Sunday, March 31, 2013

Right back at fooltrelle

I see Dave Fooltrelle doesn't leave well enough alone. While it's true I've known about his hit piece on my post Why the militancy ? for a while I didn't get to post it is because there were more serious issues to men to deal with,more serious than fooltrelle. I try to save the jokes or absurdities until last and now it's "last" time so here we go. First of all fooltrelle's crowd is either lesbian feminists or wannabes like fooltrelle. What is the first thing they did? They magnify the fuck out of an insignificant misspelling. Never once did they debate my decision with rational thought. There were some that said my math skills are questionable but keep in mind that I wrote Why the militancy in 2007. Fooltrelle did his hit piece in 2012. Now who's the idiot. Dave,do you know I wrote a Follow-up to Why the militancy? Why didn't you include it? Fear? It must be,it's in your eyes. The only poster there that made any sense was a guy by the screenname from Montreal who exposed a bigger mangina than fooltrelle. Yeah,I didn't think that would be possible either but it's true. Anyway if fooltrelle's crowd wants it that way.

To those that think I'm exaggerating about feminazis read here and here. Dispute those quotes,if you can.

Here is your fearless leader:

Friday, March 29, 2013

Re-elect Mitch McConnell

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Why am I mentioning Senator McConnell? Because he is one of the 22 Senators that stood up to the feminazi bullies and voted against VAWA. He remembered us now it is time we help him. If you are an MRA and a resident of Kentucky or allowed to vote there re-elect Mitch McConnell. Not only that but McConnell is big supporter of the other Senator from Kentucky,Rand Paul. Like I said if McConnell is defeated then some liberal Obama-loving,feminist loving democrat will take his place. You want that? I don't. So like I said if you are able to do so re-elect Mitch McConnell.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My philosophy

If women show their tits off I'm going to look. I'm going to be a fucking man about it. Same if they show their asscheeks off. I'm going to fucking look. I don't apologize for being a man. In fact I will never apologize for being a man. Fuck anyone who doesn't like it. Yes,girls that means you show them off I'm going to look. It just that fucking simple. The faster you get used to it the better things will be. I'm going to look at your tits,curves and asses and I suggest you accept it. It's just the way things are.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Boycott the runoff election

My California correspondent weighs in:

A few weeks ago I told everyone about the elections in district 32 California state senate race which was held on March 12. The results reveal that there was no clear winner so there will be a runoff election on May 14. I have contacted the candidates in the race,Paul Leon and Norma Torres. I have received no reply. Here is that letter:

I was just reading at the Daily Bulletin Website about the election results:

I believe I may be able to shine some light on what happened:

Now will you take our concerns seriously. If you have a feminist advisor that is telling you to ignore us you are getting some very bad advice.

Want our votes? Answer my questions. Here is the original letter:

I am a men's rights activist or MRA and I advocate for men's issues and concerns. I was just at your website and I was wondering where you stand on issues that effect men. For instance:

1. When men and women are arrested for the same crime the man receives a harsher sentence than the woman or if she has teamed up with a man she can play the victim and testify against him even though they are equals. Not only that but when the death penalty is on the table women are spared the death penalty while men are not. Also women's prisons are much nicer than men's prisons. Does this sound fair to you? It doesn't to us.

2. When it comes to anti-male laws such as VAWA only men are arrested and prosecuted while female batterers go free,also male victims are ignored. Does this sound fair to you? It doesn't to us.

VAWA does occur at the state level as the following video will demonstrate:

I'm sure while campaigning you've met a lot of new people. Have you met Brian Banks:

There are lots of other California men in prison based on some trumped up rape charge and because of rape shield laws they are unable to ferret out the true nature of their accusers.

If elected will you address and correct these inequalities and injustices men face?

Here are some men's rights sites:

Thank you for your time.


Men's Rights Activist,Registered Voter
and Concerned Citizen

Here is their contact information: Paul Leon: Norma Torres:

Unless they respond I'm not voting and I hope others join me.

I don't blame you,bro. I would sit this one out just you advocated last time. I certainly wouldn't cast a ballot for misandric candidates and I hope others in that district feel the same way.

Steubenville and beyond

There has been a lot of coverage concerning the Steubenville rape case so here is my perspective: so what. Fine,these guys raped her so what. Men are raped on a daily basis in this country and the rest of the anglosphere. Women don't give a fuck about us so why should I give a fuck about them. Why should any man? When you see this you can see the hypocrisy of this country. What makes women so special? Is it because they can spit a womb turd out their cunts? I can shoot sperm out of my dick,so can any man but we don't get any special consideration. Women who leech off the system are more rewarded than men who contribute to it. Just look at how we treat our vets,especially war vets. The war vets,who are men,would resist invaders and actively fight them. The women,on the other hand,would probably prostitute themselves to the invaders just as women have done throughout the centuries. The reason we are in this mess is because our fathers and grandfathers were lead around by their dicks by the women. They turned away from the old teachings that taught them the evil ways of women and listened to the siren's songs and drank the aphrodisiac of destruction. They have brought us to this situation and for that they deserve the albatross around their necks. Unfortunately they are trying to pass their bullshit onto us and to that I say fuck them. I didn't partake in their crimes against the younger generation of men so I along with the rest don't deserve the burden they put upon us.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I told you so

I look back a few years ago when I was going at it with the expatriates. How Russia and eastern Europe would be paradises for men according to them. The only good one of the bunch was Luke Skywalker-I hope he found what he was looking for. The rest will be referred to as the "rest".

To the "rest":

Way to go,bozos. I told you morons you would fuck it up. You're the same morons who fucked it up here so I know you royally shitted over there. It looks like that expatriating thing didn't work out. I knew it wouldn't because feminism is designed to be a global disaster not just an anglosphere thing. Pussy Riot and Femen now march through the streets on a mission of destruction. This wouldn't have been possible without you. Not only did you assholes fuck it up for guys like Luke Skywalker who wanted a family outside a toxic anglosphere. You also fucked it up for the men living in those regions. And for that you truly deserve the horse's ass award:

Congratulations and give your award a kiss.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Russian President is not Putin up with pussy riots crap

Pussy riot is finding out that the pussy pass doesn't exist outside the anglosphere. For that I salute Russian President Vladimir Putin for standing up to female terrorism. Russia surely has the cajones the west lacks. Perhaps Pussy Riot and Femen look to the U.S. or any other western country and thought to give these methods a try. The Russian government has seen the same thing and said no way. Putin didn't retreat when he let members of pussy riot know that they were going to cross a line and be held accountable. They crossed the line and were jailed for it. No pussy pass,no fucking around. Putin is not Barrack Obama,he is not David Cameron. He means what he says judging from this situation.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Results of California state senate district 32

Earlier this week I had my California contributer post how he vetted the candidates and received no response so he informed me of the results and here they are:

Norma Torres and Paul Leon to face in Senate District 32 runoff

Andrew Edwards, Staff Writer
Posted: 03/12/2013 09:33:23 PM PDT
Updated: 03/12/2013 10:52:01 PM PDT

The next round of the contest to elect a new state senator for the Inland Valley and San Bernardino area will be a traditional Democrat-versus-Republican affair after Democrat Norma Torres and Republican Paul Leon claimed the top two spots in Tuesday's special primary. With votes from 448 of 448 precincts counted, Torres had 13,295 votes and 43.6 percent of the vote while Leon had 8,064 votes, or 26.4 percent. The results are unofficial.

Since no candidate broke 50 percent, Torres and Leon will face off in a May 14 runoff.

Torres said she was not ready to claim victory at 9 p.m. based on early returns but said volunteers at her campaign headquarters in Fontana were excited.

"I think the early returns are coming out pretty strong, and I'm happy with the percentages," Torres said.

Leon, the mayor of Ontario, is running on a platform that included his experience in local government and a promise to use whatever influence he may acquire in Sacramento to continue his support for local control of L.A./Ontario International Airport.

Leon said his level of support among absentee voters is a sign that constituents in the Democratic-leaning district are looking for change in Sacramento.

"I think that with the partial results, we're pretty much where we thought we would be," Leon said shortly after 9 p.m.

Torres, elected to her third term in the Assembly last November, ran on a platform that included her support for extending the Gold Line light- rail line to ONT. The line's construction authority rail line's extension from Azusa to Montclair was approved last week. In the Assembly, Torres has also supported stricter foreclosure rules.

Following the top two were candidates San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector Larry Walker, Rialto Unified School District board member Joanne Gilbert, Pomona Planning Commissioner Kenny Coble and Ontario Councilman Paul Vincent Avila.

Walker received 4.232 votes, or 13.9 percent; Gilbert had 2,134 votes, or 7 percent; Coble got 1,989 votes, or 6.5 percent; and Avila picked up 785 votes, or 2.6 percent.

Walker had held other local offices including San Bernardino County supervisor and Chino mayor during a political career spanning more than three decades. Walker has positioned himself as a fiscally conservative Democrat with enough financial experience to help keep state government's budget balanced.

Whoever wins in May will serve the remainder of Gloria Negrete-McLeod's Senate term, which expires in December 2014.

McLeod resigned from the state Senate in January to take a seat in the House of Representatives.

The primary's outcome gives the state GOP a chance to stage a comeback from its performance in the 2012 elections, when California Republicans fell to what may very well be an all-time low for the party.

Last November's election ended with Democrats holding veto proof majorities in both houses of the Legislature.

Source:click here

I guess a lot of California guys did avoid the polling station on March 12 and it shows. It appears that they heeded my California correspondent's advice and boycotted the election just as he advised and the results show it. In fact it appears that the people we were able to contact received more votes than those who were unreachable. But they didn't back men so men didn't back them. Perhaps now they will can their feminist advisors who told them to not take us seriously. This is what happens when you don't take the men's rights movement seriously.

Egypt says "no" to female supremacy

Egypt warns giving women some rights could destroy society

By Michelle Nichols
UNITED NATIONS | Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:58pm EDTUnited Nations »

(Reuters) - Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood warns that a U.N. declaration on women's rights could destroy society by allowing a woman to travel, work and use contraception without her husband's approval and letting her control family spending.

The Islamist party of President Mohamed Mursi outlined 10 reasons why Muslim countries should "reject and condemn" the declaration, which the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women is racing to negotiate a consensus deal on by Friday.

The Brotherhood, which was elected to power in June, posted the statement on its website, on Thursday.

Egypt has joined Iran, Russia and the Vatican - dubbed an "unholy alliance" by some diplomats - in threatening to derail the women's rights declaration by objecting to language on sexual, reproductive and gay rights.

The Muslim Brotherhood said the declaration would give "wives full rights to file legal complaints against husbands accusing them of rape or sexual harassment, obliging competent authorities to deal husbands punishments similar to those prescribed for raping or sexually harassing a stranger."

U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice last week touted at the commission - a global policy-making body created in 1946 for the advancement of women - progress made by the United States in reducing the rate of violence against women by their partners.

"All 50 states in our union now have laws that treat date rape or spousal rape as just as much of a crime as rape by a stranger," Rice said. "We cannot live in truly free societies, if women and girls are not free to reach their full potential."

The contrasting views show the gap that needs to be breached in negotiations on the declaration, which this year is focused on urging an end to violence against women and girls. The commission failed to agree a declaration last year on a theme of empowering rural women due to similar disagreements.


Egypt has proposed an amendment, diplomats say, that would allow countries to avoid implementing the declaration if it clashed with national laws, religious or cultural values. But some diplomats say this would undermine the entire declaration.

The Muslim Brotherhood warned the declaration would give girls sexual freedom, legalize abortion, provide teenagers with contraceptives, give equality to women in marriage and require men and women to share duties such as child care and chores.

It said the declaration would allow "equal rights to homosexuals, and provide protection and respect for prostitutes" and "equal rights to adulterous wives and illegitimate sons resulting from adulterous relationships."

A coalition of Arab human rights groups - from Egypt, Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan and Tunisia - called on countries at the Commission on the Status of Women on Thursday to stop using religion, culture, and tradition to justify abuse of women.

"The current positions taken by some Arab governments at this meeting is clearly not representative of civil society views, aspirations or best practices regarding the elimination and prevention of violence against women and girls within our countries," said the statement issued by the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies.

Michelle Bachelet, a former president of Chile and head of U.N. Women, which supports the commission, said the commission was unable to reach a deal a decade ago when it last focused on the theme of women's rights and ending violence against women.

"Ten years later, we simply cannot allow disagreement or indecision to block progress for the world's women," Bachelet told the opening session of the commission last week. "The world is watching ... the violence needs to stop."

Source:click here

I support the Muslim Brotherhood on this,along with Iran,Russia and the Vatican. I'm sure Iran,Russia,Egypt and the Vatican have seen what has happened to the western world-at one time a democratic bastion from a tyranical world. Today it is a feminized nightmare. Instead of bastion of men seeking freedom it is a prison for men that has criminalized most of their behavior while sanctioning women's bad behavior. It is a female suprmacist matriarchy designed to destroy men. If these four countries follow the west's path they will suffer the west's fate as well and they know that. The good thing for them is that they realize it now and are able to change course. A chance America and the west never got.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Boycott the vote

From one of my readers regarding elections in his area:

There is a special election for state senator for my district (district 32-California)I because the former one was elected to Congress. The candidates are:

  • Paul Vincent Avila

  • Joanne T. Gilbert

  • Kenny Coble

  • Paul S. Leon

  • Larry Walker

  • Norma J. Torres

  • The only ones I could contact were:

  • Paul Leon

  • Larry Walker

  • Norma J. Torres

  • The following email was sent to the above three:

    I am a men's rights activist or MRA and I advocate for men's issues and concerns. I was just at your website and I was wondering where you stand on issues that effect men. For instance:

    1. When men and women are arrested for the same crime the man receives a harsher sentence than the woman or if she has teamed up with a man she can play the victim and testify against him even though they are equals. Not only that but when the death penalty is on the table women are spared the death penalty while men are not. Also women's prisons are much nicer than men's prisons. Does this sound fair to you? It doesn't to us.

    2. When it comes to anti-male laws such as VAWA only men are arrested and prosecuted while female batterers go free,also male victims are ignored. Does this sound fair to you? It doesn't to us.

    VAWA does occur at the state level as the following video will demonstrate:

    I'm sure while campaigning you've met a lot of new people. Have you met Brian Banks:

    There are lots of other California men in prison based on some trumped up rape charge and because of rape shield laws they are unable to ferret out the true nature of their accusers.

    If elected will you address and correct these inequalities and injustices men face?

    Here are some men's rights sites:

    Thank you for your time.


    Men's Rights Activist,Registered Voter
    and Concerned Citizen

    I received no replies. Nothing. I'm not going to vote. If my concerns and the concerns of my fellow brothers falls upon deaf ears then those same deaf ears do not deserve our vote. If you live in this district and you feel the same way do NOT cast a ballot instead boycott the vote.

    Excellent advice,it is something I would propose. I don't vote for misandric candidates and I'm glad this guy feels the same way.

    Monday, March 4, 2013

    Seth MacFarlane owes no one an apology

    Seth MacFarlane

    I didn't watch the Oscars in its entirety but I did see clips on youtube and they were funny. All these assholes saying MacFarlane should apologize fuck them. MacFarlane just threw their political correctness crap right back in their faces. These assholes have no problem maligning the image of men but if someone doesn't bow down and kiss the feet of their repugnant queens and princesses then they throw a shit fit.

    First of all,Seth MacFarlane doesn't have to apologize to anyone. The assholes and cunts complaining are the same ones who have no problem denigrating the image of men so I take what they have to say with suspicion. They didn't feel they had to apologize to us so fuck apologizing to them. Fuck those misandric hypocrite bigots.