have. On the strength of a character reference from the prosecutor--"I told them he was a really good kid, he'd never been in trouble with the law and I didn't believe he'd done anything wrong"--the National Collegiate Athletic Association allowed him to transfer to the University of Maryland, waiving its usual one-year delay for such actions. "Several times last season at away games, including one at Duke when he scored 30 points, fans taunted [Wells] about being a rapist, shouting, 'No means no.' " (Mike Nifong, is that you?)
Wells is suing Xavier--which, for its part, seems to have learned a lesson from the incident: "Xavier now refers all assault cases to [Deters's] office."
At the other end of the spectrum is an incident last Labor Day at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. A young man allegedly "stopped a young woman heading home alone from a party," then "pinned her against a tree and began kissing and biting her neck." She told police that he throttled her so that she couldn't yell, and that "after 10 minutes, she was thrown to the ground . . . and raped." Passersby then broke up the alleged attack, took pictures, and contacted police. The defendant, Patrick Durocher, has been charged with aggravated rape; last month he pleaded not guilty.
Winerip makes clear that the unambiguous brutality of the alleged Amherst attack is atypical. "These aren't people jumping out of the bushes," Sgt. Richard Cournoyer, a Connecticut state trooper who's investigated a dozen assault allegations against University of Connecticut students, tells the reporter. "For the most part, they're boys who had too much to drink and have done something stupid. When we show up to question them, you can see the terror in their eyes."
The main topic of Winerip's piece is a preventive program called "bystander intervention": "Mostly it is common sense," he writes: "If a drunk young man at a party is pawing a drunk young woman, then someone nearby (the bystander) needs to step in (intervene) and get one of them out of there. . . . The goal is to stop bad behavior before it crosses the line from drunken partying to sexual assault. . . . The hope is that bystander programs will have the same impact on campus culture that the designated driver campaign has had in reducing drunken driving deaths."
It sounds quite sensible, not to mention shrewd. Bystanders are encouraged to favor subtlety over confrontation, to employ "diversions" such as "suddenly turning on the lights at a party or turning off the music; accidentally spilling a drink on the guy; forming a conga line and pulling him away from the woman he's bothering and onto the dance floor. . . . In the best of circumstances, a drunken aggressor won't realize he's been had."
Winerip recounts one successful intervention that was more forthright:
Matt Martel [was on] a taxi ride home with a friend and a very drunk woman they'd met at a UMass party. "The two of them were touching, cuddling, it was obvious she was down for whatever," says Mr. Martel, a junior. "She'd lost her inhibitions to the point that it really seemed like a good idea for her to go home with this guy she hardly knew."
Mr. Martel got between them to take her back to her dorm. "I said, 'Dude, come on, she's hammered,' " he recalls. His friend was angry. "It was outright awkward," Mr. Martel says. The next day the girl thanked him, but Mr. Martel didn't take a lot of pleasure from it. "I could tell she didn't remember what she was thanking me for," he says, "but someone told her she should, so she did."
The question arises here: Whom exactly did Martel save from danger? The answer is quite possibly both the young woman and his friend. Had she awakened the next day feeling regretful and violated, she could have brought him up on charges and severely disrupted his life. Both of them were taking foolish risks, and it seems likely that he as well as she had impaired judgment owing to excessive drinking.
Winerip notes that between 2005 and 2010, "more than 60 percent of claims involving sexual violence handled by United Educators"--an insurance company owned by member schools--"involved young women who were so drunk they had no clear memory of the assault." We know from Sgt. Cournoyer that the accused young men typically are drinking to excess, too. What is called the problem of "sexual assault" on campus is in large part a problem of reckless alcohol consumption, by men and women alike. (Based on our reporting, the same is true in the military, at least in the enlisted and company-grade officer ranks.)
Which points to a limitation of the drunk-driving analogy. If two drunk drivers are in a collision, one doesn't determine fault on the basis of demographic details such as each driver's sex. But when two drunken college students "collide," the male one is almost always presumed to be at fault. His diminished capacity owing to alcohol is not a mitigating factor, but her diminished capacity is an aggravating factor for him.
As the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education notes, at some campuses the accuser's having had one drink is sufficient to establish the defendant's guilt:
Stanford's definition of consent to sex imposes a concept that is foreign to most people's idea of adult consent and inconsistent with California state law. Stanford policy states that sexual assault occurs "when a person is incapable of giving consent. A person is legally incapable of giving consent . . . if intoxicated by drugs and/or alcohol." In other words, any sexual activity while intoxicated to any degree constitutes sexual assault. This is true even if the activity was explicitly agreed to by a person capable of making rational, reasoned decisions, and even if the partners are in an ongoing relationship or marriage.
In theory that means, as FIRE notes, that "if both parties are intoxicated during sex, they are both technically guilty of sexually assaulting each other." In practice it means that women, but not men, are absolved of responsibility by virtue of having consumed alcohol.
That is self-evidently unjust, yet it turns out to be a matter of high principle for many feminists. Last fall Slate's Emily Yoffe, the mother of a college-age daughter, was the target of a Two Minutes Hate for a post titled "College Women: Stop Getting Drunk," even though she offered the same advice to college men: "If I had a son, I would tell him that it's in his self-interest not to be the drunken frat boy who finds himself accused of raping a drunken classmate."
One might argue, as City Journal's Heather Mac Donald does, that there are reasons to hold men in particular to high standards of behavior:
A return to an ethic where manhood consisted of treating women with special courtesy would be a victory for civilization, not just for college co-eds. The chivalric ideal recognizes two ineluctable truths: men and women are different, and the sexual battlefield is tilted in favor of males. On average, males are less emotionally affected by casual sex; if given the opportunity for a series of one-off sexual encounters with no further consequences, they will tend to seize it and never look back. . . . The less that a culture signals that men have a special duty toward the fairer sex, the more likely it is that the allegedly no-strings-attached couplings that have replaced courtship will produce doubts, anguish, and recriminations on the part of the female partner and unrestrained boorishness on the part of the male.
But as Mac Donald notes, contemporary feminists "embrace the Victorian conceit of delicate female vulnerability while leaving out the sexual modesty that once accompanied it." That they do all this in the name of equality is downright Orwellian.
MacDonald is full of sexist shit. If any man demanded that women not act like bitches and to exhibit old fashion behavior MacDonald and her ilk would seek to ruin him but it's apparently okay when women do it. Like Taranto said,it is Orwellian.
A balanced look at college sex offenses.
February 10, 2014
The headline in the New York Times's Education Life section reads "Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault." The story, by reporter Michael Winerip, is more balanced than that.
Unlike many journalists writing about this subject, Winerip acknowledges the problem of wrongful accusation. He recounts the story of Dez Wells, who was a star basketball player at Ohio's Xavier University. A female student went to the campus police claiming Wells had raped her. He denied the charge, saying that the pair had consensual sex after a game of truth or dare. Investigators concluded no rape had occurred. "It wasn't close," prosecutor Joseph Deters tells Winerip. A grand jury declined to hand up an indictment.
Deters "repeatedly tried speaking with Xavier officials, but they did not respond." Instead, they hauled Wells before a campus tribunal, which expelled him: "When Mr. Deters read the transcript of that hearing, he says: 'It shocked me. There were students on that conduct board, looking at rape kits; they'd say, "I don't know what I'm looking at." ' "
The story has about as happy an ending as such a case can have. On the strength of a character reference from the prosecutor--"I told them he was a really good kid, he'd never been in trouble with the law and I didn't believe he'd done anything wrong"--the National Collegiate Athletic Association allowed him to transfer to the University of Maryland, waiving its usual one-year delay for such actions. "Several times last season at away games, including one at Duke when he scored 30 points, fans taunted [Wells] about being a rapist, shouting, 'No means no.' " (Mike Nifong, is that you?)
Wells is suing Xavier--which, for its part, seems to have learned a lesson from the incident: "Xavier now refers all assault cases to [Deters's] office."
At the other end of the spectrum is an incident last Labor Day at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. A young man allegedly "stopped a young woman heading home alone from a party," then "pinned her against a tree and began kissing and biting her neck." She told police that he throttled her so that she couldn't yell, and that "after 10 minutes, she was thrown to the ground . . . and raped." Passersby then broke up the alleged attack, took pictures, and contacted police. The defendant, Patrick Durocher, has been charged with aggravated rape; last month he pleaded not guilty.
Winerip makes clear that the unambiguous brutality of the alleged Amherst attack is atypical. "These aren't people jumping out of the bushes," Sgt. Richard Cournoyer, a Connecticut state trooper who's investigated a dozen assault allegations against University of Connecticut students, tells the reporter. "For the most part, they're boys who had too much to drink and have done something stupid. When we show up to question them, you can see the terror in their eyes."
The main topic of Winerip's piece is a preventive program called "bystander intervention": "Mostly it is common sense," he writes: "If a drunk young man at a party is pawing a drunk young woman, then someone nearby (the bystander) needs to step in (intervene) and get one of them out of there. . . . The goal is to stop bad behavior before it crosses the line from drunken partying to sexual assault. . . . The hope is that bystander programs will have the same impact on campus culture that the designated driver campaign has had in reducing drunken driving deaths."
It sounds quite sensible, not to mention shrewd. Bystanders are encouraged to favor subtlety over confrontation, to employ "diversions" such as "suddenly turning on the lights at a party or turning off the music; accidentally spilling a drink on the guy; forming a conga line and pulling him away from the woman he's bothering and onto the dance floor. . . . In the best of circumstances, a drunken aggressor won't realize he's been had."
Winerip recounts one successful intervention that was more forthright:
Matt Martel [was on] a taxi ride home with a friend and a very drunk woman they'd met at a UMass party. "The two of them were touching, cuddling, it was obvious she was down for whatever," says Mr. Martel, a junior. "She'd lost her inhibitions to the point that it really seemed like a good idea for her to go home with this guy she hardly knew."
Mr. Martel got between them to take her back to her dorm. "I said, 'Dude, come on, she's hammered,' " he recalls. His friend was angry. "It was outright awkward," Mr. Martel says. The next day the girl thanked him, but Mr. Martel didn't take a lot of pleasure from it. "I could tell she didn't remember what she was thanking me for," he says, "but someone told her she should, so she did."
The question arises here: Whom exactly did Martel save from danger? The answer is quite possibly both the young woman and his friend. Had she awakened the next day feeling regretful and violated, she could have brought him up on charges and severely disrupted his life. Both of them were taking foolish risks, and it seems likely that he as well as she had impaired judgment owing to excessive drinking.
Winerip notes that between 2005 and 2010, "more than 60 percent of claims involving sexual violence handled by United Educators"--an insurance company owned by member schools--"involved young women who were so drunk they had no clear memory of the assault." We know from Sgt. Cournoyer that the accused young men typically are drinking to excess, too. What is called the problem of "sexual assault" on campus is in large part a problem of reckless alcohol consumption, by men and women alike. (Based on our reporting, the same is true in the military, at least in the enlisted and company-grade officer ranks.)
Which points to a limitation of the drunk-driving analogy. If two drunk drivers are in a collision, one doesn't determine fault on the basis of demographic details such as each driver's sex. But when two drunken college students "collide," the male one is almost always presumed to be at fault. His diminished capacity owing to alcohol is not a mitigating factor, but her diminished capacity is an aggravating factor for him.
As the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education notes, at some campuses the accuser's having had one drink is sufficient to establish the defendant's guilt:
Stanford's definition of consent to sex imposes a concept that is foreign to most people's idea of adult consent and inconsistent with California state law. Stanford policy states that sexual assault occurs "when a person is incapable of giving consent. A person is legally incapable of giving consent . . . if intoxicated by drugs and/or alcohol." In other words, any sexual activity while intoxicated to any degree constitutes sexual assault. This is true even if the activity was explicitly agreed to by a person capable of making rational, reasoned decisions, and even if the partners are in an ongoing relationship or marriage.
In theory that means, as FIRE notes, that "if both parties are intoxicated during sex, they are both technically guilty of sexually assaulting each other." In practice it means that women, but not men, are absolved of responsibility by virtue of having consumed alcohol.
That is self-evidently unjust, yet it turns out to be a matter of high principle for many feminists. Last fall Slate's Emily Yoffe, the mother of a college-age daughter, was the target of a Two Minutes Hate for a post titled "College Women: Stop Getting Drunk," even though she offered the same advice to college men: "If I had a son, I would tell him that it's in his self-interest not to be the drunken frat boy who finds himself accused of raping a drunken classmate."
One might argue, as City Journal's Heather Mac Donald does, that there are reasons to hold men in particular to high standards of behavior:
A return to an ethic where manhood consisted of treating women with special courtesy would be a victory for civilization, not just for college co-eds. The chivalric ideal recognizes two ineluctable truths: men and women are different, and the sexual battlefield is tilted in favor of males. On average, males are less emotionally affected by casual sex; if given the opportunity for a series of one-off sexual encounters with no further consequences, they will tend to seize it and never look back. . . . The less that a culture signals that men have a special duty toward the fairer sex, the more likely it is that the allegedly no-strings-attached couplings that have replaced courtship will produce doubts, anguish, and recriminations on the part of the female partner and unrestrained boorishness on the part of the male.
But as Mac Donald notes, contemporary feminists "embrace the Victorian conceit of delicate female vulnerability while leaving out the sexual modesty that once accompanied it." That they do all this in the name of equality is downright Orwellian.
MacDonald is full of sexist shit. If any man demanded that women not act like bitches and to exhibit old fashion behavior MacDonald and her ilk would seek to ruin him but it's apparently okay when women do it. Like Taranto said,it is Orwellian.
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